Эволюция потребления. Как спрос формирует предложение с XV века до наших дней. Франк Трентманн

Эволюция потребления. Как спрос формирует предложение с XV века до наших дней - Франк Трентманн

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Goubert, The Conquest of Water: The Advent of Health in the Industrial Age (Princeton, NJ, 1989) 150—1.


      A. R. Binnie, Royal Commission on Metropolitan Water Supply 1893—94, XL, Part I, 18 June 1892, para. 3235.


      Elizabeth Otis Williams, Sojourning, Shopping and Studying in Paris: A Handbook Particularly for Women (London, 1907), 34; Shanghai Municipal Council, Annual Report, 1935, 188; Hanchao Lu, «The Significance of the Insignificant: Reconstructing the Daily Lives of the Common People of China», из: China: An International Journal 1, no. 1, 2003: 144—58; а также Goubert, Conquest of Water, 62.


      Shanghai Municipal Archive, Annual Report of the Shanghai Municipal Council, 1905, 152; Shahrooz Mohajeri, 100 Jahre Berliner Wasserversorgung und Abwasserentsorgung 1840–1940 (Stuttgart, 2005), 71 f.; Maureen Ogle, «Water Supply, Waste Disposal and the Culture of Privatism in the Mid-nineteenth-century American City», из: Journal of Urban History 25, no. 3, 1999: 321—47; R. Wilkinson & E. M. Sigsworth, «A Survey of Slum Clearance Areas in Leeds», из: Yorkshire Bulletin of Social and Economic Research, Vol. 15/1, 1963, 25–47; Clemens Zimmermann, Von der Wohnungsfrage zur Wohnungspolitik (Göttingen, 1991); Petri S. Juuti & Tapio S. Katko, eds., From a Few to All: Longterm Development of Water and Environmental Services in Finland (Finland, 2004), 19f.; а также Petri S. Juuti & Tapio S. Katko, eds., Water, Time and European Cities (Tampere, 2005).


      Ruth Rogaski, Hygienic Modernity: Meanings of Health and Disease in Treatyport China (Berkeley, CA, 2004), 212—24; and Sidney D. Gamble, Peking: A Social Survey (London, 1921), 31.


      Ф. Брамуэлл в меморандуме Королевской Комиссии по водоподаче (1900), Vol. 39, Appendix Z, 6, 406.


      Vanessa Taylor & Frank Trentmann, «Liquid Politics: Water and the Politics of Everyday Life in the Modern City», из: Past & Present 211, 2011: 199–241.


      Ruth Schwartz Cowan, «The Consumption Junction: A Proposal for Research Strategies in the Sociology of Technology», из: The Social Construction of Technological Systems: New Directions in the Sociology and History of Technology, eds. Wiebe E. Bijker, Thomas P. Hughes & Trevor J. Pinch (Cambridge, MA, 1987), 261—80.


      Clémentine Deroudille, Brassens: Le Libertaire de la chanson (Paris, 2011), 26—7.


      Constance Williams & Arthur Martin in Gas in Home—Popular Lectures, 49–72. См. далее: Martin Daunton, House and Home in the Victorian City (London, 1983); и Judith Flanders, The Victorian House (London, 2004), 168—73.


      Henry Letheby, «Report on the Coal Gas Supplied to the City of London» (London, 1854); John Simon, «Report by the Medical Officer of Health on Complaints of Nuisance from the City of London Gas Company’s Works» (London, 1855); а также Toer & Asociados, eds., Gas Stories in Argentina.


      Manuel Charpy, «Le Théâtre des objets: espaces privés, culture matérielle et identité bourgeoise, Paris 1830–1914», PhD thesis, Université François-Rabelais de Tours, 2010, Vol. I, 249—71.


      Jun’ichiro¯ Tanizaki, In Praise of Shadows (1933/1977).


      Jens Hanssen, Fin de siècle Beirut: The Making of an Ottoman Provincial Capital (Oxford, 2005), 200; а также: Edward Seidensticker, Low City, High City: Tokyo from Edo to the Earthquake (London, 1983), 80—1.


      Haydn T. Harrison, «Street Lighting», из: Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage, 1924, 277, and for the 1911 tests.


      Journal of Gas Lighting, Water supply, etc. CXII (1910), цитата со с. 473 and 471.


      Lynda Nead, Victorian Babylon: People, Streets and Images in Nineteenth-century London (New Haven, CT, 2000); Joachim Schlör, Nights in the Big City (London, 1998); Wolfgang Schivelbusch, Lichtblicke: Zur künstlichen Helligkeit im 19. Jahrhundert (Munich, 1983); а также: Chris Otter, The Victorian Eye: A Political History of Light and Vision in Britain, 1800–1910 (Chicago, 2008).


      Robert Millward, «European Governments and the Infrastructure Industries, c.1840–1914», из: European Review of Economic History 8, 2004: 3—28, а также см. ниже. Martin V. Melosi, The Sanitary City (Baltimore, MD, 2000).


      P. J. Waller, Town, City and Nation: England 1850–1914 (Oxford, 1983), 300. См. далее: Robert Millward & Robert Ward, «From Private to Public Ownership of Gas Undertakings in England and Wales, 1851–1947», Business History 35, no. 3, 1993: 1—21; а также Wilson, Lighting the Town.


      John Henry Gray, Die Stellung der privaten Beleuchtungsgesellschaften zu Stadt und Staat (Jena, 1893); Martin Daunton, «The Material Politics of Natural Monopoly: Consuming Gas in Victorian Britain», из: The Politics of Consumption: Material Culture and Citizenship in Europe and America, eds. Martin Daunton & Matthew Hilton (Oxford, 2001), 69–88.


      W. H. Y. Webber, «Gas Meter», and John Young, «Hints to Gas Consumers», из: Gas in the Home—Popular Lectures, 1913, 85–99; а также Graeme J. N. Gooday, The Morals of Measurement: Accuracy, Irony and Trust in Late-Victorian Electrical Practice (Cambridge, 2004).


      Christopher Hamlin, «Muddling in Bumbledom: On the Enormity of Large Sanitary Improvements in Four British Towns, 1855–1885», Victorian Studies 32, 1988: 55–83; а также: M. J. Daunton, «Public Place and Private Space: The Victorian City and the Workingclass Household», из: The Pursuit of Urban History, eds. Derek Fraser & Anthony Sutcliffe (London, 1983).


      Taylor & Trentmann, «Liquid Politics».


      A. Dobbs, By Meter or Annual Value? (London, 1890), 30.


      James H. Fuertes, Waste of Water in New York and Its Reduction by Meters and Inspection: Report to the Committee on Water-supply of the Merchants’ Association of New York (New York, 1906), 84.



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