Oscar Wilde: The Complete Works. Knowledge house

Oscar Wilde: The Complete Works - Knowledge house

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      ·[v]· to

       robert baldwin ross

       in appreciation

       in affection

      ·[vii]· the persons of the play

      john worthing, J.P.

      algernon moncrieff

      rev. canon chasuble, D.D.

      merriman, Butler

      lane, Manservant

      lady bracknell

      hon. gwendolen fairfax

      cecily cardew

      miss prism, Governess

      ·[ix]· the scenes of the play

      Act I. Algernon Moncrieff’s Flat in Half-Moon Street, W.

      Act II. The Garden at the Manor House, Woolton.

      Act III. Drawing-Room at the Manor House, Woolton.

      Time The Present.


      Lessee and Manager: Mr. George Alexander February 14th, 1895

John Worthing, J.P. Mr. George Alexander
Algernon Moncrieff Mr. Allen Aynesworth
Rev. Canon Chasuble, D.D. Mr. H. H. Vincent
Merriman (Butler) Mr. Frank Dyall
Lane (Manservant) Mr. F. Kinsey Peile
Lady Bracknell Miss Rose Leclercq
Hon. Gwendolen Fairfax Miss Irene Vanbrugh
Cecily Cardew Miss Evelyn Millard
Miss Prism (Governess) Mrs. George Canninge

      ·1· SCENE—Morning-room in Algernon’s flat in Half Moon Street. The room is luxuriously and artistically furnished. The sound of a piano is heard in the adjoining room.

      [Lane is arranging afternoon tea on the table, and after the music has ceased, Algernon enters.]


      Did you hear what I was playing, Lane?


      I didn’t think it polite to listen, sir.


      I’m sorry for that, for your sake. I don’t play accurately—anyone can play accurately—but I play with wonderful expression. As far as the piano is concerned, sentiment is my forte. I keep science for Life.


      Yes, sir.

      ·2· algernon

      And, speaking of the science of Life, have you got the cucumber sandwiches cut for Lady Bracknell?


      Yes, sir. [Hands them on a salver.]


      [Inspects them, takes two, and sits down on the sofa.] Oh! … by the way, Lane, I see from your book that on Thursday night, when Lord Shoreman and Mr. Worthing were dining with me, eight bottles of champagne are entered as having been consumed.


      Yes, sir; eight bottles and a pint.


      Why is it that at a bachelor’s establishment the servants invariably drink the champagne? I ask merely for information.


      I attribute it to the superior quality of the wine, sir. I have often observed that in married households the champagne is rarely of a first-rate brand.


      Good Heavens! Is marriage so demoralizing as that?

      ·3· lane

      I believe it is a very pleasant state, sir. I have had very little experience of it myself up to the present. I have only been married once. That was in consequence of a misunderstanding between myself and a young person.


      [Languidly.] I don’t know that I am much interested in your family life, Lane.


      No, sir; it is not a very interesting subject. I never think of it myself.


      Very natural, I am sure. That will do, Lane, thank you.


      Thank you, sir. [Lane goes out.]


      Lane’s views on marriage seem somewhat lax. Really, if the lower orders don’t set us a good example, what on earth is the use of them? They seem, as a class, to have absolutely no sense of moral responsibility.

      [Enter Lane.]

      ·4· lane

      Mr. Ernest Worthing.

      [Enter Jack.]

      [Lane goes out.]


      How are you, my dear Ernest? What brings you up to town?


      Oh, pleasure, pleasure! What else should bring one anywhere? Eating as usual, I see, Algy!


      [Stiffly.] I believe it is customary in good society to take some slight refreshment at five o’clock. Where have you been since last Thursday?


      [Sitting down on the sofa.] In the country.


      What on earth do you do there?


      [Pulling off his gloves.] When one is in town one amuses oneself. When one is in the country one amuses other people. It is excessively boring.

      ·5· algernon

      And who are the people you amuse?


      [Airily.] Oh, neighbours, neighbours.


      Got nice neighbours in your part of Shropshire?


      Perfectly horrid! Never speak to one of them.


      How immensely you must amuse them! [Goes over and takes sandwich.] By the way, Shropshire

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