Microgrid Technologies. Группа авторов

Microgrid Technologies - Группа авторов

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      The proposed method is an application for generating stations. In this research work, thermal generating stations considered as it has the highest installed capacity in India [3]. Due to the grid disturbance, a generating station, usually, experiences shortfall of power for running auxiliaries. This difficulty is overcome by using the energy from the sub-system. However, the stable operation of the sub-system is also an issue of concern when it has a renewable, nature dependent source. The use of fuel cells can provide an uninterrupted and stable power supply if installed with proper electronic converters.

Schematic illustration of a proposed system. Schematic illustration of the proposed system without grid connection.

      2.5.1 Active GUPFC Control System

      1 Power control mode: The shunt converter mainly controls reactive power (VAR) in the system. The reactive power demand decides the gate pulse of the converter, which allows current to flow. Continuous feedback closed-looped system ensures the desired current injection in the system.

      2 Voltage control mode: With the help of the droop control method, the voltage regulation can be made automatically at the point of connection with reactive current regulation. Series Converter

      Considering power demand calculation as:



      p = Active power demand

      q = Reactive power demand

Schematic illustration of the basic control of series compensator logic.
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