candy for extremists / honig für extremisten. holger sasum

candy for extremists / honig für extremisten - holger sasum

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der einen hand

      zum beispiel eine stoppuhr in der anderen

      und spielt die szene so

      als würdet ihr euch suchen

      ich bin jack

      ich schwimme

      in einer flüssigkeit deiner wahl

      in deinem hemd

      wenn ich dies hemd verliere

      bin ich verloren

      schon wieder

      in einer besonderen flüssigkeit in deinem hirn

      die man ablassen kann

      für trabende pferde

      und mich

      die flut deiner wahl

      an der ecke der umarmung

      fallhöhe geteilt durch aufprall

      van der falke

      mit messerscharfen augen

      folge mir

      ins falls-land

      rape yeah!

      i go for a walk with a bunch of balloons in my hand

      with open eyes and eyes in space

      i say yes

      yes like a swing door

      light like a trapdoor

      i walk in streets that make me fly

      and streets that make me fall

      i walk on a line by a slope

      or along the coast

      for days

      then a few steps up

      looking for food

      for the way back

      straight home or straight to hell

      i'm moving on without complaint

      with swinging eyes doing splits with the spook

      i run

      directly into the arms of a horde of rapists with their face

      in my face and their hands between my legs

      so I start babbling trying to sugarcoat the situation

      with the words of a song you might have heard before

      about someone walking on the path of luck for a long time then

      suddenly meeting some kind of demon leading to the center of

      some kind of cursed place

      have you ever run into an open casket before

      at the end of november

      as the sun goes down

      and the fog moving smoothly

      over the roof of your farm

      this is not drug-soaked lolli-licking

      this is rape yeah

      it comes together

      what belongs together

      bad surprises and the bag in which we carry them along

      the pig in us

      just like our face

      is being cherished fed

      and led out of the stall eventually

      so if you step into your grave remember

      think quick about new dimensions of space

      if you want to get away

      in respect for new strategies

      doing splits with the spook


      but wait

      for now

      don't move

      they grab me by the arms and push me up some stairs


      I want to talk

      I came up the many steps to say yeah

      yeah like a swing door

      like my tongue hanging out

      when every further word i say

      is only speeding up an already spinning trailer in a curve

      when i am being threatened with a knife

      i sing praise and say yeah

      light like a trapdoor

      i am either wide open or trapped

      only two knifes in my own pockets

      and the extended version of a song you might

      have heard before

      rape is as real as the theme you chose for your poetry

      a moment of decision

      that is either shock fronted

      or pushing the shock

      a matter nicely organized

      or happening rather on the spot

      either you scream

      “in your case it is not a matter of who you are

      only why”

      or you whisper

      “who are you

      where do you come from

      what do you want”

      rapists you know

      it comes together

      what belongs together

      come here

      I too have been trying to get close to you ever since I

      thought my

      first thought honestly

      without you I can't be and I say

      enough of the talking

      it's hot

      you are hot

      I'm now going to take off my clothes

      get ready

      between paying a toll and knocking you out

      I confess my love to the language you know

      do you mind my smoking

      I trade courtesy for your silence

      come near

      and wrap it up

      between knocking you out or running away

      I sing praise instead of running

      I start babbling trying to get out of the situation

      and here comes the song again

      about someone just crossing the road and suddenly has a face

      in the face and hands between the legs

      between flight and fight you can still black out or distract

      your enemy with ordinary delight

      just say “oops

      I think I have forgotten to turn off the gas at home”

      or “one moment please, I think I have to throw up”

      and get out of there

      but this is not a debate topped with nodding in daylight

      this is rape already one step ahead of the escape route

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