The Annals of the Turkish Empire: 1591 - 1659. Mustafa Naima
Murád Páshá, goes to Tabríz.
Nesúh Páshá arrives in Constantinople along with the Persian ambassadors.
Sultán Ahmed Khán takes a journey to Adrianople.
The emperor, Sultán Ahmed Khán, goes to Gallipoli.
The emperor leaves Gallipoli for the imperial city.
Mohammed Gheráí arrives at Rudosjuk.
A messenger from Holland arrives in Constantinople.
A mosque is built in the garden of Stavros.
Sultán Ahmed Khán resolves on a second journey to Adrianople.
Nesúh Páshá’s enmity to the lord high treasurer, Etmekjí Zádeh. Ahmed Páshá.
Begzádeh, a celebrated spáhí, assassinated.
Other events and circumstances of this year.
The treaty of peace with Persia adverted to.
The Moslem Emperor returns to Constantinople.
The admiral, Khalíl Páshá, goes to sea.
Punishment inflicted on the infidels of Maneíah.
The cossacks become troublesome.
Some fortresses built on the Ouzi (Borysthenes).
The grand vezír, Nesúh Páshá, murdered.—The seals are conferred on Mohammed Páshá.
Chief reasons for accomplishing the death of Nesúh Páshá.
The grand vezír and commander-in-chief marches against Persia.
A messenger arrives from the sháh.
The peace with Austria renewed.—New articles added.
Death of the reverend Muftí.—His brother, Isaád Effendí, succeeds him.
The grand vezír and commander-in-chief march to Reván
The Persian ambassador is imprisoned.
Iskander Páshá marches against the Cossacks.
A division is sent to protect Gúrjistán (Georgia) from the grasp of the heretics.
Iskander Páshá concludes a peace with the Cossacks.
Concerning the naval affairs of this year.
Death of Sultán Ahmed Khán.—Sultán Mustafa Khán is inaugurated.
Character of Sultán Ahmed Khán.
Concerning Sultán Ahmed Khán’s sons.
Vezírs who were contemporary with Sultán Ahmed Khán.
Some of the events which took place during the reign of Mustafa Khán.