Пятнадцать тысяч полезных английских фраз. Часть X. Фразы для публичных выступлений. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
adduce these facts [adduce = cite as an example]
I admire the main drift of
I admit, of course, at once
I admit the extreme complexity
I again ask
I allude to
I always delight to think
I always will assert the right to
I am a great admirer
I am a little at a loss to know
I am about to supplement
I am agitated by conflicting emotions
I am alarmed, indeed, when I see
I am also bound to say
I am also satisfied
I am apprehensive
I am asked to-night to propose
I am assured and fully believe
I am at a loss for adequate terms
I am bold to say
I am but saying
I am by no means certain
I am certain that you will give me credit
I am certainly in earnest sympathy
I am confronted by the hope
I am conscious of the fact
I am convinced by what I have seen
I am deeply imbued with the conviction
I am deeply insensible of the compliment
I am determined
I am even bold enough to hazard
I am exceeding my necessary limits
I am exceedingly glad of this opportunity
I am extremely obliged to you
I am familiar with
I am far from asserting
I am filled with admiration
I am firmly convinced
I am free to admit
I am fully convinced
I am giving voice to what you all feel
I am glad of this public opportunity
I am glad to answer to the toast
I am glad to express the belief
I am glad to notice
I am going to spare you and myself
I am grateful to you for this honor
I am greatly alarmed
I am greatly indebted to you
I am happy to be with you
I am here by the favor of your invitation
I am here the advocate of
I am here to introduce
I am in favor of
I am in sympathy with
I am inclined sometimes to believe
I am inclined to suspect
I am indebted for the honor
I am, indeed, most solicitous
I am informed
I am led on by these reflections
I am led to believe
I am mainly concerned
I am most deeply sensible of the welcome
I am most grateful for the opportunity
I am myself greatly indebted
I am nevertheless too sensible
I am not a stranger to
I am not at liberty to discuss
I am not at present concerned
I am not about to defend
I am not advocating
I am not altogether clear
I am not aware of a single instance
I am not blind to the faults of
I am not bold enough to
I am not catching at sharp arguments
I am not concerned to argue
I am not defending myself
I am not dreaming of denying
I am not going into vexed questions
I am not going to reproach
I am not here to defend
I am not insensible
I am not of those who pretend
I am not prepared to dispute the word
I am not presumptuous to assert
I am not proposing to set forth
I am not ripe to pass sentence
I am not so unreasonable as to tell you
I am not surprised
I am not taking into account
I am not unaware
I am not undertaking to deliver
I am now going to attempt
I am obliged to add
I am obliged to go still further
I am often reminded
I am old enough to remember
I am one of those who believe
I am only too sensible of the fact
I am perfectly willing to admit
I am persuaded
I am prepared to back that opinion by
I am privileged to speak to
I am quite conscious that
I am rather disposed to think
I am ready to do battle
I am reassured by the presence here
I am reluctantly but forcibly reminded
I am resolved not to permit
I am sensible, sir
I am simply endeavoring to show
I am so surrounded on every hand
I am sometimes inclined to think
I am somewhat relieved to know
I am sorry to say
I am suggesting the reason why
I am sure, at any rate
I am sure every impartial man will agree
I am sure I feel no hostility
I am sure that I echo the sentiment
I am sure this generous audience will pardon me
I am sure you all hope
I am sure you feel the truth
I am sure you will acquit me
I am sure you will be kind enough
I am sure you will do me the justice
I am sure you will not be surprised
I am surely not here to assert
I am tempted further to offer to you
I am thankful for the privilege
I am thoroughly convinced
I am to speak to you this evening
I am to urge the interest of
I am told occasionally
I am told on authority
I am too well aware of the difficulties
I am totally at a loss to conceive