Scattered Thoughts. Rance A. Robeson Sr.

Scattered Thoughts - Rance A. Robeson Sr.

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are our shining knights of hope.

      The brave are at all accidents and fatalities, doing all they can, are a living reality with fortitude, power, desire, strong determination with obligation. As they toil and fight side by side to save lives, they are brothers who depend on each other for life and support. This is something learned or earned and not just taught; as they sweat and boldly fight devastation, they joust and do combat with the smut and grime, time after time. Death they defeat to rescue or save you or me, toiling through the night, until daylight, until a spark is not in sight. Then they exhaustively go back to the fire shack to prepare to do it again, because their job and hard work has no end; only on God and each other they depend, for both are necessity and friends.

      It’s not just their job; if you are observant, watchful, and smart, you know these brave men go hard, above, and beyond their part of the call of duty, for what they do and achieve are miracles and beauties as they toil, sweat, and brave these heroic men (who are unafraid). As they do more than save lives, they are as American as apple pie. With the creed of “Never say die,” you can see the courage in their eyes as they perform their trade on sunny or snowy days. May God continue to bless the brave, because they are always on center stage!

      When all of us are frightened and afraid; wherever there are people or animals in danger, desperately crying out to be saved; when tall buildings crash and cave, there you will find the brave knights of the golden order; life supporters who fight the good fight with all their strength and might, no matter the depth or height. They do what is Godly, noble, righteous, and right. Let us give praise to the unafraid, the brave! The world is a better place because of your dedication, hard work with grace. We go to bed at night feeling safe, knowing you are alert and on the case. You are a credit to yourself and the human race. Our hearts are engraved with the words of “God bless the brave, because they care, defend to no end and save!”


      As sure as tears flow from our eyes, and after death, we will not die; the truth never changes, only lies. We have an obligation to not bring hazards or devastation to our natural creation. The most beautiful two ladies I have ever met are the sunrise and sunset. They have no regrets. Their living beauty they never misuse or neglect. The life-giving falling rain rids me of stress and pain. The rain brings change; its living is not in vain.

      I love the aroma and smell of the living ocean and sea. It comforts me, sets me free, takes me to lovely places I love to be…cozy, softly, and gently. When my eyes look at creation, I am filled with jubilation, a happy sensation, elation, celebration, appreciation for living, and dwelling in a living paradise that is wonderful and nice, with blue skies, birds that fly, horses to ride; it fills me with pride. It is no surprise when we gaze and look in Mother Nature’s eyes that natural creation does not tell lies. Natural creation is an eternal beauty, like green grass, flowers and trees, sunny days with a magical, cool breeze.

      I cannot do anything else but feel happy and pleased, enchanted by the colorful rainbow and living things that grow and flow. The oceans, rivers, and lakes were not a mistake. Truly our Creator has given us a break, because creation is like a succulent sweet piece of cake. What were our Creator’s thoughts when he created a living jewel? A masterpiece that can never be sold or bought, but only appreciated like the beautiful waterfalls that are always on duty and call? What was the reason our Creator created the four seasons—winter, spring, summer, and fall? So enticing, one and all; tasteful vegetables, plants and fruits that have seeds and roots that make good meals and soups; hills, mountains, forests, jungles, deserts, and oases; beautiful happenings and places that put smiles on our faces…the ladybugs and earthworms, grasshoppers, and bees; rats, dogs, and cats; lions, tigers, bears, frogs, and bats; beavers, groundhogs, and fish in the sea—everything that has life, including you and me enjoys this natural beauty for free.

      Robins, owls, eagles, blue birds, rabbits, deer, and seagulls were not created with thoughts of bad taste or evil. All living creatures, including human beings, have a purpose, wants, and needs as sure as we breathe. We feel the need to achieve; creation feels so right; the moon and the stars at night shines bright; a beautiful sight. There is no debating that God’s creation that we see, feel, smell, and touch. We need and depend on these special gifts ever so much that were put into service by our Creator whom we trust. Our creator is good to us; long after death, far beyond us, returning back to the dirt and dust.

      God’s love is merciful, unprejudiced, open-minded, and just (to where it makes my heart beat and blush). The way creation looks at me, and her touch seduces me to a mental rush, an eternal crush, I can’t keep quiet or hush. The love we have and share will never age and rust, grow old or bust; but forever love and joy and trust. Creation is all about appreciation, duration, and celebration in our natural habitation! True jubilation…that wards off stress and frustration!

      We must take better care of its living existence and population or face untold devastation. Biblical disasters, condemnation, self-inflicted misery, shame, and degradation because we fail to take better care of God’s creation.


      I love to wake up early with you when the stars are still out; the air is still cool and fresh while the birds are still cuddling in their slumber and nests. No creatures are stirring but just getting their rest; we can see the heavens and sky so clearly from north, south, east, and west; the night is tired and worn right before the dawn. We embrace and silently stare out into space as we sit on the patio (or porch) gazing into the horizon and observing another beautiful day being born.

      When the night and day are still torn, everything seems so magically new, peaceful, gentle, and calm without evil, anger or scorn; while all of yesterday’s problems, headaches, or heartaches seem to have evaporated, disappeared, packed up and gone. The beauty of daybreak has no equal limits or bounds. If you listen closely to its mystic, erotic, and magical sounds with its uncommon natural beauty that will knock you down, it will make you feel like you want to hang around to watch the best show in town.

      It gives me chills and hives as we watch the moon go down and take a dive to witness this breathtaking event while I am healthy and still alive, because you will miss it when you no longer exist, and that’s no jive. As we look at each other, like we want to celebrate with a high five, we watch the stars go from stage front to the rear, then slowly disappear. At this moment, we are not feeling any malice, ill will, or fear; we are just thankful to be here. While all of our senses seem to be going wild, and we feel like we are intoxicated from good wine, alcohol, or beer; as we just enjoy the show and hold each other near as our ears start to ring, because the birds start to sing, we realize that today is still a mystery.

      For we do not know what it will bring, but the only thing that is presently on our minds is this magical, gentle moment and time while witnessing the first day of spring; and old man winter is no longer king. As the sun starts to rise and shine, today’s weather forecast and prediction is that it is going to be nice, sunny, and fine; as the trade winds and cool breezes blow where it derives from, we both do not know from which way it comes or goes, but it feels so good as it tingles on our face, ears, and nose.

      It is breathtaking to witness the beauty of Mother Nature so up close and personal as she strolls about her business, putting on a fashion show while making the earth look so all aglow. As the morning puts the night into tow, a new day is being awakened, cranked up, and ready to go. The springtime seems to be so daring, audacious, and bold. At the end of a long winter, cold, and snow, there is a sensuous mystic aura that seems to flow; everything—including the hours, minutes, and seconds—seems to go by and move so slowly in springtime.

      As the sun starts to climb and this poet starts writing down his poetic lyrics and rhymes to try to capture this tranquil, euphoric moment, and time that oozes and soothes the mind as the sun strives and seeks to reach its peak, making everything in the world seem so unique, the earth showcases her feminine beauty and mystique while the heat seems to tease the grass, flowers, and trees. While the birds, bees, and butterflies prepare to lift off, to take to the clear blue skies, we watch in awe and observe all of these beautiful things with our eyes that mesmerize and make us both feel happy and glad to be alive to witness all of these special gifts, eye candy, and living

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