Meditations. Emperor of Rome Marcus Aurelius
XI. When thou art hard to be stirred up and awaked out of thy sleep,
XII. As every fancy and imagination presents itself unto thee, consider
XIII. At thy first encounter with any one, say presently to thyself:
XIV. Remember, that to change thy mind upon occasion, and to follow him
XV. If it were thine act and in thine own power, wouldest thou do
XVI. Whatsoever dieth and falleth, however and wheresoever it die
XVII. Whatsoever is, was made for something: as a horse, a vine. Why
XVIII. Nature hath its end as well in the end and final consummation of
XIX. As one that tosseth up a ball. And what is a ball the better, if
XX. That which must be the subject of thy consideration, is either the
XXI. Most justly have these things happened unto thee: why dost not
XXII. Shall I do it? I will; so the end of my action be to do good unto
XXIII. By one action judge of the rest: this bathing which usually takes
XXIV. Lucilla buried Verus; then was Lucilla herself buried by others.
XXV. The true joy of a man, is to do that which properly belongs unto a
XXVI. If pain be an evil, either it is in regard of the body; (and that
XXVII. Wipe off all idle fancies, and say unto thyself incessantly; Now
XXVIII. Whether thou speak in the Senate or whether thou speak to any
XXIX. Augustus his court; his wife, his daughter, his nephews, his
XXX. Contract thy whole life to the measure and proportion of one single
XXXI. Receive temporal blessings without ostentation, when they are sent
XXXII. If ever thou sawest either a hand, or a foot, or a head lying by
XXXIII. As almost all her other faculties and properties the nature of
XXXIV. Let not the general representation unto thyself of the
XXXV. What? are either Panthea or Pergamus abiding to this day by their
XXXVI. If thou beest quick-sighted, be so in matter of judgment, and
XXXVII. In the whole constitution of man, I see not any virtue contrary
XXXVIII. If thou canst but withdraw conceit and opinion concerning that
XXXIX. That which is a hindrance of the senses, is an evil to the
XL. If once round and solid, there is no fear that ever it will change.
XLI. Why should I grieve myself; who never did willingly grieve any
XLII. This time that is now present, bestow thou upon thyself. They that
XLIII. Take me and throw me where thou wilt: I am indifferent. For there
XLIV. Is this then a thing of that worth, that for it my soul should
XLV. Nothing can happen unto thee, which is not incidental unto thee, as
XLVI. Remember that thy mind is of that nature as that it becometh
XLVII. Keep thyself to the first bare and naked apprehensions of things,
XLVIII. Is the cucumber bitter? set it away. Brambles are in the way?
XLIX. Not to be slack and negligent; or loose, and wanton in thy
L. 'They kill me, they cut my flesh; they persecute my person with
LI. He that knoweth not what the world is, knoweth not where he himself
LII. Not only now henceforth to have a common breath, or to hold
LIII. Wickedness in general doth not hurt the world. Particular
LIV. The sun seemeth to be shed abroad. And indeed it is diffused but
LV. He that feareth death, either feareth that he shall have no sense at
LVI. All men are made one for another: either then teach them better, or
LVII. The motion of the mind is not as the motion of a dart. For
LVIII. To pierce and penetrate into the estate of every one's
I. He that is unjust, is also impious. For the nature of the universe,
II. It were indeed more happy and comfortable, for a man to depart out
III. Thou must not in matter of death carry thyself scornfully, but as
IV. He that sinneth, sinneth unto himself. He that is unjust, hurts
V. If my present apprehension of the object be right, and my present
VI. To wipe away fancy, to use deliberation, to quench concupiscence, to
VII. Of all unreasonable creatures, there is but one unreasonable soul;
VIII. Man, God, the world, every one in their kind, bear some fruits.
IX. Either teach them better if it be in thy power; or if it be not,
X. Labour not as one to whom it is appointed to be wretched, nor as one
XI. This day I did come out of all my trouble. Nay I have cast out all
XII. All those things, for matter of experience are usual and ordinary;
XIII. The things themselves that affect us, they stand without doors,
XIV. As virtue and wickedness consist not in passion, but in action; so
XV. To the stone that is cast up, when it comes down it is no hurt unto
XVI. Sift their minds and understandings, and behold what men they be,
XVII. All things that are in the world, are always in the estate
XVIII. it is not thine, but another man's sin. Why should it trouble
XIX. Of an operation and of a purpose there is an ending, or of an
XX. As occasion shall require, either to thine own understanding, or to
XXI. As thou thyself, whoever thou art, were made for the perfection and
XXII. Children's anger, mere babels; wretched souls bearing up dead
XXIII. Go to the quality of the cause from which the effect doth
XXIV. Infinite are the troubles and miseries, that thou hast already