Microgrid Technologies. Группа авторов

Microgrid Technologies - Группа авторов

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and v2 = Input voltage

      iα and iβ = Correction component.

      The injected voltage angle can be calculated:

      (2.16)image Shunt Converter

      Considering transformer admittance and bus volt age is Vδ. The power injected using STATCOM can be shown to be [1]:




      k = constant based on type of inverter (for six pulse converter and Vdcα is veriable input voltage for transformer.

Schematic illustration of the basic control of shunt compensator logic.

      The simulation study of active GUPFC system is carried out using MATLAB Simulink platform. MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is a multioptional numerical computing environment and programming language. It is developed by MathWorks Inc. MATLAB allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces and interfacing with programs written in other languages, including C, C++, Java, Fortran and Python. An additional package, Simulink, adds graphical multi-domain simulation and Model-Based Design for dynamic and embedded systems. The simulations carried out with the following conditions and assumptions:

      1 Hardware: Intel Core i5 2,450 M CPU, 2.5 GHz, 4 GB RAM with Win 7, 64 bit OS.

      2 Software: MATLAB Simulink ( 2010a release

      3 Simulation time: 3.00 s

      4 Simulation solver: ode23tb (stiff/TR-BDF2)

      5 Simulation type: Variable step

      6 Simulation relative tolerance: 1e−3: 0.001

      2.5.3 Simulation of Active GUPFC With IEEE 9 Bus Test System

Schematic illustration of a simplified test system (a) with grid connection. Schematic illustration of a simplified test system (b) without grid connection.
S. No. Time (s) Event
1 0.00 Start
2 1.00 Fault on A and B phases
3 1.02 CB opens (disconnect sub-system from main system)
4 1.50 Fault Clear
5 1.52 CB close (connects sub-system to main system)
6 2.00 Fault on B and C phases
7 2.02 CB opens (disconnect sub-system from main system)
8 2.50 Fault Clear
9 2.52 CB close (connects sub-system to main system)
10 3.00 End

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