Do you speak English? | Bisa berbahasa Inggris? |
Do you speak Indonesian? | Bisa bahasa Indonesia? |
I don’t. | Saya tidak bisa. |
I speak a little. | Saya bisa sedikit. |
Is there someone who speaks English? | Ada orang yang bisa bahasa Inggris? |
Excuse me. | Permisi. |
Pardon me. | Maaf. |
May I ask you? | Boleh saya tanya? |
I (don’t) understand. | Saya (tidak) mengerti. |
Do you understand me? | Anda mengerti? |
Please repeat that. | Bisa diulangi? |
One more time. | Sekali lagi. |
Please speak slower. | Tolong bicara lebih pelan. |
What does that mean? | Apa artinya? |
What does that word mean? | Apa arti kata itu? |
It’s more or less the same as… | Kurang lebih sama dengan… |
Could you write that down, please? | Tolong ditulis. |
Could you spell that for me, please? | Tolong dieja. |
Could you point that out in this phrasebook, please? | Tolong tunjukkan pada buku ini. |
Wait a minute. | Sebentar. |
Wait a minute, I’ll look it up. | Sebentar, saya akan cari. |
I can’t find that word. | Kata itu tidak ada. |
I can’t find that sentence. | Kalimat itu tidak ada. |
How do you say that in Indonesian? | Bahasa Indonesia?Bagaimana mengatakan itu dalam |
How do you say that in Javanese? | Bagaimana mengatakan itu dalamBahasa Jawa? |
How do you say that in Balinese? | Bagaimana mengatakan itu dalamBahasa Bali? |
How do you pronounce that? | Bagaimana mengucapkannya? |
May l ask you something? | Boleh saya bertanya? |
Excuse me | Permisi |
Pardon me | Maaf |
Could you help me please? | Bisa minta tolong? |
Yes, what’s the problem? | Ya, apa masalahnya? |
What can I do for you? | Apa yang bisa saya bantu? |
Sorry, I don’t have time now. | Maaf, saya tidak ada waktu sekarang. |
Do you have a light? | Boleh pinjam korek api? |
May I join you? | Boleh bergabung dengan Anda? |
Could you take a picture? | Bisa tolong ambilkan foto? |
Could you take a picture of us? | Bisa tolong ambilkan foto kami? |
Leave me alone! | Tinggalkan aku sendiri! |
Get lost! | Pergilah! |
Don’t bother me! | Jangan ganggu! |
Go away or I’ll scream. | Pergilah atau aku berteriak! |
What will the weather be like today? | Bagaimana cuaca hari ini? |
What’s the temperature? | Berapa suhu udara? |
Is the weather nice today? | Cuaca hari ini baik? |
Is the weather bad today? | Cuaca hari ini buruk? |
Yes, bring an umbrella. | Ya, bawalah payung. |
Is the weather cool? | Cuacanya sejuk? |
Yes, bring a jacket. | Ya, bawalah jas. |
Is the weather hot? | Apakah cuaca panas? |
No, it should be cool. | Tidak, kemungkinan besar dingin. |
Yes, wear a cap. | Ya, pakailah topi. |
What’s the weather going to be like tomorrow? | Bagaimana cuaca besok? |
Is it going to be hazy tomorrow? | Apa besok akan berkabut? |
Will the air pollution be bad? | Akankah polusi udaranya memburuk? |
Yes, wear a mask. | Ya, pakailah masker. |