The Annals of the Turkish Empire: 1591 - 1659. Mustafa Naima
href="#ub7e6bb73-12ab-57b4-ae48-eda382b4aebd">The Apostate Michael gains a victory.
Osterghún delivered up to the enemy.
Vishégrade is taken by the enemy.
The Grand Vezír deposed.—Lála Mohammed Páshá made Grand Vezír.
Sinán Páshá is made Grand Vezír a fifth Time.
Sinán Páshá’s counsel to the Emperor.
Sinán Páshá’s death.—Ibrahím Páshá is made Grand Vezír.
Strife and contention between Sa’d-ud-dín Effendí and the Muftí.
The Emperor of the Moslems prepares to set out for the scene of war.
The Moslems are threatened by another immense host of Infidels.
Ja’fer Páshá sent with a body of Troops to surprise the Enemy.
The Orthodox Army advances to attack the Enemy.
The Battle of the second Day.—The Defeat of the Enemy.
The Premiership conferred on Jaghaleh Zádeh Sinán Páshá.
The conquering Moslems return to Agria.
The Emperor returns to Constantinople.
Jaghaleh, the grand vezír, deposed.—Ibrahím is re-appointed.
New appearances of hostilities.
A Council held.—The army marches on Wáj.
The Grand Vezír, Ibrahím Páshá, deposed.—Khádum Hasan Páshá succeeds to the premiership.
Jeráh Mohammed Páshá raised to the premiership.
The enemy gains advantage at Yanuk by stratagem.
The Moslems determine on attacking Warad.
Account of the late expedition continued from last year.
Concerning the fall of Besperim, Polata, Tata, and the siege of Buda.
Khádem Háfiz Ahmed Páshá routed at Nicopolis by the odious Michael.
The grand Vezírship conferred a third time on Ibrahím Páshá.
Satúrjí Mohammed Páshá murdered. Etmekjí Zádeh imprisoned.
Strange conduct of the new Grand Vezír Ibrahím Páshá.
Some other events of this year.
Account of Ibrahím Páshá’s further operations.
The French soldiers stationed at Papa join the Osmánlís.
Laudable qualities of Ibrahím Páshá.
The state of Yemen. (Arabia-felix.)
Ibrahím Páshá’s movements against Kaniza.
Hájí Ibrahím Páshá defeated by Kara Yazijí (Scrivano).
The odious Michael’s troops defeated.
The grand vezír, Ibrahím Páshá’s death.—Yemishjí