Life of Heber C. Kimball, an Apostle. Orson F. Whitney

Life of Heber C. Kimball, an Apostle - Orson F. Whitney

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Matthews and Aitken—The Stars Paling Before the Sun


      The Temperance Reform in Preston—A Work Preparatory to the

       Gospel—Preaching in the "Cock Pit"—Heber Writes Home an Account of

       His Mission—The Work in Cumberland—Episode of Mary Smithies—"She

       Shall Live to Become a Mother in Israel."


      Heber Writes to Willard in Bedford—The Elders Become Licensed

       Preachers—The "Milk" and "Meat of the Word"—Rapid Spread of the

       Work—Miracles—Heber's Dream of the Bull and Field of Grain—A

       Disappointed Mob


      The Voice of the Good Shepherd—Heber Converts Whole Villages—The

       Spirit of the Master Upon His Servant—The Christmas Conference in



      The Work of God not Dependent upon Man—Humility a Source of Power—Every Man Chosen and Fitted for his Sphere—Example of Paul the Apostle—Heber "Hits the Rock" in Longton—The Apostles Visit the Branches Prior to Returning to America


      Condition of the Church at Home—Pruning off the Dead Branches—A

       Day of Choosing—Apostates Conspire to Overthrow the Church—Flight

       of the Prophet from Kirtland—Fall of Oliver Cowdery and other

       Apostles—"Show Unto us Thy Will, O Lord, concerning the Twelve!"


      Heber's Farewell to Chatburn—An Affecting Scene—His Sympathy for

       the Poor of England—The April Conference in Preston—Two Thousand

       Saints Assemble—Joseph Fielding Appointed to Preside over the

       British Mission


      Departure for Liverpool—Heber's Letter to the Saints in Chatburn and Downham—His Prediction concerning Thomas Webster—Its Strict Fulfillment


      The Elders Sail for Home—A Storm at Sea—How Heber Found Favor with

       the Steward—Arrival at New York—The "Garrick" again

       Victorious—Journey to Kirtland—On to Far West—Happy Meeting with

       Joseph and the Brethren


      The Land where Adam Dwelt—The Saints Impelled Toward their

       Destiny—Persecution Revives—Adam-ondi-Ahman—The Altar of the

       Ancient of Days


      Times that Tried Men's Souls—The Mob Gathering Against Far

       West—Battle of Crooked River—Death of David W. Patten Days of

       Darkness and Disaster


      The Fall of Far West—Joseph and his Brethren Betrayed to the

       Enemy—Heber Facing the Traitors—His Fearless Denunciation and Firm

       Testimony—Atrocities of the Mob—Heber's Prophecy of

       Retribution—He Visits the Prophet in Richmond Jail


      Memorial to the Missouri Legislature—A Chapter of Infamy—How

       Missouri Redressed the Wrongs of the Suffering Saints—Brigham and

       Heber Setting in Order the Church—Arranging for the Exodus


      The First Presidency Instruct the Apostles—Brigham Young Chosen

       President of the Twelve—The Exodus Begun—Heber Tarries in Missouri

       to Minister to his Imprisoned Brethren—His Faithful but Fruitless

       Efforts for their Release—The Lord Speaks to Heber


      A Word for the Fallen—Only God Knoweth the Wherefore and Why—Orson

       Hyde's Repentance and Return to the Church—Heber C. Kimball and

       Hyrum Smith his Champions—Isaac Russell's Apostasy—Heber Writes to

       the Church in England


      The Brethren in Liberty Jail—Judge King's Coup D'Etat—The Mob

       Again Threaten Far West—Fiends in Human Form—The Prophet Regains

       His Freedom—The Apostles Fulfill Revelation—First Conference of

       the Church in Illinois


      Nauvoo the Beautiful—Heber's Prediction Over the Fated City—Elder

       Rigdon's Alarm—Heber's Second Encounter with Evil Spirits—Parley

       P. Pratt Escapes from Prison, Fulfilling Heber's Prophecy


      An Epidemic of Disease—Joseph Heals the Multitude—Brigham and

       Heber Start on their Mission to England—Sickness by the Way—Heber

       Poisoned—His Life Saved by Brigham


      On to Kirtland—Miraculously Supplied with Money—Condition of

       Affairs at the Old Church Headquarters


      The Apostles Sail for England—Growth of the British Mission During

       Heber's Absence—Labors of Elders Woodruff and Taylor—First Council

       of the Twelve Among the Nations—Willard Richards Ordained an



      Heber Visits the Branches Raised up During His Former Mission—His

       Report of their Condition and Standing—First General Conference at



      Founding the London Conference—Apostles Kimball, Woodruff and Smith

       Chosen for the Work—Seeking for a Man with the Spirit of God—The

       First Convert—The Elders Hold Open-air Meetings in Tabernacle



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