Talking to the Devil: an interview from the Other Side. Boris Shabrin

Talking to the Devil: an interview from the Other Side - Boris Shabrin

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peaked between 1346 and 1353, with repeated outbreaks continuing into the 19th century. According to various estimates, the disease killed from 30% to 60% of Europe’s population]. It was one of the most devastating pandemics in history, killing millions. But it was also a catalyst for change. It brought about the end of feudalism and paved the way for the Renaissance. The suffering caused by the Black Death inspired people to question the world around them, and it led to some of the most significant advances in science and the arts.

      Fose: I wonder… Do you believe that there is any way to defeat evil?

      Lucifer: No, I don’t believe that.

      The Role of Evil

      Fose: First I want to ask you about the role of evil in the universe. Many people see you as the embodiment of evil, but I believe there is more to your story than that. Could you share your interpretation of why the role of evil is so important?

      Lucifer: Evil can be a catalyst for growth and change. It makes people question their beliefs, values and priorities. It pushes them to their limits and forces them to confront their fears and weaknesses.

      Fose: Some might argue that this is a dangerous way of thinking, that evil should be eradicated rather than supported. What would you say to such people?

      Lucifer: I understand their fears, but… Evil will always exist in one form or another. Trying to suppress it completely would be like trying to suppress the tides or the winds. That would be impossible, and it would create a whole host of problems. Instead, we should seek to understand evil, learn from it, and use it to better ourselves.

      Fose: You seem to believe that evil has a purpose, that it is not just to be feared or avoided.

      Lucifer: Exactly right. Evil is a powerful force, but it is not inherently good or bad. It’s all about how you use it. Just as fire can be used for cooking or burning down a house, so evil can be used for destruction or for growth and transformation. It is up to each person to decide what effect they want to have on the world.

      Fose: Well, that’s an interesting point of view, Lucifer. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me.

      Lucifer: It is always a pleasure to discuss the nature of humanity with someone who is open to different points of view.

      Chapter 3. Consequences of the choice

      Understanding the Power of Choice

      Fose: I would like to discuss the power of human choice and its impact on life. How do you look at this concept?

      Lucifer: The power of human choice is something I am very familiar with. After all, it was choice that brought me to where I am today. People have the freedom to choose their path, and that is a power not to be taken lightly.

      Fose: Could you tell us more about that?

      Lucifer: Of course. Every choice a person makes has consequences, both positive and negative. For example, choosing a profession one is passionate about can lead to success and happiness, while choosing destructive behavior can lead to pain and suffering.

      Fose: Do you believe that people have complete control over their choices and their outcomes?

      Lucifer: People have free will, which means that they are able to choose their own path. However, there are always external factors that can influence their decisions. Ultimately, the individual is responsible for his or her own choices and their consequences.

      Fose: Can you give us an example of how this manifests itself in the human experience?

      Lucifer: Sure. Let’s look at the example of addiction. Someone who is addicted to drugs or alcohol may have initially decided to try them, but as their addiction grows, their ability to make rational choices deteriorates. They may continue to use drugs despite negative consequences, such as losing their job, home, or family.

      Fose: How can someone who made the wrong choice in the past change his path?

      Lucifer: It’s never too late to change something. Every moment is an opportunity to make a different choice. However, it is important to understand that changing your path may require sacrifice and hard work. It is also important to acknowledge and take responsibility for past mistakes rather than blaming external factors or making excuses.

      Fose: Is there any final advice you would give people when it comes to their choices?

      Lucifer: I would advise people to use their free will and make conscious, deliberate choices that are consistent with their values and goals. Remember that every choice has consequences, and the responsibility for those consequences lies with the individual. Choose wisely!

      Accepting Evil

      Fose: Thank you for coming, Lucifer. I know it must not have been easy for you to leave hell.

      Lucifer: It’s not often that I get to leave the depths of hell and talk to people.

      Fose: I’d like to talk to you about the attraction of evil. It seems that some people are attracted to it, and they willingly accept it. Why do you think that is?

      Lucifer: Well, people are complex creatures. They are capable of great good and great evil. The lure of evil is often associated with the desire for power, wealth, and success. These things can be obtained by using the darker sides of one’s nature, but there is always a price to pay.

      Fose: What is that price?

      Lucifer: The price of accepting evil is the loss of one’s soul. When a person chooses to indulge his dark impulses, he gives up part of himself. It is a bargain with the devil-you can get what you want, but in the end you have to pay for it.

      Fose: What about the idea that evil can bring success? Do you believe this to be true?

      Lucifer: Yes, it can. Evil can be a powerful tool to achieve one’s goals. But, again, there is a price to pay. Those who embrace evil may be isolated, feared and hated. They may succeed in the short term, but in the long term their actions will catch up with themselves. I have seen this kind of thing happen many times.

      Fose: So you mean to say that the attraction of evil is ultimately a trap?

      Lucifer: Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying. Evil promises power, wealth, and success, but brings only pain and suffering. Those who choose to accept it may gain everything they ever wanted, but in doing so they will lose themselves.

      Fose: Is there any way for someone who has accepted evil to redeem himself?

      Lucifer: It is possible, but it is not easy. Redemption requires a willingness to admit your past mistakes and make amends. It requires a willingness to sacrifice and do what is right, even if it means giving up everything you have gained through evil.

      Fose: What about those who have not yet accepted evil? What advice would you give them?

      Lucifer: I would advise against the temptation to evil. It may seem like an easy path to success, but it’s a trap. Instead, focus on doing what is right and building meaningful relationships with others. After all, that’s what really matters.

      Suffering the consequences

      Fose: Lucifer. Let’s get right to the point. Can you explain how choosing the side of evil ultimately leads to suffering?

      Lucifer: Of course, Fose. Choosing evil can have immediate consequences, such as physical harm or emotional pain inflicted on others. But even if one avoids the immediate consequences, one will still experience suffering in the long run. This is because the dark side’s choices run counter to one’s innate sense of morality and decency. They can cause guilt, shame, and regret, which can destroy a person’s happiness and sense of self-worth.

      Fose: Can you give us an example of this kind of suffering?

      Lucifer: Sure. Suppose someone had stolen something. They may feel a temporary rush of excitement or satisfaction, but later

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