Эволюция потребления. Как спрос формирует предложение с XV века до наших дней. Франк Трентманн

Эволюция потребления. Как спрос формирует предложение с XV века до наших дней - Франк Трентманн

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Vol. XIV (1887), 46, перевод мой.


      Другая точка зрения: A. N. Porter, Religion Versus Empire? British Protestant Missionaries and Overseas Expansion, 1700–1914 (Manchester, 2004); а также Roland Oliver, The Missionary Factor in East Africa (London, 1952).


      Bruno Gutmann, «The African Standpoint», Africa 8, no. 1, 1935: 1—19, цитата на с. 7.


      Chika Onyeani, Capitalist Nigger: The Road to Success (Timbuktu, 2000).


      Например, блестящий историк Джеймс Уолвин: James Walvin, Fruits of Empire: Exotic Produce and British Taste, 1660–1800 (London, 1997). Он сравнивает товары с заразной болезнью, которая принесла боль и страдания, 174—83.


      W. H. Ingrams цитата в: Fair, Pastimes and Politics, 76. См. также: Richard Austin Freeman, Travels and Life in Ashanti and Jaman (London, 1898/1967), 380.


      Godfrey Wilson, An Essay on the Economics of Detribalization in Northern Rhodesia, Rhodes – Livingstone papers, nos. 5, 6 (Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia 1941), 20.


      «Гибкий расизм», если говорить словами Моны Домош: Mona Domosh, American Commodities in an Age of Empire (New York, 2006). Сравните с: de Grazia, Irresistible Empire.


      Abdul Halim Sharar, Lucknow: The Last Phase of an Oriental Culture (Oxford, 1975 edn), 73, 121—5.


      Maya Jasanoff, Edge of Empire: Lives, Culture and Conquest in the East 1750–1850 (New York, 2005), особенно гл. 2.


      Цитата из: Robin D. Jones, Interiors of Empire: Objects, Space and Identity within the Indian Subcontinent, c.1800–1947 (Manchester, 2007), 95.


      C. A. Bayly, «Archaic» and «Modern» Globalization in the Eurasian and African Arena, c.1750–1850», из: Globalization in World History, ed. A. G. Hopkins (London, 2002), 45–72, цитата на с. 52.


      Russell W. Belk, Collecting in a Consumer Society (London and New York, 2001).


      Hosagrahar Jyoti, «City as Durbar», из: Forms of Dominance: On the Architecture and Urbanism of the Colonial Enterprise, ed. Nezar Al Sayyad (Aldershot, 1992), 85—103.


      Christopher Alan Bayly, Rulers, Townsmen and Bazaars: North Indian Society in the Age of British Expansion, 1770–1870 (Cambridge, 1983).


      Douglas Haynes, Rhetoric and Ritual in Colonial India: The Shaping of a Public Culture in Surat City, 1852–1928 (Berkeley, CA, 1991).


      John Crawfurd, A Sketch of the Commercial Resources and Monetary and Mercantile System of British India, 1837, repr. in The Economic Development of India under the East India Company, 1814—58: A Selection of Contemporary Writings, ed. K. N Chaudhuri (Cambridge, 1971), цитата на с. 233, 241.


      See Tirthankar Roy, The Economic History of India, 1857–1947 (Oxford, 2006). Сравните: B. R. Tomlinson, The New Cambridge History of India, 3: The Economy of Modern India, 1860–1970 (Cambridge, 1993).


      David Cannadine, Ornamentalism (London, 2001); а также The Great Delhi Durbar of 1911 (London, 1911).


      Это не означает, конечно, что подарки перестали выполнять другие социальные функции; см. Margot C. Finn, «Colonial Gifts: Family Politics and the Exchange of Goods in British India», из: Modern Asian Studies 40, no. 1, 2006: 203—31.


      Joseph A. Schumpeter, Imperialism and Social Classes (Oxford, 1919/1951), 14.


      Veena Talwar Oldenburg, The Making of Colonial Lucknow, 1856–1877 (Princeton, NJ, 1984). 55. Haynes, Rhetoric and Ritual in Colonial India.


      C. A. Bayly, The New Cambridge History of India: Indian Society and the Making of the British Empire (Cambridge, 1988).


      Rita Smith Kipp, «Emancipating Each Other: Dutch Colonial Missionaries’ Encounter with Karo Women in Sumatra, 1900–1942», bp: Domesticating the Empire: Race, Gender and Family Life in French and Dutch Colonialism, eds. Julia Clancy-Smith & Frances Gouda (Charlottesville, VA, 1998), гл. 11.


      Bernard S. Cohn, Colonialism and Its Forms of Knowledge (Princeton, NJ, 1996), 106—62; а также Emma Tarlo, Clothing Matters: Dress and Identity in India (London, 1996).


      Abigail McGowan, «Consuming Families», из: Douglas Haynes et al., eds., Towards a History of Consumption in South Asia (Oxford, 2010), 155—84.


      Shib Chunder Bose, The Hindoos as They Are (London, 1881), 191–208.


      G. F. Shirras, Report on an Enquiry into Workingclass Budgets in Bombay (Bombay, 1923).


      Bose, The Hindoos as They Are, 195.


      Haruka Yanagisawa «Growth of Small-scale Industries and Changes in Consumption Patterns in South India, 1910s—50s», из: Haynes et al., eds., Towards a History of Consumption in South Asia, 51–75.


      Kate Platt, The Home and Health in India and the Tropical Colonies (London, 1923), 16. См. далее: Elizabeth Buettner, Empire Families: Britons and Late Imperial India (Oxford, 2004).


      Здесь и далее ссылаюсь на: Jones, Interiors of Empire,

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