Meditations. Emperor of Rome Marcus Aurelius

Meditations - Emperor of Rome Marcus Aurelius

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XLII. It is but an ordinary coarse one, yet it is a good effectual

       XLIII. Let thy course ever be the most compendious way. The most


       I. In the morning when thou findest thyself unwilling to rise, consider

       II. How easy a thing is it for a man to put off from him all turbulent

       III. Think thyself fit and worthy to speak, or to do anything that is

       IV. I continue my course by actions according to nature, until I

       V. No man can admire thee for thy sharp acute language, such is thy

       VI. Such there be, who when they have done a good turn to any, are ready

       VII. The form of the Athenians' prayer did run thus: 'O rain, rain, good

       VIII. As we say commonly, The physician hath prescribed unto this man,

       IX. Be not discontented, be not disheartened, be not out of hope, if

       X. Thou must comfort thyself in the expectation of thy natural

       XI. What is the use that now at this present I make of my soul? Thus

       XII. What those things are in themselves, which by the greatest part are

       XIII. All that I consist of, is either form or matter. No corruption can

       XIV. Reason, and rational power, are faculties which content themselves

       XV. Such as thy thoughts and ordinary cogitations are, such will thy

       XVI. To desire things impossible is the part of a mad man. But it is a

       XVII. After one consideration, man is nearest unto us; as we are bound

       XVIII. Honour that which is chiefest and most powerful in the world, and

       XIX. That which doth not hurt the city itself; cannot hurt any citizen.

       XX. Let not that chief commanding part of thy soul be ever subject to

       XXI. To live with the Gods. He liveth with the Gods, who at all times

       XXII. Be not angry neither with him whose breath, neither with him whose

       XXIII. 'Where there shall neither roarer be, nor harlot.' Why so? As

       XXIV. That rational essence by which the universe is governed, is for

       XXV. How hast thou carried thyself hitherto towards the Gods? towards

       XXVI. Why should imprudent unlearned souls trouble that which is

       XXVII. Within a very little while, thou wilt be either ashes, or a

       XXVIII. Thou mayest always speed, if thou wilt but make choice of the

       XXIX. If this neither be my wicked act, nor an act anyways depending

       XXX. Let death surprise rue when it will, and where it will, I may be a


       I. The matter itself, of which the universe doth consist, is of itself

       II. Be it all one unto thee, whether half frozen or well warm; whether

       III. Look in, let not either the proper quality, or the true worth of

       IV. All substances come soon to their change, and either they shall

       V. The best kind of revenge is, not to become like unto them.

       VI. Let this be thy only joy, and thy only comfort, from one sociable

       VII. The rational commanding part, as it alone can stir up and turn

       VIII. According to the nature of the universe all things particular are

       IX. Whensoever by some present hard occurrences thou art constrained to

       X. If it were that thou hadst at one time both a stepmother, and

       XI. How marvellous useful it is for a man to represent unto himself

       XII. See what Crates pronounceth concerning Xenocrates himself.

       XIII. Those things which the common sort of people do admire, are most

       XIV. Some things hasten to be, and others to be no more. And even

       XV. Not vegetative spiration, it is not surely (which plants have) that

       XVI. Under, above, and about, are the motions of the elements; but

       XVII. Who can choose but wonder at them? They will not speak well of

       XVIII. Do not ever conceive anything impossible to man, which by thee

       XIX. Suppose that at the palestra somebody hath all to-torn thee with

       XX. If anybody shall reprove me, and shall make it apparent unto me,

       XXI. I for my part will do what belongs unto me; as for other things,

       XXII. Alexander of Macedon, and he that dressed his mules, when once

       XXIII Consider how many different things, whether they concern our

       XXIV. if any should put this question unto thee, how this word Antoninus

       XXV. Is it not a cruel thing to forbid men to affect those things, which

       XXVI. Death is a cessation from the impression of the senses, the

       XXVII. If in this kind of life thy body be able to hold out, it is a

       XXVIII. Do all things as becometh the disciple of Antoninus Pius.

       XXIX. Stir up thy mind, and recall thy wits again from thy natural

       XXX. I consist of body and soul. Unto my body all things are

       XXXI. As long as the foot doth that which belongeth unto it to do, and

       XXXII. Dost thou not see, how even those that profess mechanic arts,

       XXXIII. Asia, Europe; what are they, but as corners of the whole world;

       XXXIV He that seeth the things that are now, hath Seen all that either

       XXXV. Fit and accommodate thyself to that estate and to those

       XXXVI. What things soever are not within the proper power and

       XXXVII. We all work to one effect, some willingly, and with a rational

       XXXVIII. Doth either the sun take upon him to do that which belongs to

       XXXIX. If so be that the Gods have deliberated in particular of those

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