Talking to the Devil: an interview from the Other Side. Boris Shabrin

Talking to the Devil: an interview from the Other Side - Boris Shabrin

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lking to the Devil: an interview from the Other Side

      Boris Shabrin

      © Boris Shabrin, 2023

      ISBN 978-5-0060-9468-0

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Instead of a preface

      As a magician, I have always been interested in exploring the nature of good and evil. And what better way to do that than to summon the very embodiment of evil, Lucifer. I had read about this infamous demon in various religious texts, but now I had the opportunity to talk to him directly.

      As we began our “interview,” I couldn’t shake the feeling of dread. After all, I would be talking to one of the most powerful beings in the universe. But I reminded myself that I am a professional and must remain calm and collected.

      …The Demon Summoning spell given to me by the Order of the Dark Apex worked! He stood before me in the flesh.

      Lucifer was as beautiful as the very manifestation of temptation. His wings were black and shiny, and his eyes sparkled like amber. I felt that he was penetrating my soul and knew every secret of it.

      He asked me why I summoned him, and I told him that I wanted to study the nature of good and evil in order to become more powerful. Lucifer grinned and said that it was a dangerous path, but that he could help me. But on one condition-I would publish whatever he told me in the course of the conversation.

      He offered me a deal: he would give me the answers to all my questions that I craved, but in return I would have to tell his story. I couldn’t refuse such an offer, but I wasn’t sure I was ready to accept his terms.

      Lucifer understood my doubts and told me I could refuse the deal, but then I would lose my chance to get the answers I needed. I felt I couldn’t refuse-and so I accepted.

      Even afterwards, listening to Lucifer’s answers, I couldn’t help feeling uneasy. His words were convincing, and I understood why so many people were drawn to him. But I also knew that he was evil incarnate, and that his ultimate goal was to lead people down the path of destruction.

      When another batch of interviews came to an end, I thanked Lucifer for his time and insight. I had come face to face with the very essence of evil in my conversation with him, and I could not let his words cloud my judgment.

      I decided to use my experience to help other people distinguish between good and evil and make good decisions. I began giving lectures and training courses to share my knowledge and experience with those who want to use magic for good.

      I understood that magic is not a toy, and that it can cause pain and suffering if used incorrectly. I wanted to help people understand that with great power comes great responsibility, and that magic should only be used to protect and help.

      I also began to work on my own abilities, and I became more powerful every day. But I never forgot my obligations to other people and always remembered that my power was a tool to help and protect.

      Thus, I realized that magic is not just a collection of spells and techniques, but a way of life and a philosophy. And I was willing to go that route, even if it meant giving up my own desires and ambitions.

      I knew that my path was going to be difficult, but I was up for the challenge. And I was confident that if I stayed true to my principles, I could achieve everything I needed to and help others in the process. But were people ready…for that kind of knowledge?


      Fose: Greetings, Lucifer. Thank you for coming to my call and for taking the time to talk to me.

      Lucifer: It’s my pleasure, Fose. It’s not often I get called out of hell for an interview.

      Fose: Would you please introduce yourself to our readers?

      Lucifer: Of course. I am Lucifer, also known as the Devil or Satan. I am a fallen angel expelled from Heaven for rebelling against God.

      Fose: Many people believe that you are evil and that you work to harm humanity. Is this true?

      Lucifer: That depends on how you understand the word “harm. I don’t seek to physically harm people, but rather manipulate their perception of reality. I create illusions that feed their desires and lead them away from the truth.

      Fose: Can you give us an example of how you manipulate human perception?

      Lucifer: Of course. I often use the power of suggestion to influence people’s thoughts and actions. I can plant ideas in their minds and make them believe things that are not true. For example, I can suggest to a person that they deserve to have more money and possessions than they have now, even if they have to lie, cheat or steal to do so. This feeds their greed and makes them more vulnerable to my influence.

      Fose: Why are you doing this? What is your ultimate goal?

      Lucifer: My ultimate goal is to lead people away from God to their own selfish desires. I want them to worship themselves rather than a higher power. I create illusions that make them believe they are in control of their destiny, when in fact they are on the road to destruction.

      Fose: Is there any way for people to resist your influence and see through your illusions?

      Lucifer: It is possible, but it is not easy. People must be willing to question their desires and beliefs and seek the truth. They must be willing to look beyond the illusions I create and see reality for what it really is. Unfortunately, many people are too blinded by their desires to do this.

      Remember, the biggest trick I ever pulled was convincing the world that I didn’t exist.


      The dialogue with the demon below only appears at the end of PART 1 of the book. I bring it even before I start, so that you have time to prepare and not believe the Demon’s words. This dialogue reveals the true face of Lucifer.

      Yes, there are a lot of useful, interesting and important things a demon says in an interview. But BEWARE! The Prince of Darkness is famous for his ability to pick up the key to any heart!


      Fose: I feel that throughout our conversation, you’ve been promoting the idea that we should choose good. But you’re a Demon, so you should be encouraging evil. Shouldn’t you?

      Lucifer: My dear Fose, you don’t understand duality. When I encourage good, I automatically increase evil. It is simply a law of nature.

      Fose: Why then not just promote evil in this interview?

      Lucifer: In your world it is forbidden to speak openly about the promotion of evil, so I am forced to communicate in this way. But even so I can make my point. What’s more, it’s a good PR move that will generate interest in my views.

      Fose: So you’ll promote good, but you’ll have evil in your mind?

      Lucifer: Exactly. And it will allow me to get my ideas across to people. And most importantly, that the book that we create will capture in people’s hearts the importance of evil as equal to good. It’s not what I say that matters, but how I say it.

      Fose: I recognize your plan, Lucifer. Aren’t you worried that I’m going to cancel the publication of this book?

      Lucifer: I’m not worried at all. I have studied your nature, and I am sure that you will not be able to refuse such valuable material. Besides, you know that this book will be useful and interesting to your students at the School of Magic. And thanks to their knowledge, they will be able to safely use the knowledge they have learned in this book. And as for the profane who might read this book by accident, you don’t care about them, do you? Be honest.

      Fose: I don’t want to answer that question.

      Lucifer: No one and no one cares about anyone. Everyone wants to do good, first of all, to themselves. And only after that to others, if there is still that good for others. After all, we all think of ourselves first. And

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