Microgrid Technologies. Группа авторов

Microgrid Technologies - Группа авторов

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to intentional islanding is seen at the instant of 1.0 s. After the occurrence of fault at 1.02 s generator at bus number 3 and load at the bus no. 5 get islanded from the main system. During islanding conditions (i.e. between 1.02 and 1.5 s), the load voltage rises to 1.25 pu. The load voltage becomes normal to 1.0 pu when the islanded part of the system reconnected with the main system at 1.5 s and remains at 1.0 pu till t = 2.0 s.

Schematic illustration of IEEE 9 bus test system MATLAB simulation model.

      During the single-phase to ground fault (i.e. between 2.0 and 2.5 s), the load voltage rises to 1.25 pu due to the intentional islanding of the generator at the bus no. 3 and load at the bus no. 5. The voltage profile improves due to the islanding of a balanced system. Test Case: 2—Without GUPFC and With Fuel Cell

Schematic illustration of load voltage profile in test case-2. Test Case: 3—With GUPFC and Without Fuel Cell

Schematic illustration of load voltage profile in test case-3.

      The load voltage again rises to 1.1 pu and remains constant during the single-phase to ground fault (i.e. during 2.0 to 2.5 s) with a brief switching spike at the instant of 2.0 s. After clearing of the fault, the load voltage becomes normalized to 1 pu. Test Case: 5—With Active GUPFC

Schematic illustration of load voltage profile in test case-4.

      By examining different test cases, it can be seen that load voltage remains constant with active GUPFC. The percentage load voltage deviation from the rated load voltage calculated as:


      The observations are listed below:

      1 The system without GUPFC and without fuel cell shows maximum percentage deviation of load voltage under the non-islanding condition and intentional islanding connection with rated load voltage of 1 pu. It observed that the percentage variation in intentional islanding conditions is less than that of non-islanded conditions.

      2 The

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