Life of Heber C. Kimball, an Apostle. Orson F. Whitney

Life of Heber C. Kimball, an Apostle - Orson F. Whitney

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biographer. Last, but not least, in this limited reference, I am under obligations of gratitude to my uncle, Solomon F. Kimball, the chief promoter of this work, who first approached me on the subject of writing his father's life, and who, in all the toils incident to such an undertaking, has proved my staunch and faithful friend.

      My labor, I need hardly say, in conclusion, has been one of love and duty. I have fulfilled, imperfectly I know, conscientiously I am as certain, what I considered a sacred trust; the result of which I now lay at the feet of an indulgent public.


      NOVEMBER, 1888.

      CHAPTER I.

      A Pre-existent Glimpse—God's Noble and Great Ones—Heber C. Kimball

       a Predestined Prophet—Opening of the Last Dispensation—Heber's

       Birth and Parentage—Early Incidents of His Life—Clouds and



      A Romantic Episode—Heber's Marriage with Vilate Murray—A Soldier and a Free Mason—His Stern Arraignment of the Ancient Order—Death of Heber's Father and Mother


      Heber's Poetic Nature—A Rough Diamond—Early Religious

       Experience—Joins the Baptist Church—"Signs in the Heavens

       Above"—Heber C. Kimball and Brigham Young—The Everlasting Gospel


      Heber Embraces Mormonism—A Baptism of Fire—Death of Miriam

       Young—Vilate Kimball a Mother to the Orphans—Heber Ordained an

       Elder—Resolves to Visit Kirtland

      CHAPTER V.

      The Land of Shinehah—Arrival of Heber and Brigham in

       Kirtland—Their First Meeting with the Prophet—The Kimballs and

       Youngs Remove to Ohio—Vexatious Suits and Mob Violence—Fallen on

       Perilous Times


      The Gathering of the Titans—Heber's Testimony of Joseph and the

       Twelve—Their Mighty Mission—The Test of Faith—Zion's Camp


      The Redemption of Zion—Enoch's City to Return—Object of The United

       Order—Cause of the Jackson County Expulsion—The Wheat from the



      The Zion's Camp Expedition—Joseph as a Prophet General—Finding of

       the Bones of Zelph, the Ancient—Rebellion in the Camp—Joseph

       Predicts a Scourge—Heber's Failure as a Launderer—Zion's Camp

       Saved by a Storm


      The Fishing River Revelation—Why Zion was not Redeemed—The Cholera in Camp—The Test of Faith Complete—The Shadow of a Coming Event

      CHAPTER X.

      Building the Temple—Joseph and Heber Working in the Quarry—The

       Theological School—A Lesson on Faith—Call of the Twelve—Heber C.

       Kimball Ordained an Apostle


      First Mission of the Twelve—Heber Revisits the Scenes of his

       Childhood—Mobbing an Abolitionist—"The Accuser of the

       Brethren"—Days of Repentance and Reformation


      Heber's Description of the Temple—Its Dedication—Angels

       Administer—The "Beloved Disciple" John Seen—The Solemn

       Assembly—The Elders Endowed with Power from on High—Heber's Lone



      The Worship of Mammon—The Temporal Above the Spiritual—The

       Kirtland Bank—Financial Disasters—Apostasy—Heber Sorrows Over the

       Degeneracy of the Times


      Zion's Ship Among the Breakers—"Something New Must be Done to Save

       the Church."—Heber C. Kimball Appointed to Open the British

       Mission—Spiritual Things to the Front—Righting the Ship—Heber's

       Prophecy to Willard Richards—"Yea, in the Name of the Lord, Thou

       Shalt Go With Me"—The Departure for England


      Farewell to Native Land—"Upon the Wide, Wide Sea"—Heber's Dream of

       Joseph—A Ship Out of Her Reckoning—A Dying Child Healed—Apostle

       Hyde Preaches on Board—Arrival at Liverpool—The Elders Leap Ashore


      Strangers in a Strange Land—The Elders Led by the Spirit to

       Preston—"Truth Will Prevail"—The Reverend James

       Fielding—Wonderful Fulfillment of Heber's Prophecies—A People

       Prepared for the Gospel—The Elders Preach in Preston


      Satan Alarmed—The Powers of Evil Conspire Against the

       Elders—Chapels and Churches Closed Against Them—The Reverend Mr.

       Fielding in his Real Colors—The Work Continues to Spread—An Army

       of Demons Attack the Elders—The Dawn and Victory


      The Reverend Mr. Fielding Forbids the Elders to Baptize their

       Converts—Apostle Kimball's Answer: "They are of Age and Can Act for

       Themselves"—Premier Gladstone and Secretary Evarts—Free Agency and

       Unrighteous Dominion—Heber C. Kimball Baptizes in the River

       Ribble—A Miracle


      The Elders Separate for the Better Prosecution of Their

       Work—Jennetta Richards—The Preston Branch Organized—Heber Goes to

       Walkerfold—Another Minister's "Craft in Danger"—More of Heber's

       Prophecies—"Willard, I Baptized Your Wife To-day."


      The Mission of Elias—The Symbolism of the Universe—The Past

       Preparatory to the Present

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