Эволюция потребления. Как спрос формирует предложение с XV века до наших дней. Франк Трентманн

Эволюция потребления. Как спрос формирует предложение с XV века до наших дней - Франк Трентманн

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      Platt, Home and Health in India and the Tropical Colonies, 64.


      Edward Braddon, Life in India, 1872, цитата из: Jones, Interiors of Empire, 85.


      Jones, Interiors of Empire, 137.


      Arnold Wright, Twentieth-century Impressions of Ceylon (London, 1907), 709—11, а также 487, 692, 697, 720 для дополнительных примеров.


      Charles Feinstein, «Changes in Nominal Wages, the Cost of Living and Real Wages in the United Kingdom over the Two Centuries, 1780–1990», из: Labor’s Reward: Real Wages and Economic Change in 19th- and 20th-century Europe, eds. P. Scholliers & V. Zamagni (Aldershot, 1995).


      Ernst Engel, «Die Productions- und Consumtionsverhältnisse des Königreichs Sachsen», из: Zeitschrift des statistischen Büreaus des K. Sächsischen Ministerium des Innern, 22 Nov. 1857. Для современных ошибочных интерпретаций см.: Carle C. Zimmerman, «Ernst Engel’s Law of Expenditures for Food», Quarterly Journal of Economics, 47/1 (Nov. 1932), 78—101. For Engel’s impact, see Erik GrimmerSolem, The Rise of Historical Economics and Social Reform in Germany, 1864–1894 (Oxford, 2003).


      Lawrence B. Glickman, A Living Wage: American Workers and the Making of Consumer Society (Ithaca, NY, 1997).


      William C. Beyer, Rebekah P. Davis & Myra Thwing, Workingmen’s Standard of Living in Philadelphia: A Report by the Bureau of Municipal Research of Philadelphia (New York City, 1919). Данные по зарплатам того времени см.: Lindley Daniel Clark, Minimumwage Laws of the United States: Construction and Operation (Washington, DC, 1921).


      Shirras, Report on an Enquiry into Workingclass Budgets in Bombay, 14. Критику западного подхода см.: Radhakamal Mukerjee, The Foundations of Indian Economics (London, 1916).


      J. S. Mill, Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy (London, 1844), 132.


      William Stanley Jevons, The Theory of Political Economy (London, 1871/1888), гл. 3, 43.


      1863, цитата из: Donald Winch, Wealth and Life (Cambridge, 2009), 155.


      R. M. Robertson, «Jevons and His Precursors», Econometrica, Vol. XIX, 1951: 229—49; R. C. D. Black, Economic Theory and Policy in Context (Aldershot, 1995).


      W. Stanley Jevons, The State in Relation to Labour (London, 1882/1887), 41.


      Lionel Robbins, «The Place of Jevons in the History of Economic Thought», Manchester School of Economics and Social Studies, VII (1936), 1.


      Alfred Marshall, Principles of Economics (London, 1890/1920), 72, 74—5.


      Marshall, Principles of Economics, 113.


      Karl Oldenberg, «Die Konsumtion», из: Grundriss der Sozialökonomie, II, eds. Fr. Von Gottl-Ottlilienfeld et al. (Tübingen, 1914), 103—64. The Irish Cliffe Leslie had similarly argued that ‘without habits of con-siderable superfluous expenditure a nation would be reduced to destitution’ in. Ирландец Клифф Лесли (Cliffe Leslie) похожим образом утверждал, что «без своей привычки тратить деньги в больших количествах нация скатится до состояния нищеты»: Essays in Political and Moral Philosophy (1879), 223.


      Simon N. Patten, The Consumption of Wealth (Philadelphia, 1889), vi.


      Simon N. Patten, The New Basis of Civilization (New York, 1907), 143. Далее: Daniel M. Fox, The Discovery of Abundance: Simon N. Patten and the Transformation of Social Theory (Ithaca, NY, 1967).


      Current Opinion, 54 (1913), 51—2.


      T. H. Marshall, Citizenship and Social Class and Other Essays (Cambridge, 1950).


      Charles Gide, La Cooperation: Conférences de propaganda (Paris, 1900), 227, перевод мой.


      Ellen Furlough, Consumer Cooperation in France: The Politics of Consumption, 1834–1930 (Ithaca, NY, 1991), 80–97.


      Kathryn Kish Sklar, Florence Kelley and the Nation’s Work (New Haven, CT, 1995).


      Elisabeth von KnebelDoeberitz, «Die Aufgabe und Pflicht der Frau als Konsument», из: Hefte der Freien Kirchlich-Sozialen Konferenz, 40 (Berlin, 1907), 39, перевод мой.


      Alain Chatriot, Marie-Emmanuelle Chessel & Matthew Hilton, eds., Au nom du consomma-teur: Consommation et politique en Europe et aux États-Unis au XX siècle (Paris, 2004); Louis L. Athey, «From Social Conscience to Social Action: The Consumers’ Leagues in Europe, 1900–1914», Social Service Review 52, no. 3, 1978: 362—82; а также Matthew Hilton, Consumerism in Twentieth-сentury Britain (Cambridge, 2003).


      La Liberté: Journal politique, religieux, social, 26 Sept. 1908, 1, перевод мой.


      Women’s Co-operative Guild, 28th Annual Report, 1910—11. Gillian Scott, Feminism and the Politics of Working Women: The Women’s Cooperative Guild, 1880s to the Second World War (London, 1998).


      Teresa Billington Greig, The Consumer in Revolt (London, 1912), цитата на с. 4, 52.


      J. A. Hobson, Imperialism: A Study (London, 1902), 86.


      J. A. Hobson,

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