Пятнадцать тысяч полезных английских фраз. Часть X. Фразы для публичных выступлений. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

Пятнадцать тысяч полезных английских фраз. Часть X. Фразы для публичных выступлений - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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ant reason is there

      Accordingly by reason of this circumstance

      Add this instance to

      After a careful study of all the evidence

      After full deliberation

      After reminding the hearer

      After this it remains only to say

      Again, can we doubt

      Again, I ask the gentleman

      Again, in this view

      Again, it is quite clear that

      Again, it is urged

      Again, let us compare

      Again, very numerous are the cases

      Again, we have abundant instances

      Against all this concurring testimony

      All confess this to be true

      All I ask is

      All of us know

      All that I will say now

      All the facts which support this

      All the signs of the time indicate

      All these things you know

      All this being considered

      All this is historical fact

      All this is very well

      All this suggests

      All this we take for granted

      Allow me for a moment to turn to

      Allow me to tell a story

      Altho I say it to myself

      Amazing as it may seem

      Am I mistaken in this

      Among many examples

      Among the distinguished guests who honor

      Among the problems that confront us

      An answer to this is now ready

      An argument has often been put forward

      An example or two will illustrate

      An indescribably touching incident

      An opinion has now become established

      And again, it is said

      And again, it is to be presumed

      And coming nearer to our own day

      And did a man try to persuade me

      And do you really think

      And everybody here knows

      And for myself, as I said

      And further, all that I have said

      And hence the well-known doctrine

      And here again, when I speak

      And here allow me to call your attention

      And here I am led to observe

      And here I come to the closing evidence

      And here I have an opportunity

      And here I reproach

      And here I wish you to observe

      And here let me define my position

      And here let me give my explanation

      And here let us recall to mind

      And how is it possible to imagine

      And I am bound to say

      And I beg of you

      And I call on you

      And I might say this

      And I refuse assent

      And I rejoice to know

      And I say, it were better for you

      And I should in like manner repudiate

      And I speak with reverence

      And I submit to you

      And I trust that you will consider

      And I will make a practical suggestion

      And I will tell you why

      And I would, moreover submit

      And if a man could anywhere be found

      And if any of you should question

      And if I know anything of my countrymen

      And if I may presume to speak

      And if I take another instance

      And if this be true

      And if you come to a decision

      And if you think it your duty

      And in conclusion

      And in like manner

      And in order to see this

      And in thus speaking, I am not denying

      And is not this lamentable

      And is there not a presumption

      And it happens

      And it is certainly true

      And it is doubtful if

      And it is not difficult to see

      And it is not plain

      And it is one of the evidences

      And it is precisely in this

      And it is strikingly suggested to us

      And it is undeniable, I say

      And it is well that this should be so

      And last of all

      And lest anyone should marvel

      And let it be observed

      And lo! and behold

      And more than this

      And next I would ask

      And now allow me to call attention

      And now behold a mystery

      And now consider

      And now having discussed

      And now I beg that I may be permitted

      And now I go back to the statement

      And now I have completed my review

      And now I have said enough to explain

      And now I must touch upon one point

      And now if I may take for granted

      And now it would be very pleasant for me

      And now observe how

      And now, sir, what I had first to say

      And now supposing this point to be settled

      And now that I have mentioned

      And now the chief points of it

      And now the question is asked me

      And now, to close, let me give you

      And now, to what purpose do I mention

      And, of course, you are aware

      And of this I am perfectly certain

      And quite as difficult is it to create

      And right here lies the cause

      And, sir, a word

      And so, again, as regard

      And so I am reminded of a story

      And so I leave these words with you

      And so I may point out

      And so I might recount to you

      And so, in the other cases, I have named

      And so in the present case

      And so on

      And so through all phases

      And so, upon every hand

      And sometimes it

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