Meditations. Emperor of Rome Marcus Aurelius
XL. Whatsoever in any kind doth happen to any one, is expedient to the
XLI. As the ordinary shows of the theatre and of other such places,
XLII. Let the several deaths of men of all sorts, and of all sorts of
XLIII. When thou wilt comfort and cheer thyself, call to mind the
XLIV. Dost thou grieve that thou dost weigh but so many pounds, and not
XLV. Let us do our best endeavours to persuade them; but however, if
XLVI. The ambitious supposeth another man's act, praise and applause, to
XLVII. It is in thy power absolutely to exclude all manner of conceit
XLVIII. Use thyself when any man speaks unto thee, so to hearken unto
XLIX. That which is not good for the bee-hive, cannot be good for the
L. Will either passengers, or patients, find fault and complain, either
LI. How many of them who came into the world at the same time when I
LII. To them that are sick of the jaundice, honey seems bitter; and to
LIII. No man can hinder thee to live as thy nature doth require. Nothing
LIV. What manner of men they be whom they seek to please, and what to
I. What is wickedness? It is that which many time and often thou hast
II. What fear is there that thy dogmata, or philosophical resolutions
III. That which most men would think themselves most happy for, and
IV. Word after word, every one by itself, must the things that are
V. Is my reason, and understanding sufficient for this, or no? If it be
VI. Let not things future trouble thee. For if necessity so require that
VII. Whatsoever is material, doth soon vanish away into the common
VIII. To a reasonable creature, the same action is both according
IX. Straight of itself, not made straight.
X. As several members in one body united, so are reasonable creatures
XI. Of things that are external, happen what will to that which can
XII. Whatsoever any man either doth or saith, thou must be good; not for
XIII. This may ever be my comfort and security: my understanding, that
XIV. What is rv&nfLovia, or happiness: but a7~o~ &d~wv, or, a good
XV. Is any man so foolish as to fear change, to which all things that
XVI. Through the substance of the universe, as through a torrent pass
XVII. The nature of the universe, of the common substance of all things
XVIII. An angry countenance is much against nature, and it is oftentimes
XIX. Whensoever any man doth trespass against other, presently consider
XX. Fancy not to thyself things future, as though they were present
XXI. Wipe off all opinion stay the force and violence of unreasonable
XXII. All things (saith he) are by certain order and appointment. And
XXIII. Out of Plato. 'He then whose mind is endowed with true
XXIV. Out of Antisthenes. 'It is a princely thing to do well, and to be
XXV. Out of several poets and comics. 'It will but little avail thee,
XXVI. Out of Plato. 'My answer, full of justice and equity, should be
XXVII. To look back upon things of former ages, as upon the manifold
XXVIII. He hath a stronger body, and is a better wrestler than I. What
XXIX. Where the matter may be effected agreeably to that reason, which
XXX. Look not about upon other men's minds and understandings; but look
XXXI. As one who had lived, and were now to die by right, whatsoever is
XXXII. Thou must use thyself also to keep thy body fixed and steady;
XXXIII. The art of true living in this world is more like a wrestler's,
XXXIV. Thou must continually ponder and consider with thyself, what
XXXV. What pain soever thou art in, let this presently come to thy mind,
XXXVI. Take heed lest at any time thou stand so affected, though towards
XXXVII. How know we whether Socrates were so eminent indeed, and of so
XXXVIII. For it is a thing very possible, that a man should be a very
XXXIX. Free from all compulsion in all cheerfulness and alacrity thou
XL. Then hath a man attained to the estate of perfection in his life and
XLI. Can the Gods, who are immortal, for the continuance of so many ages
XLII. What object soever, our reasonable and sociable faculty doth meet
XLIII. When thou hast done well, and another is benefited by thy action,
XLIV. The nature of the universe did once certainly before it was
I. This also, among other things, may serve to keep thee from vainglory;
II. Upon every action that thou art about, put this question to thyself;
III. Alexander, Caius, Pompeius; what are these to Diogenes, Heraclitus,
IV. What they have done, they will still do, although thou shouldst hang
V. That which the nature of the universe doth busy herself about, is;
VI. Every particular nature hath content, when in its own proper course
VII. Thou hast no time nor opportunity to read. What then? Hast thou
VIII. Forbear henceforth to complain of the trouble of a courtly life,
IX. Repentance is an inward and self-reprehension for the neglect or
X. This, what is it in itself, and by itself, according to its proper