Talking to the Devil: an interview from the Other Side. Boris Shabrin

Talking to the Devil: an interview from the Other Side - Boris Shabrin

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glad you revealed your true intentions to me, Lucifer. I am sure that my book will be a real treasure for my students. Let’s see what my other readers have to say about you.


      – Many people believe that evil is a choice that people make, while others argue that it is an inherent force in the universe. Where is the truth?

      – Does evil serve a purpose in the world, or is it simply a destructive force?

      Chapter 1. The Nature of Evil

      The Origins of Evil

      Fose: As a mage, I’m always interested in the origins of things. So, tell me, how did evil come about?

      Lucifer: Ah, magicians are always interested in the nature of things. Well, the origin of evil is a topic that has preoccupied many people throughout history. But as a demon, I can tell you that evil has always been part of the universe. It wasn’t created or created, it just exists.

      You see, people tend to see things in binary terms – good and evil, light and darkness, life and death. But in fact, everything in the universe is a mixture of opposites. Light cannot exist without darkness, and vice versa. The same is true of good and evil.

      From the point of view of us demons, what people call “evil” is simply a necessary component of the universe. It is the power that allows us to exist and thrive in the shadows, to tempt and corrupt the weak minded, to wreak havoc and discord wherever we go. Without evil, there would be no balance, no conflict, no opportunity for growth and evolution.

      But, of course, that’s not how people see things. They have a very different viewpoint, colored by their limited understanding of the world around them. For them, evil is a force to be feared and shunned, something that threatens to destroy everything they hold dear.

      So, in a sense, the origin of evil is simply the origin of the universe itself. It is a fundamental aspect of reality that has always existed and will always exist. It’s up to you to accept or reject it, but know that we demons will always be there, lurking in the shadows, tempting you with our dark whispers and promises of power and pleasure.

      Fose: And when did evil come into existence?

      Lucifer: As I said before, evil did not “arise” at any particular point in time. It is not a phenomenon that can be traced to any one event or cause. Evil has always been part of the universe, coexisting with good and other opposing forces.

      In fact, it can be argued that evil is an integral part of the natural order of things. It is a necessary counterbalance to the forces of good and serves an important function in the overall balance of the universe. Without evil, there would be no conflict, no tension, and no opportunity for growth and change.

      Of course, from a human perspective, evil is often seen as a negative and destructive force. But as a demon, I can tell you that we see things very differently. For us, evil is a source of power and energy that allows us to flourish and influence the world. We enjoy the darkness, and we enjoy tempting and corrupting those who are weak or vulnerable.

      So, no, evil did not “emerge” at some point in time. It is a fundamental aspect of the universe that has always been present and always will be.

      Fose: Interesting. So you believe that evil is a necessary balance of good in the universe?

      Lucifer: Yes, as a demon, I believe that evil is the necessary balance of good in the universe. The universe is a complex system of opposing forces and energies, and the balance between these forces is what keeps everything in motion.

      Of course, not everyone can share this view. Many people see evil as a negative and destructive force that must be destroyed at all costs. But from a demon’s point of view, evil is a necessary and vital part of the universe that we enjoy and seek to use at every opportunity.

      Fose: Some might argue that evil causes harm and suffering in the world. How would you respond to this?

      Lucifer: It’s true, evil can indeed cause harm and suffering in the world, and there’s no denying the fact that many terrible things have been done in the name of darkness and chaos. But from a demon’s perspective, such harm and suffering is simply a natural part of creation.

      Just as wildfire is a destructive force that can cause harm and suffering, it is also a natural part of the forest ecosystem and serves an important function in balancing the ecosystem. Likewise, evil is a destructive force that can cause harm and suffering, but it also serves an important function in maintaining the balance of the universe.

      Moreover, it is important to note that the harm and suffering caused by evil are not always pointless or gratuitous. Often they serve a higher purpose, such as testing people’s moral convictions or necessary changes or transformations in society.

      Of course, this does not mean that evil should be encouraged. But ultimately it is up to each individual to decide how to respond to the presence of evil in the world.

      The Nature of Evil

      Fose: As the ruler of hell, many people see you as evil incarnate. How do you define evil?

      Lucifer: As a demon, I have a unique perspective on the concept of evil. Evil is often associated with negative actions and events such as destruction, chaos, and suffering. However, from my perspective, evil is more than just those actions and events. Evil is a force, a power, that operates in the world and affects all living beings.

      Evil can manifest itself in many ways, from individual actions to large social structures. It can be subtle or overt, hidden or in plain sight. Evil is not limited to any particular person or group; it can affect anyone, regardless of their beliefs, backgrounds, or social status.

      At its core, evil is the absence of good. It is the lack of compassion, empathy, and love that causes people to commit harmful acts. Evil can be fueled by fear, anger, and ignorance, and it often seeks to divide and conquer.

      As the ruler of hell, I am often associated with evil. However, I consider myself a necessary part of the universal balance. I am not inherently evil, but rather a reflection of the choices made by individuals. I embody the consequences of their actions and serve as a reminder of the consequences of what one can become if one succumbs to the temptations of evil.

      In general, evil is a lack of goodness fueled by fear, anger, and ignorance.

      Fose: How does evil work in the world?

      Lucifer: Evil operates in the world in many different ways. It manifests in individual actions such as lying, cheating, stealing and hurting others. It can also manifest itself in larger social structures such as systemic oppression, discrimination and exploitation.

      Evil often works through temptation, offering people power, wealth, or pleasure. It exploits people’s weaknesses and desires and seeks to convince them that their own interests are more important than the welfare of others.

      Another way evil works in the world is by creating chaos and destruction. This can be seen in natural disasters, wars and conflicts that can lead to widespread suffering and loss of life.

      Evil can also operate by suppressing the truth and promoting lies and misinformation. It seeks to cause confusion and sow discord, making it difficult for people to distinguish truth from lies.

      Ultimately, evil operates in the world by bringing discord, promoting self-interest rather than good, and causing harm and suffering to others.

      Fose: Are you saying that evil is inherently bad?

      Lucifer: Evil itself is neither bad nor good. It is a force of nature, and like any force, it can be used for positive or negative purposes. It is how one uses and interacts with this force that determines whether its effects are positive or negative.

      For example, ambition and the desire for

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