A statesman who doesn’t exist yet. Remid. Аlmaz Braev

A statesman who doesn’t exist yet. Remid - Аlmaz Braev

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the people stop listening to the local leaders but first of all the teachers. The crowd loses its authority. We start talking about remids. It remids or the old authorities have to replace the disgruntled serafy, serenity, refuge and other troublemakers – the new generation from the bottom. Time will pass and some invisible cycle will end. And from the new people in power, a completely new revolutionary elite, a circle of rings will be formed. The new, now revolutionary elite will become a hindering factor. And now other provincials will crowd outside the door – they will want to throw the previous ones in the trash



      In the 7th century BC, a certain genius boy of the princely family of Shakya grew into an enlightened teacher of his people. The Buddha revealed to his soul the cause of suffering. No, not yet. The cause of suffering is desire. No desire – no suffering. All ingenious is simple. If his community and kin were suffering, then they, as a whole and individually, were doing something wrong. What did they want? The Buddha forbade touching gold, silver, and women, because these are the main temptations that lead to ruin. But gold and silver are not available to everyone, but only to the nobility. Although the lower classes may want gold, after women of course. Before us is a picture from the distant past, when the remids and zerefs are excited at the same time. No demand, no supply. There is no suffering, there is no Buddha. Gautam Buddha is not a God; he is only one link in the chain of personal enlightenment. The Buddha has grasped the truth of a particular moment. And the moment shows that all his relatives and the surrounding people were excited and suffered from excitement.

      Truly, if you give the rabble a lot of food and women, will they be satisfied?

      And if you give the nobility the proper glory, will not our remids (elite) become bored at one moment? The point is that anyone who tries to satisfy the crowd with a goal will not only be disappointed, but this people will also pay the price. Which does not come immediately, and sometimes lingers for a long time. But there is no doubt that this will be a reckoning. You can’t satisfy a hungry person with food. You can’t appease someone who has known slavery with freedom. The first will kill itself by gratuitous absorption, the second will ruin the community by a mess of intoxication.

      By the middle of the XIX century, the world received another Gnostic doctrine-Marxism, the author of this doctrine was a very enlightened and brilliant man Karl Marx.

      From this enlightenment we understand that Karl Marx rebelled not only against the Rabbi’s father, but also against the entire system of rabbis. Capitalism was written out an inevitable and inglorious end. And this inevitable end will be provided by the proletarian, endowed with a Messianic mission.

      In addition, the proletarian Messiah is supposed to build, was obliged to build from the “Kingdom of necessity” the Kingdom of freedom”, when from each according to need, to each according to ability-remember these stamps of Marx? Memorized and notched by propagandists. That’s it, all according to Marx. Brilliant! Everyone will get their talents, it’s so attractive. Everyone gets what they want. This is the most important thing.

      But first, the talent or talents of the obsolete rotten classes will give way, of course, to the talents of the litter from the second “proletarian” box. How the new talent will achieve its perfection, it is not clear until now. In practice, except for the mass slaughter of the reactionary “rot” of the tsarist aristocracy, then the revolutionaries of the intelligentsia, then the same mass accession of new proletarian masters, nothing happened. Some gentlemen had replaced the other. And these new nomenclature lords were far more repulsive in the imitative farce of their deposed predecessors. The new rulers had absolutely no honor or aristocracy. These mongrel comedies (and the tragedies of the watching audience) are now being implemented in full swing. In addition, the watching and suffering masses do not seem to want to overthrow the next masters and tyrants. Moreover, despite predictions of the imminent collapse of new simulacra States of tyrants and autocrats, revkon (revolutionary conservatism) claims that these autocracies are much stronger and more stable than their Communist predecessor. Although the Soviet Union in the sizes, the heights and the depths seems immeasurably better than the rest of him.

      In fact, the new regimes and societies are more stable than they seem. To understand this phenomenon, we brought in an enlightened Buddha and added our own revkon. Modern autocracy is the opposite of the Buddha. They will meet the demand of the population. They indulge their passions. If the categories RevCon Serafim – Sarafovo, remida – remidee. All passions are at rest. Stores are filled with an unprecedented food shortage. Markets are full of different vintage items. Each category of the population can choose their own food and things to taste and taste.



      When the Muslim Sultan Saladin laid siege to Jerusalem in 1187, the defense of the “Kingdom of heaven” was led by Baron Balian. But since all the knights of the Kingdom of Jerusalem were killed in the battle of Hattin three months before the siege, the Baron Ibilinus had to accept all the defenders of Jerusalem as knights and thus raise their morale.

      The people who came to the Tsar’s wagon train near Mozhaisk for abdication, as well as those who wanted to replace the autocracy with a republic and contributed to the fall of Nicholas II – who are they? The generals of Russia in the fateful days of February and March 1917 were just “new knights”, like those adopted by Baron Ibilin to protect the” Kingdom of heaven” of Jerusalem.

      Let’s call the names of these new nobles whose ancestors were absolutely not “knights” for 100 or less centuries before the fateful events.

      The chief of staff of the Supreme ruler, General Alexeyev – is the son of a retired Feldwebel.

      The commander of the Northern front, General Ruzsky, is the son of an official of the XII class (cornet, ensign, Midshipman)

      The commander of the South – Western front, General Kornilov, who arrested the Tsar’s family – is the son of a cornet and a commoner.

      The commander of the Western front, Denikin is the son of a serf.

      One of the two delegates from the Duma is the manufacturer Guchkov from a merchant family.

      Of the hereditary nobles, only General Brusilov. And the second of the two signatories is Shulgin. But both were already ill with the eternal disease of the russian intellectual self-eating as a habit of intellectuals.

      It is worth mentioning that the leaders of the two left-wing revolutionary factions-the social revolutionaries and the bolsheviks-Kerensky and Lenin were the sons of provincial noblemen.

      What were they missing? The truth? Justice? Or victories on the Russian-German front? Although, most likely, victories. But for the lack of victories for pride there is something else that no one can understand or see.

      The traditional regime anyone builds a rigid social pyramid. Although the founders of any pyramid want to stay at the top with their offspring they are also interested in having more or less intelligent guys trickle up, so that there is less mess and fuss. At least for now. If you only recruit Executive jerks to the top, then the mess and fuss will be more than the cases themselves. But all the same each part of the pyramid wants to legitimize its rights to a place for centuries, that is, to remain at the top forever and that no upstart will take the place of his children, who will receive the father’s place, rank and rank by inheritance. It would seem that all the dethroners of Nicholas II got all the career opportunities and fulfilled their desires. They grew up almost from the bottom. But still there was something wrong with it. Desires fulfilled but the internal is what the worms have left. And these worms are the rings of tradition. No matter how you twist these rings and no matter how you break

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