The Annals of the Turkish Empire: 1591 - 1659. Mustafa Naima

The Annals of the Turkish Empire: 1591 - 1659 - Mustafa Naima

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ong>Mustafa Naima

      The Annals of the Turkish Empire: 1591 - 1659

      The Most Important Events in Affairs of East & West

      Published by


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      2019 OK Publishing

      EAN 4057664560698

      Table of Contents




       The Grand Vezír Ferhád Páshá deposed, and the Vezírship conferred on Síávush Páshá.

       The Militia of Tabríz.

       The Muftí Effendí, Bostánzádeh, deposed, and Zekeríá Effendí appointed in his stead.

       Disturbance on the confines of Bosnia and Hungary.—Movements of the Infidels.

       News from the East.

       Concerning learned Men.

       EVENTS OF THE YEAR 1001, H.

       The Spáhís create a disturbance in the Diván.

       The Grand Vezír, Síávúsh Páshá, deposed.

       A rupture between the Ottomans and the Austrians.

       The Grand Vezír, Sinán Páshá, determines on carrying the war into Hungary.

       The Enemy advances to Belgrade.

       Felk falls into the hands of the Enemy.

       The Faithless are chastised.

       The base and ignoble Infidels besiege Khutván.

       The Siege of Osterghún.

       The Request of the Prime Minister—the Succour of the Magnificent Emperor.

       Yanuk besieged.

       The Moslem Warriors begin an assault.

       EVENTS OF THE YEAR 1003 H.

       The conquest of Yanuk.

       Komran laid siege to.

       Concerning the bad management of the Commander-in-chief; his error and failure in some other matters.

       The Waivoda of Moldavia rebels.

       Concerning the insurrection occasioned by Michael, Waivoda of Valachia.

       Death of Sultán Murád III.

       The late Emperor’s age.—The time of his reign.—Some of his virtues and good deeds described.

       Vezírs contemporary with Sultán Murád Khán.

       Learned Men contemporary with Sultán Murád Khán.

       Reverend Doctors contemporary with Murád Khán.

       Facts relative to the new Emperor Sultán Mohammed Khán III.

       The Premiership conferred on Ferhád Páshá.

       Insurrection of the Valachians and Moldavians.

       Ferhád Páshá makes preparations for war.

       The Spáhís raise a tumult.

       Ferhád Páshá prepares to set out for Valachia.

       Continuation of Ferhád’s affairs.

       Ferhád arrives on the Banks of the Danube.

       Ferhád is deposed.—Sinán Páshá raised to the Premiership.

       A Reflection.

       Sinán Páshá’s Operations in Valachia.

       A Council held.—A Fortress built.

       Concerning the Enemy’s Operations on the Frontiers.

       The Moslem Army advances to Osterghún,

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