Life of Heber C. Kimball, an Apostle. Orson F. Whitney

Life of Heber C. Kimball, an Apostle - Orson F. Whitney

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with Cholera—The Work in other Parts—Second

       Conference at Manchester—Brigham Accompanies Heber to

       London—Conversion of the Rev. James Albion


      Opening of the Year 1841 in London—Encouraging Success of the

       Elders—Heber C. Kimball Blesses the Queen of England—The Woolwich

       Branch Organized—Organization of the London Conference—The

       Prospect of War Between Great Britain and the United States Hastens

       the Return of the Apostles to America


      Heber Organizes the Birmingham Conference—Meeting of the Apostles in Manchester Prior to Returning to America—Orson Hyde Present on his way to Palestine—The Extensive Work of One Year


      The Apostles Sail for Home—Arrival at New York—Heber's Letter to the "Millennial Star"—Happy Meeting With the Prophet and the Saints at Nauvoo—Labors Spiritual aid Temporal—Heber's Phrenological Chart


      Revelation of Celestial Marriage—Secrecy the Price of Safety—

       Joseph Tests Heber and Makes him his Confidant—How Vilate Kimball

       was Converted—Heber and Vilate give their Daughter Helen to the

       Prophet in Celestial Marriage


      John C. Bennett's Apostasy—Heber and the Twelve sent out to Refute

       his Slanders—Heber's Famous Sermon: "The Clay in the Hands of the

       Potter"—Inception of the Relief Society—Vilate's Vow and Heber's



      Heber's Last Mission to the Gentiles—Joseph Smith a Candidate for the Presidency of the United States—The Apostles his Electioneerers—The Martyrdom—Return of the Twelve to Nauvoo


      Choice of Joseph's Successor—A Miracle—The Mantle of Joseph Falls

       Upon Brigham Young—Heber C. Kimball his Right Hand Man

      CHAPTER L.

      The Work Moves on in Spite of Persecution and Apostasy—The Nauvoo Temple Finished and Dedicated—The Saints Prepare for their Removal to the Rocky Mountains


      The Exodus—Heber's Prophecy Fulfilled—Evacuation of Nauvoo—The

       Camp of Israel on Sugar Creek—Brigham and Heber Lead the Church

       Westward—Arrival at the Missouri River


      Destination of the Saints—The Call for the Mormon Battalion Heroic

       Response of the Exiles—Brigham, Heber and Willard as Recruiting

       Sergeants—Departure of the Battalion—The Camp of Israel Goes into

       Winter Quarters—The Fall of Nauvoo


      The Word and Will of the Lord Concerning the Camp of Israel—The

       Pioneers Start for the Rocky Mountains—Names of the

       Heroes—Incidents of the Journey West


      Arrival at Grand Island—The Pioneer Buffalo Hunt—Heber Kills his

       First Bison—The Spirit of Levity Rebuked—The Pioneers Reach Fort



      The Pioneers Cross the Platte—Governor Boggs and the

       Missourians—Col. Bridger—"A Thousand Dollars for a Bushel of

       Wheat"—The Pioneers' First Glimpse of the Valley of the Great Salt



      The Pioneers Enter the Valley—Exploring and Colonizing—A Renewal of Covenants—Selection of Inheritances—Return of the Leaders to Winter Quarters


      The First Presidency Reorganized—Heber Attains to "The Honor of the

       Three"—Second Journey to the Mountains—Sickness and

       Distress—Heber's Character as a Colonizer


      The Cricket Plague—Saved by the Gulls—Heber's Famous Prophecy—"States Goods" Sold in Great Salt Lake City Cheaper than in New York


      Heber C. Kimball Chief Justice and Lieutenant-Governor of

       Deseret—In the Legislature—Laying the Corner Stones of the Salt

       Lake Temple—Heber's Consecration Prayer—His Prophecy in Relation

       to the Temple—He Predicts Another Famine


      The Famine of '56—Heber a Second Joseph—A Savior to his

       People—Vilate a Ministering Angel—A Strange Piece of

       Counsel—President Kimball's Letters Descriptive of the Famine to

       His Son William, in England


      The Hand-cart Emigration—Perishing in the Snow—Heroic Conduct of

       William II. and David P. Kimball—President Kimball's Plea and

       Exertions in Behalf of the Sufferers—The Utah War—The Great



      Some of Heber's Family History—A Patriarchal Household—Names of

       his Wives and Children—Episode of Abram A. Kimball—Peter, the

       Child of Promise—Heber at Family Prayers—David H. Kimball's

       Story—Heber P. and Solomon F. Kimball in the Black Hawk War


      Anecdotes and Reminiscences of Heber C. Kimball—The Man as Others

       Knew him—Golden Grains from the Sands of Memory


      Gems from the Words of Heber—Spirit Rappings—Address at the Funeral of Mary Fielding Smith—Love, Unity and the Courage of the Righteous—Joseph and the Keys of the Kingdom—Cultivation of Spirits—Heaven and Hell—Administration of Angels and the Spirits of the Ancients—The Resurrection—The Spirit World—The Clay and

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