Talking to the Devil: an interview from the Other Side. Boris Shabrin

Talking to the Devil: an interview from the Other Side - Boris Shabrin

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are interdependent?

      Lucifer: Of course, my dear Fose. Let me give you an example that will help illustrate the interdependence of good and evil.

      Consider a war between two states where each side believes their cause is just and righteous. From one side’s point of view, its actions can be seen as good, while the actions of the other side can be seen as evil. However, without the existence of the other side, the concept of good would be meaningless.

      In other words, the good that one side fights for depends on the evil of the other side. If both sides were fighting for the same cause, there would be no conflict, and the concept of good and evil would cease to exist.

      Another example can be seen in the balance of nature. While we may think of natural disasters such as earthquakes or hurricanes as evil, they serve the important purpose of maintaining the ecological balance of the planet. Without these destructive forces, the planet might become overpopulated and resources scarce, ultimately leading to more evil.

      Thus, the interdependence of good and evil is necessary to maintain a balance in the world. Without the existence of one, the other would lose meaning and purpose.

      Fose: That’s an interesting point of view. But why is good and evil so essential to the balance of the universe?

      Lucifer: Because they serve as complementary and opposing forces that keep everything in check.

      Good represents positive, constructive and beneficial actions that promote growth, happiness and well-being. Evil, on the other hand, represents negative, destructive and harmful actions that cause suffering, pain and chaos. Both are necessary because they offer different perspectives and challenges that compel one to grow, learn and evolve.

      Without evil, there would be no appreciation for the good, no sense of the need to act, and no motivation to overcome difficulties. Similarly, without good, life would be meaningless, joyless, and full of despair. Both good and evil are necessary to create a world of balance where light and darkness exist in harmony.

      In addition, the existence of evil is a test of character and morality. It is easy to do good when things are going well, but when faced with hardship or temptation, it is much harder to do the right thing. Evil acts as a catalyst for growth, testing and strengthening the willpower and fortitude of people who choose to resist its temptations.

      In general, good and evil are essential to the balance of the universe because they provide the basis for growth and evolution. They serve as complementary and opposing forces that motivate people to learn, grow, and overcome difficulties. Without them, the world would be without balance, meaning and purpose.

      Fose: So you think that evil is necessary for our growth and development?

      Lucifer: Yes, my dear Phoese. Evil is necessary for growth and development because it serves as a powerful catalyst for change and evolution.

      Think of it this way: without trials and hardships, we would never get out of our comfort zone and face our weaknesses. We would remain stagnant, complacent, and unable to reach our full potential. Evil serves as a wake-up call, reminding us that life is not always fair and that we must work hard to overcome obstacles.

      In addition, evil can teach us valuable lessons about empathy, compassion, and forgiveness. When confronted with evil, we have a choice: respond with hatred and anger or with understanding and kindness. By choosing the latter, we can learn to empathize with and forgive those who have hurt us, which can lead to personal growth and healing.

      Of course, I am not advocating the promotion of evil or the commission of immoral acts. However, it is important to recognize that evil exists and that it can serve as a powerful tool for growth and development. By accepting the challenges that evil poses to us, we can become stronger, wiser and more resilient human beings.

      Fose: Can individuals actively promote a balance between good and evil?

      Lucifer: Yes. It all starts with personal responsibility and the realization that our actions and choices have a direct impact on the world around us.

      One way to maintain balance is to strive to live virtuously and morally. This means making a conscious effort to do good and avoid evil in our thoughts, words, and actions. We must be mindful of the impact our choices have on others and strive to act in ways that promote harmony, love, and compassion.

      Another way to maintain balance is to be aware of the role that evil plays in our lives and in the world. We must acknowledge its presence and be vigilant against its temptations. This means being aware of our own weaknesses and vulnerabilities as well as the negative influences and distractions that can lead us astray.

      Finally, we can maintain balance by actively seeking opportunities to do good and make a positive impact on the world. This can be as simple as volunteering our time and resources to help others, or as complex as working for social and political change.

      Ultimately, achieving a balance between good and evil requires a conscious effort and a desire to live honestly and purposefully. It means a willingness to acknowledge our limitations and weaknesses and to strive to overcome them. Through dedication and perseverance, we can all contribute to creating a world of balance and harmony.

      It is important to remember that good and evil are deeply interconnected, and both play an important role in the balance of the universe.

      Fose: That’s a compelling point, Lucifer. Thank you for sharing it with me.

      Lucifer: You’re welcome, Fose. It was my pleasure to talk about it. As a demon, I’ve seen the effects of evil firsthand, and I think it’s important for people to understand its true nature and how it operates in the world. By gaining a deeper understanding of the forces at work in our world, we will be better able to navigate the difficulties and temptations we all face and hopefully make choices consistent with our deepest values and beliefs.

      Lucifer, the infamous demon from hell, spoke with a commanding presence and deep understanding of the universe. He explained that evil is not a phenomenon that can be traced to a single event or cause. Rather, it is part and parcel of the natural order of things, coexisting with good and other opposing forces.

      As a magician, I found this viewpoint both fascinating and frightening. On the one hand, it was intriguing to consider the possibility that evil could serve a higher purpose, causing people to grow and evolve morally. But on the other hand, the idea that demons like Lucifer were actively trying to use this power for their own malevolent purposes was deeply disturbing.

      Throughout our interview, Lucifer made no secret of his predilection for evil. He saw it as a source of strength and energy, and he enjoyed tempting and corrupting those who were weak or vulnerable. It was a stark reminder that while some beings may view evil as a necessary balance of good, others may actively seek to exploit it for their own selfish ends.

      The concept of evil was not simple, and the consequences of its existence were far-reaching and complex. But perhaps this is why it is so important to continue to explore this subject, to ask the hard questions, and to seek a deeper understanding of the forces that shape our world. I continued our communication.

      Chapter 2. The role of choice

      The concept of evil

      Fose: You, Lucifer, are one of the most famous and discussed demons in history, and I’m very happy to be able to talk to you. Could you share your understanding of the concept of evil?

      Lucifer: Of course. Evil is a term that has been used throughout human history to describe a force that is destructive and harmful. Many people see it as a kind of moral decay that can harm individuals and society as a whole.

      Fose: This is a very interesting point of view. How do you think different cultures and belief systems interpret the concept of evil?

      Lucifer: Well, that’s a complicated question. Different cultures and belief systems have their own interpretations

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