Scattered Thoughts. Rance A. Robeson Sr.

Scattered Thoughts - Rance A. Robeson Sr.

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wings to fly. Rich men don’t rob banks, because they own them; for money will always get you the right connection (no matter your religion or complexion); so you will always have the law on your side. For protection, money (and plenty of it) is the American dream with whipped cream.

      Some things in this world remain the same and never change, like the sky is up and the ground is down. If you are poor, one thing that is for sure, you are considered out of bounds and cannot go to or patronize the best places in town. So people say that money is the root and cause of all evil, but the real perpetrator is where there is not any money; for the crime rate is always up where the people are bankrupt.

      Like in ancient Rome when the emperor, Nero, fiddled on his throne, there were sports heroes, haves and have-nots, gladiators, actors, philosophers, and writers; but if you were poor, you were ignored. Just as sure as a soldier’s shoulders are broad, you were more likely to feel the lion’s teeth and the sting of the sword. That was then and this still holds true now, warmongers, singers, adultery, prostitution, drugs, corruption and vices, and innocent people being falsely accused and condemned to death or for the rest of his or her life.

      As much as some things change but keep the same theme, some things are magical, wonderful, and beautiful, and some things are carried out by evil self-centered friends who are selfish, cruel, barbaric, and mean. The poor always get bashed and trashed; but if you are rich and have cash, you can buy a pass. There have been rich men who had big money and had slain their wives and legally got away with murder, because they had the money to pay. What does that say about justice and equality today? If you have money today, you can play, and if caught, you can get away; because money talks and bullshit walks. When it is your turn to go to court (because anyone or anything can be bought), some things never change, and some things (due to greed) will always be the same!


      Class is rare, someone or something with flair that is fair but as natural as the air. Class is about substance and style, going that extra mile, never coming out rude or foul, possessing wisdom, knowledge, and know-how. Class equals pizzazz with charm, never being alarmed, weathering life’s storms, something right that’s not wrong, always cool and calm. Class is not a luxury or commodity that can be purchased, sold, or bought but a special attitude, disposition, and behavior that should be sought, cultivated, and taught.

      Quality needs no apology; grace with class means you will never morally come in last, because people with human virtue, moral excellence with compassion, dignity with class, never carry themselves like a fool or ass. No matter how high or low, summer heat or winter snow, they find a way to overcome, grow and flow, never ever putting on a shameful, disrespectful show.

      Class is a quality and life that the world should recognize, identify, emulate, and know. A sophisticated gentleman or lady who is never grimy, rude, or shady, who carry themselves like an all-pro with a smile and style, who never come out buck wild. Class is the opposite of trash. People with class always get a pass; someone well-groomed who does not carry themselves like a buffoon, clown, or cartoon but always evolves, blossoms, and blooms under the sun, stars, and moon; someone who knows how to articulate, communicate, stimulate; debonair, cool, suave, carefree about the way they live, love, laugh, and play. Their swagger, intelligence, thoughts walk or sashay.

      Class is smooth, cool, the way they think and move. Class is genuine, hard to find, always in its prime, a gift from the Holy Divine, never a charade, always on display and parades, masterfully tailor-made, an original whose attention everyone craves. Class brings joy, happiness, compassion, and happy days, knowing how to behave; sometimes as tough as leather or sweet as lemonade; being yourself, calm and brave, given only to a few who know what to say and do.

      Class is a dignified virtue that can never hurt you once you have and possess class. Class will never leave or desert you. Class is not behavior like an untamed human, a dirtbag exempt from decency who always comes in last.


      Kings, queens, and pharaohs are not the only ones who choose to wear fine apparel. Always look your best; be obsessed; stick out your chest; never rest. Why not be decked out, dolled up?

      Drape in dress; never settle for less. The humble essence of being blessed is the love you show and caress for yourself. Flashing fashion should be everlasting; live sporty, be cool, be a living jewel. Let good; hygiene and fashion rule. Who said stars only illuminate or shine bright at night? I guess he or she has never witnessed or seen a human meteorite (who is clean and beams in flight), who has his or her priorities together and right, because their game is tight. Their image is a gorgeous, brilliant, magnificent, delightful sight. As sure as the Scottish wear kilts, clothes don’t make a man or woman (but they help). Self-invest; put rich apparel on your flesh, dress to impress. In life, you should always look your best, for it can lead to success.

      When you dress, it could determine joy, rejection, or happiness. The way we present ourselves or dress projects an image of being well-kept or it detects neglect, self-disrespect, a human wreck (for what you see is what you get). Live your dream with self-esteem. Why not shine and beam? Be neat and clean. No one is shocked by the beauty of a lovely peacock strutting around so proud, walking like he is on a cloud in his distinguished attire and fine ware. The reason why he looks so good is because he loves himself like he should or cares.

      Like a peacock, you should walk on air; you should mesmerize, hypnotize, penetrate, radiate, look great for yourself and your mate or date. You should look like prime steak on their plate, so attractive and fine to match that red wine where they can proudly say, “Keep away, world, because this one is mine.” Forget the stash; you don’t have to have a lot of cash to look your best with style and class.

      So have a blast; you are worth that and more, for sure, for self-love is the law. You have the right to shine, fly, and soar. “Be kind to you” is the first lesson you should learn to do. Treat yourself, don’t cheat yourself, for you are worth more than gold, your sweet smile, personality, and your eternal soul. So let self-pride take control. Some folks will look at you as less by the way you carry yourself or by the lack of good hygiene and dress. Life here on earth is short, so always shine to make yourself joyful and happy. So why not look fine to have peace of mind? For we are only here for a short time.

      Why look like you don’t care, looking like you are in decline, stuck in the grime, like you don’t have a nickel or dime? Learn to love yourself, for the world is not based on riches and wealth but how you treat others and yourself. When you love yourself, it shows; and when you don’t, it shows even more. It should be human nature and the law. You should always look like you are on vacation or tour. Why not pass the test? Self-invest; look good and dressed.

      Some folks, the only time they have looked their best is when they were laid to rest. In their casket is the only time they have dressed. Why walk around looking like a dirty, unkempt mess when you can look your best when dressed with zest? Instead of looking like a tattered, raggedy, human tragedy (when you can be your own personal celebrity as long as you have life with longevity), you can be chic, debonair, with flair and swagger (for a small fee). Looks like you are still in your prime; so draw the line, for we are only here for a short time.

      Why be misunderstood when you can look good in or out of the neighborhood? So you will look back and say, “I should have gone to Hollywood.” When you style, smile, and profile in attire and dress, the world can only tell you, “Yes!” Because you represent yourself as the very best, filled with pride because of the beauty that resides on the outside that is just a reflection of how you feel on the inside…the luster and glow of the sunrise.

      Give to yourself a prize due to your inner and outer beauty that can never be denied that chooses not to hide how you are feeling. The love for you should have no ceiling.

      Starting Today

      Early today, I heard a wise man and woman say (in a gentle way) we can mold and shape the world, make it better for every man, woman, boy, and girl if we are willing to give love, mercy, and peace a twirl. Let the gift of love unfurl. Peace begins with a smile. For a fellow human being, we must be willing to go that extra

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