Everyday English. Anthony Ikechukwu Anyanwu

Everyday English - Anthony Ikechukwu Anyanwu

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      Я безмерно благодарен своим коллегам, наставникам и семье за их непоколебимую поддержку и поощрение. Ваше руководство и вера в мое видение были ключевыми на моем пути. Спасибо за то, что стали частью этого начинания.

      Common Phrases

      Greetings and Farewells

      – Expressing Gratitude

      Offering and Asking for Help

      – Apologies and Excuses

      Compliments and Congratulations

      – Wishes and Encouragements

      – Common Phrasal Verbs

      At the Doctor’s Office

      Making an Appointment

      – Describing Symptoms

      Understanding Prescriptions

      – Health Phrases

      Health Workers

      – Medical Instruments

      – Medical and Hospital related phrasal verbs

      At the Supermarket

      Asking for Products

      – Understanding Prices and Discounts

      – Returning Items

      At the Restaurant

      Making a Reservation

      – Ordering Food and Drinks

      Receiving bookings

      – Taking orders

      Dealing with Problems (e.g., wrong order)

      – Food and drink Phrasal verbs

      Travel and Transportation

      Asking for Directions

      – Booking Tickets

      Navigating Airports and Train Stations

      – Travel and Transportation Phrasal Verbs

      At the Hotel

      – Checking In and Out

      – Requesting Services

      – Handling Complaints

      Emergency Situations

      – Reporting a Crime

      – Calling for Medical Help

      – Dealing with Lost Property

      Social Interactions

      – Introducing Yourself

      – Making Small Talk

      – Networking and Professional Conversations

      Banking and Finance

      – Opening an Account

      – Discussing Loans and Mortgages

      – Managing Accounts and Transactions

      – Banking and Finance Phrasal Verbs

      Workplace Communication

      Participating in Meetings

      – Writing Emails

      Handling Job Interviews

      – Workplace Phrasal Verbs

      Housing and Accommodation

      Renting an Apartment

      – Reporting Maintenance Issues

      – housing and accommodation phrasal verbs

      Shopping and Services

      Comparing Products

      – Asking for Recommendations

      Understanding Warranties and Guarantees

      – Shopping phrasal verbs

      Education and Learning

      Enrolling in Courses

      – Communicating with Teachers and Classmates

      Discussing Academic Topics

      – Advanced and Elementary Phrases for discussing Academic


      – Education and Learning Phrasal Verbs

      Family and Relationships

      Discussing Family Matters

      – Planning Events and Gatherings

      Handling Conflicts

      – Family and relationships phrasal verbs

      Leisure and Hobbies

      Talking about Interests

      – Joining Clubs and Groups

      Planning Recreational Activities

      – Leisure and Hobbies Phrasal Verbs

      Technology and Gadgets

      Asking for Technical Support

      – Understanding Device Instructions

      Discussing Online Safety

      – Technology and Gadgets Phrasal Verbs


      COMMON PHRASES (распространенные фразы)


      Greetings (Приветствия)


      Russian: Здравствуйте / Привет (informal)

      Good morning

      Russian: Доброе утро

      Good afternoon

      Russian: Добрый день

      Good evening

      Russian: Добрый вечер

      How are you?


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