Raudne eesriie. Anne Applebaum

Raudne eesriie - Anne Applebaum

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Will be Ours: Poland and the Poles from Occupation to Freedom (New York, 2003), ja Krystyna Kersten, The Establishment of Communist Rule in Poland, 19431948 (Berkeley, 1991). Vt ka Norman Naimark, The Russians in Germany: A History of the Soviet Zone of Occupation, 19451949 (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1995); Peter Kenez, Hungary from the Nazis to the Soviets: The Establishment of the Communist Regime in Hungary, 19441948 (New York, 2006); László Borhi, Hungary in the Cold War, 1945–1956: Between the United States and the Soviet Union (New York, 2004); Karel Kaplan, The Short March: The Communist Takeover in Czechoslovakia, 1945–48 (New York, 1987); Bradley Adams, The Struggle for the Soul of the Czech Nation: Czech Culture and the Rise of Communism (New York, 2005); Mary Heimann, Czechoslovakia: The State That Failed (New Haven, 2009).


John Connelly, Captive University: The Sovietization of East German, Czech, and Polish Higher Education, 19451956 (Chapel Hill, 1999); Catherine Epstein, The Last Revolutionaries: German Communists and Their Century (Cambridge, Massachusetts ja London, 2003); Marci Shore, Caviar and Ashes: A Warsaw Generation’s Life and Death in Marxism, 19181968 (New Haven, 2006); Mária Schmidt, Battle of Wits, tlk Ann Major (Budapest, 2007); Martin Mevius, Agents of Moscow: The Hungarian Communist Party and the Origins of Socialist Patriotism 19411953 (Oxford, 2005); Mark Kramer, ‘The Early Post-Stalin Succession Struggle and Upheavals in East-Central Europe: Internal–External Linkages in Soviet Policy Making’, osad 1–3, Journal of Cold War Studies, 1, 1 (talv 1999), 3–55; 1, 2 (kevad 1999), 3–38; 1, 3 (sügis 1999), 3–66.


T. V. Volokitina jt, toim, Vostotšnaja Jevropa v dokumentah rossiiskih arhivov, 19441953 (Novosibirsk, 1997), ja T. V. Volokitina jt, toim, Sovetski faktor v vostotšnoi Jevrope, 19441953 (Moskva, 1999).


Tamás Lossonczy, The Vision is Always Changing (Budapest, 2004), lk 82.


William Shirer, End of a Berlin Diary (New York, 1947), lk 131.


Marcin Zaremba, Wielka Trwoga: Polska 19441947, Ludowa reakcja na kryzys (Varssavi, 2012), lk 71. Lk numbrid käsikirjast.


Autor teadmata, A Woman in Berlin, tlk Philip Boehm (London, 2006), lk 64–66.


Krisztián Ungváry, The Siege of Budapest: 100 Days in World War II (New York, 2005), lk 324–325.


Władysław Szpilman, The Pianist (London, 1999), lk 183.


Bradley Abrams, ‘The Second World War and the East European Revolution’, East European Politics and Societies, 16. kd, nr 3, lk 623–625.


Heda Margolius Kovály, Under a Cruel Star (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1986), lk 39.


Autor teadmata, Woman in Berlin, lk 297.


Zaremba, Wielka Trwoga, lk 71.


Samas, lk 6–7.


Stefan Kisielewski, ‘Ci z Warszawy’, Przekroj, 6/V, 1945.


Sándor Márai, Portraits of a Marriage, tlk George Szirtes (New York, 2011), lk 272.


Arthur Marwick, War and Social Change in the Twentieth Century (London, 1974), lk 98–145.


Timothy Snyder, Bloodlands: Europe between Hitler and Stalin (New York, 2010), lk 19.


Samas, lk viii–ix.


Wolfgang Schivelbusch, In a Cold Crater: Cultural and Intellectual Life in Berlin, 19451948 (Berkeley, 1998), lk 8–9.


Andrew Roberts, Masters and Commanders (London, 2008), lk 561 ja 569.


Abrams, ‘The Second World War and the East European Revolution’, lk 631; ka Iván T. Berend ja Tamás Csató, Evolution of the Hungarian Economy, 18481998, I kd (Boulder, 2001), lk 253.


Kõige viimaste arvestuste kohaselt oli Saksamaal sõjas hukkunute hulgas 5 318 000 sõjaväelast (Rudiger Overmans, Deutsche militärische Verluste im Zweiten Weltkrieg (München, 2004), lk 260); ülejäänud olid tsiviilisikud, kes surid nälga või haigustesse, küüditamiste ja väljasaatmiste käigus või pommirünnakute ajal.


Janusz Wrobel, ‘Bilans Okupacji Niemieckiej w Łódźi 1939–45’, Rok 1945 w Lodzi, lk 13–30.


Paari aasta eest sai minu abikaasa kirja Baltikumis sündinud sakslaselt, kellele oli sõja ajal antud elukohaks meie praegune maamaja Poolas. Kirjas oli foto tema naeratavatest vanematest, kellel on jalas ratsapüksid, nagu kavatseks nad minna ratsutama, kes istuvad meie praegu Poola keskosas oleva maja trepil. Ta mäletavat, et maja oli väga lagunenud ja märgib, et tema isa tegi palju tööd, et see korda teha. Ta avaldas lootust, et selle piirkonna rahvas meenutab tema peret hea sõnaga. Kui aus olla, siis pole neid üldse meenutatud.


Jan Gross, ‘War as Revolution’, väljaandes Norman Naimark ja Leonid Gibianski, toim, The Establishment of Communist Regimes in Eastern Europe, 19441949 (Boulder, 1997), lk 23.


Krystyna Kersten, The Establishment of Communist Rule in Poland, 19431948 (Berkeley, 1991), lk 165.


M. C. Kaser ja E. A. Radice, The Economic History of Eastern Europe, 1919– 1975, II kd: Interwar Policy, the War and Reconstruction (Oxford, 1986), lk 466–472.


Iván Pető ja Sándor Szakács, A hazai gazdaság négy évtizedének, 1919–1975 története, 19451985. I kd: Az újjáépítés és a tervutasításos irányítás időszaka, 19451968 (Budapest, 1985), lk 17–25.


Berend ja Csató, Evolution of the Hungarian Economy, lk 254–255.


Kaser ja Radice, Economic History of Eastern Europe, II kd, lk 504–506.


Janusz Kalinski ja Zbigniew Landau, Gospodarka Polski w XX wieku, lk 159– 189.


Abrams, ‘The Second World War and the East European Revolution’, lk 634.


Kaser ja Radice, Economic History of Eastern Europe, II kd, lk 338–339.


Samas, lk 299–308.


Jan Gross, ‘The Social Consequences of War: Preliminaries to the Study of the Imposition of Communist Regimes East Central Europe’, väljaandes Eastern European Politics and Societies, 3. kd, nr 2, kevad 1989, lk 198–214; Abrams, ‘The Second World War and the East European Revolution’, lk 623– 664; Kalinski ja Landau, Gospodarka Polski w XX wieku, lk 159–189.


Abrams, ‘The Second World War and the East European Revolution’, lk 639.

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