The Bridges of Madison County / Мосты округа Мэдисон. Роберт Джеймс Уоллер
then,” he said to the coniferous green rolling by his truck window[30].
Drives like this always put him into a taking-stock mood.[31] The dog was part of it. Robert Kincaid was as alone as it's possible to be – an only child, parents both dead, distant relatives who had lost track of him[32] and he of them, no close friends.
He knew the names of the man who owned the corner market in Bellingham and the proprietor of the photographic store where he bought his supplies. He also had formal, professional relationships with several magazine editors. Other than that, he knew scarcely anyone well, nor they him. Gypsies make difficult friends for ordinary people[33], and he was something of a gypsy.
He thought about Marian. She had left him nine years ago after five years of marriage. He was fifty-two now; that would make her just under forty. Marian had dreams of becoming a musician, a folksinger. She knew all of the Weavers[34]' songs and sang them pretty well in the coffeehouses of Seattle[35]. When he was home in the old days, he drove her to gigs and sat in the audience while she sang.
His long absences – two or three months sometimes – were hard on the marriage. He knew that. She was aware of what he did when they decided to get married, and each of them had a vague sense that it could all be handled somehow. It couldn't. When he came home from photographing a story in Iceland, she was gone. The note read: “Robert, it didn't work out. I left you the Harmony guitar. Stay in touch.”[36]
He didn't stay in touch. Neither did she. He signed the divorce papers when they arrived a year later and caught a plane[37] for Australia the next day. She had asked for nothing except her freedom.
At Montana[38], he stopped for the night, late. The Cozy Inn looked inexpensive, and was. He carried his gear into a room
containing two table lamps, one of which had a burned-out bulb. Lying in bed, he was reading The Green Hills of Africa[39] and drinking a beer. In the morning he jogged for forty minutes, did fifty push-ups, and used his cameras as small hand weights to complete the routine.
Across the top of Montana he drove, into North Dakota[40] and the spare, flat country he found as fascinating as the mountains or the sea. There was a kind of austere beauty to this place, and he stopped several times, set up a tripod, and shot some black-and-whites of old farm buildings. This landscape appealed to his minimalist leanings.[41] The Indian reservations were depressing, for all of the reasons everybody knows and ignores. Those kinds of settlements were no better in northwestern Washington, though, or anywhere else he had seen them.
On the morning of August 14, he sliced[42] northeast and took a back road up to Hibbing and the iron mines. Red dust floated in the air, and there were big machines and trains specially designed to carry the ore to Lake Superior[43]. He spent an afternoon looking around Hibbing and found it not to his liking, even if Bob Dylan[44] was from there originally.
The only song of Dylan's he had ever really cared for was “Girl from the North Country.” He could play and sing that one, and he hummed the words to himself as he left behind the place with giant red holes in the earth. Marian had shown him some chords and how to handle basic arpeggios to accompany himself. “She left me with more than I left her,” he said once to a boozy riverboat pilot. And it was true.
The Superior National Forest[45] was nice, real nice. Voyageur[46] country. When he was young, he'd wished the old voyageur days were not over so he could become one. He drove by meadows, saw three moose, a red fox, and lots of deer. At a pond he stopped and shot some reflections on the water made by an odd-shaped tree branch. When he finished he sat on the board of his truck[47], drinking coffee, smoking a Camel, and listening to the wind in the birch trees.
“It would be good to have someone, a woman,” he thought, watching the smoke from his cigarette blow out over the pond. “Getting older puts you in that frame of mind[48].” But with him gone so much, it would be tough on the one left at home.[49] He'd already learned that.
When he was home in Bellingham, he occasionally dated the creative director[50] for a Seattle advertising agency. He had met her while doing a corporate job. She was forty-two, bright, and a nice person, but he didn't love her, would never love her.
Sometimes they both got a little lonely, though, and would spend an evening together, going to a movie, having a few beers, and making pretty decent love later on. She'd been around[51] – two marriages, worked as a waitress in several bars while attending college. Every time, after they'd completed their lovemaking and were lying together, she'd tell him, “You're the best, Robert, no competition, nobody even close.”
He supposed that was a good thing for a man to hear, but he was not all that experienced and had no way of knowing whether or not she was telling the truth anyway. But she did say something one time that haunted him: “Robert, there's a creature inside of you that I'm not good enough to bring out, not strong enough to reach[52]. I sometimes have the feeling you've been here a long time, more than one lifetime, and that you've lived in private places none of the rest of us has even dreamed about. You frighten me, even though you're gentle with me.”
He knew in an obscure way what she was talking about. But he couldn't get his hands on it himself.[53] He'd had these kinds of thoughts, a sense of the tragic combined with intense physical and intellectual power, even as a young boy growing up in a small Ohio town. When other kids were singing “Row, Row, Row Your Boat[54],” he was learning the melody and English words to a French cabaret song.
He liked words and images. “Blue” was one of his favorite words. He liked the feeling it made on his lips and tongue when he said it. Words have physical feeling, not just meaning, he remembered thinking when he was young. He liked other words, such as “distant,” “wood-smoke,” “highway,” “ancient,” “passage,” “voyageur,” and “India” for how they sounded, how they tasted, and what they conjured up in his mind. He kept lists of words he liked posted in his room.[55]
Then he joined the words into phrases and posted those as well:
Too close to the fire.
I came from the East with a small band of travelers.
The constant chirping of those who would save me and those who would sell me.
Talisman, Talisman, show me your secrets. Helmsman, Helmsman, turn me for home.
Lying naked where blue whales swim.
Before I became a man, I was an arrow – long time ago.
Then there were the places whose names he liked: the Somali Current[56], the Big Hatchet Mountains[57], the Malacca Strait[58], and a long list of others. The sheets of paper with words and phrases and places eventually covered the walls of
хвойным деревьям, проносящимся за окном пикапа
Такие поездки всегда настраивали его на подведение итогов прожитой жизни.
потеряли с ним связь
Цыгане, как свободные люди, трудно ладят с обычными людьми
американская фолк-группа, образованная в 1948 году
столица штата Вашингтон
Роберт, у нас ничего не вышло. Оставляю тебе гитару Хармони. Не пропадай.
полетел самолётом
североамериканский штат
«Зелёные холмы Африки», роман Э. Хэмингуэя
североамериканский штат
Этот пейзаж отвечал его склонностям к минимализму.
срезал путь
Верхнее озеро, одно из Великих озёр
Боб Дилан, американский автор-исполнитель, художник, писатель и киноактёр
Национальный парк Верхнего озера
лодочный перевозчик товаров и пассажиров
подножка пикапа
Надвигающаяся старость заставляет об этом задуматься
Но его длительное отсутствие трудно переносить остающемуся дома.
творческий директор
Она немало повидала на своём веку
Роберт, внутри тебя живёт существо, до которого я не могу докопаться
Он сам не мог в себе разобраться
популярная детская песня
В своей комнате он развесил списки любимых слов.
Сомалийский ток
гора Большой Томагавк, горный хребет в США
Малаккский пролив, соединяет Индийский океан с Южно-Китайским морем