Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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      láo lếu adj. insolent, impolite, impertinent; careless, unreliable

      láo nháo adj. badly mixed

      láo xược adj. insolent, impudent

      Lào n. Laos, Laotian

      lào xào v. to whisper; to rustle

      lảo đảo v. to stagger, to totter

      lão adj. old, aged, elderly (= già): tiền dưỡng lão old-age pension; Nguyệt lão the God of Marriages

      lão ấu n. old and young: nam phụ lão ấu men and women, young and old, everyone

      lão bộc n. old servant

      lão giáo n. Taoism

      lão luyện adj. experienced, skilled

      lão mẫu n. old mother

      lão thành adj. old and experienced

      Lão Tử n. Lao Tze

      lạo xạo adj. scratching

      lạp xường n. Chinese sausage

      lát 1 adj. short, instant, moment (= chốc): lát nữa in a moment; chốc lát, giây lát short moment 2 v. to pave, to cover [road, floor]: lát gạch sàn nhà to cover the floor with tiles

      lạt 1 n. bamboo string: dùng lạt để buộc bánh chưng to use bamboo strings to tie sticky rice cakes 2 adj. (= nhạt) to be watery, insipid, flat, not sweet enough [opp. ngọt]; not salted [opp. mặn]

      lạt lẽo adj. (= nhạt nhẽo) watery, insipid, tasteless; light; cold, cool, indifferent

      Lạt ma n. Lama: Ðạt lai Lạt ma Dalai Lama

      lau 1 v. to wipe, to clean, to mop: giẻ lau dust cloth, rag; khăn lau towel, rag; khăn lau bát dish towel; khăn lau mặt washcloth, towel 2 n. reed, arundinaceous cane

      lau chùi v. to dust [with a cloth], to clean

      lau dầu v. to lubricate, to clean

      lau nhau v. [of children] to swarm

      láu adj. [of child] smart, clever

      láu lỉnh adj. mischievous, roguish; sharp, smart, clever

      láu táu v. to act or to talk fast and thoughtlessly

      làu nhàu v. to grumble, to complain

      lay v. to shake, to push: không lay chuyển unshakable; lung lay to move, to budge

      láy v. to repeat

      lạy v. to bow low; to kowtow, to prostrate oneself before; to pray; to greet with a kowtow

      lắc v. to shake with side-to-side motions: lắc đầu to shake one’s head; lúc lắc to move, to sway

      lắc chuông v. to ring a bell

      lắc đầu v. to shake one’s head

      lắc la lắc lư v. See lắc lư

      lắc lư v. to swing, to sway, to rock

      lăm num. five [when preceded by a numeral in the ten]: mười lăm fifteen; hai mươi lăm twenty five

      lăm lăm v. to keep [weapon] ready

      lăm le v. to be eager to, to want very much to [get something]

      lắm adj., adv. much or many, plenty of; very much

      lắm điều adj. talkative, gossipy, quarrelsome

      lắm kẻ n. many people

      lắm khi adj. many times

      lắm lúc adj. many times

      lắm mồm adj. talkative, gossipy, quarrelsome

      lắm phen adj. many times

      lăn v. to roll: lăn bánh xe to roll a tire

      lăn chiêng v. to fall flat

      lăn đùng v. to fall, to collapse; to drop dead

      lăn kềnh v. to fall flat

      lăn lóc v. to have/experience hardships; to lie around, to wallow

      lăn long lóc v. to roll about

      lăn lộn v. to have/experience hardships; to lie around

      lăn tay v. to take fingerprints

      lăn tăn v. to drizzle

      lăn xả v. to hurl oneself at, to fling oneself at, to throw oneself into [vào]

      lằn n. wale, streak

      lặn v. to be under the water, to dive, to set

      lặn lội v. to travel up hill and down dale; to go through a lot of trouble

      lăng n. royal tomb

      lăng kính n. prism

      lăng loàn adj. [of woman] pert, saucy

      lăng mạ v. to insult

      lăng nhăng adj. purposeless, thoughtless; irresponsible; flirtatious

      lăng nhục v. to insult

      lăng quăng v. to run around

      lăng tẩm n. imperial tomb

      lăng trụ n. prism: khối lăng trụ thẳng right prism; khối lăng trụ xiên oblique/slanting prism

      lăng xăng v. to bustle, to act as a busybody, to be an eager beaver

      lắng 1 v. to lend [an ear]; to try to listen: lắng nghe to listen closely 2 v. to settle, to abate

      lằng nhằng v. to drag; to be confused

      lẳng adj. flirtatious

      lẳng lơ adj. flirtatious, sexy

      lẳng lặng v. See lặng

      lẵng n. a handled basket: mua một lẵng hoa to buy a handled-basket of flowers

      lặng adj. silent, quiet: im/yên lặng quiet

      lặng lẽ adv. silently, in silence, quietly

      lắp v. (= ráp) to assemble, to join, to put together [opp. tháo]; to load [bullet đạn]: lắp đạn vào súng to load bullets into a gun; xưởng lắp xe đạp bicycle assembly plant; lắp mộng to mortise, to dovetail

      lắp bắp v. to stutter, to stammer

      lắt léo v., adj. winding; to be delicate, involved

      lắt nhắt adj. tiny, minute

      lặt vặt adj. miscellaneous, sundry

      lấc cấc adj. rude, impolite, impertinent

      lâm v. to get into, to be hit by: lâm vào cảnh nghèo khổ to get into a poor, hardup situation

      lâm bệnh v. to fall sick, to be taken ill

      lâm bồn n. childbirth

      lâm chung v. to be about to die

      lâm học n. forestry

      lâm luỵ adj. involved, implicated

      lâm ly adj. moving, doleful

      lâm nguy v. to be in danger

      lâm sản n. forest products

      lâm thời adj. provisional, temporary, interim: quản đốc lâm thời the interim manager

      lâm trận v. to be in action, to be in combat

      lâm tuyền n. solitude among the forests

      lấm v. to be soiled, to stain with: chân

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