Пятнадцать тысяч полезных английских фраз. Часть X. Фразы для публичных выступлений. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
will be difficult
And that gave another distorted view
And the reason is very obvious
And the same holds good
And then again
And then hastily to conclude
And then I may be reminded
And then there is another thought
And then when it is said
And there are reasons why
And there is also this view
And therefore am I truly glad
And therefore it is not unfrequently quoted
And therefore it is not without regret
And this brings me to the last thing
And this is really the sense
And this leads me to say a word
And thus consistently
And thus it is conceivable
And thus it seems to me
And thus we are led on then to further question
And to all this must be added
And to return to the topic
And to this conclusion you must come
And unquestionably
And we are brought to the same conclusion
And what do you suppose will be
And when I have shown to you
And when I recall that event
And when we pass beyond the bounds of
And where, let me ask
And why should I insist
And will you still insist
And with these thoughts come others
And yet I can not but reflect
And yet I feel justified in believing
And yet I think we all feel
And yet let me say to you
And yet one more quotation
And yet this notion is, I conceive
And yet though this be true
And yet we ought, if we are wise
And you may also remember this
Another circumstance that adds to the difficulty
Another consideration which I shall adduce [adduce = cite as an example]
Another instance of signal success
Another of these presumptions
Another point is made as clear as crystal
Another reason of a kindred nature
Another reflection which occurs to me
Another sign of our times
Another signal advantage
Another striking instance
Answers doubtless may be given
Are there not many of us
Are we content to believe
Are we forever to deprive ourselves
Are we not startled into astonishment
Are we satisfied to assume
As a general rule I hold
As a last illustration
As a matter of fact
As a proof of this
As an illustration of this truth
As briefly as I may
As far as my limits allow
As far as this is true
As far as this objection relates
As far as we know
As for the rest
As I have now replied to
As I look around on this assembly
As I rise to respond to the sentiment
As I understand this matter
As memory scans the past
As society is now constituted
As some one has well said
As the foregoing instances have shown
As to the particular instance before us
As well might we compare
As we shall see in a few moments
Assuredly it is this
At the outset of this inquiry
At the risk of digression
At the same time, I candidly state
At the utmost we can say
At this juncture
At this solemn moment
Away then with the notion
Be assured, then
Be confident, therefore
Be it so
Be not deceived
Be sure that in spite of
Be these things as they may
Be your interests what they may be
Bear with me for a few moments
Bearing on this point
Before attempting to answer this question
Before going further
Before I close I will particularly remark
Before I come to the special matter
Before I proceed to compare
Being fully of the opinion
Being persuaded then
Believing, as I do
Beyond all question we
Bidden by your invitation to a discussion
Broadly speaking
But, above all things, let us
But after all, I think no one can say
But again, when we carefully consider
But am I wrong in saying
But apart from the fact
But besides these special facts
But can this question
But depend upon it
But despite all this
But do not let us depend
But do you imagine
But doubts here arise
But even admitting these possibilities
But everyone who deserves
But first of all, remark, I beg you
But, further, I shall now demonstrate
But, gentlemen, I must be done
But grave problems confront us
But here I am discussing
But here let me say
But how can we pass over
But how shall I describe my emotions
But however that may be
But I am bound to say
But I am certain from my own experience
But I am very sorry to say
But I am willing enough to admit
But I can at least say
But I can not conceive
But I can promise