Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives. Archie Henderson
interests; and speeches by members of other conservative organizations including the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade, Christian Crusade, the Congress of Freedom, and the Church League of America. Many are recordings of The John Birch Society Report, a 15-minute radio program that began on March 6, 1966. Subjects include Air Force Manual Controversy, Brainwashing, Communism, Communist Party, Council on Foreign Relations, Cuba, Education for American Security (Naval Air Station, Glenview, Illinois, August-September 1960), Fluoridation, J. Edgar Hoover, The Illuminati, New England Rally for God, Family, and Country, Operation Water Moccasin, Panama Canal, Rhodesia, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Supreme Court, United Nations, and the Vietnam War. Recordings of Gary Allen, Thomas J. Anderson, Ezra Taft Benson, Dr. George S. Benson, Reed A. Benson, Herbert Birch, Samuel L. Blumenfeld, Pat Boone, Dr. Anthony Bouscaren, Major Edgar C. Bundy, Senator Harry Byrd, "Communism on the Map," "Communist Encirclement," Martin Dies, Dr. Bella V. Dodd, Hilaire du Berrier, Myron C. Fagan, Colonel Victor J. Fox (Robert A. Winston), Dr. Kenneth Goff, Barry Goldwater, G. Edward Griffin, Dr. Billy James Hargis, Edward Hunter, The John Birch Society Report, Major George Racey Jordan, Dr. Walter H. Judd, Carl McIntire, Dean Manion, Dean Manion forums, Luis V. Manrara, Dr. Robert Morris, Dr. Revilo Oliver, Leonard Patterson, Herbert Philbrick, Karl Prussion, Leonard E. Read, Ronald Reagan, Dr. E. Merrill Root, John H. Rousselot, Fred Schlafly, John G. Schmitz, Dr. Fred C. Schwarz, W. Cleon Skousen, Dan Smoot, Robert B. Thieme, Jr., Senator Strom Thurmond, "The Twentieth Century Reformation Hour," General Edwin A. Walker, and Robert Welch.
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[0313] Leon Milton Birkhead Papers, 1893-1980 (bulk 1908-1955), K0280
Location: The State Historical Society of Missouri, Research Center-Kansas City, 302 Newcomb Hall, University of Missouri-Kansas City, 5123 Holmes Street, Kansas City, MO 64110-2499
Description: In 1917, Reverend Leon Milton Birkhead (1885-1954) moved to Kansas City, Missouri, where he began more than twenty years of service to All Souls Unitarian Church. In 1935, Birkhead traveled to Germany, where he became alarmed at the influence of Nazism there and in the United States. He resigned from All Souls in 1939 to begin the Friends of Democracy, an "anti-propaganda" organization whose purpose was to expose hate-based groups during World War II and the McCarthy Era. Birkhead moved the Friends of Democracy operation to New York City in 1939. The papers contain Friends of Democracy publications - Joe Kamp: Peddler of Propaganda and Hero of the Pro-Fascists, ca. 1944; The Case Against the McCormick-Patterson Press, 1945; The Smear Terror, by John T. Flynn; response in newsletter of Federation to Fight Fascism, 1947; Reports - George Armstrong Foundation, 1947-1948; Report - "The Pattern of McCarthyism," 1950; Closer Ups - Upton Close's personal newsletter, April 6, 1950, June 26, 1950; Radio scripts - Upton Close broadcasts, April 30, 1950, May 28, 1950; Report - George S. Benson, 1950; The Defender Magazine, printed materials, December 1951, June 1953; The Cross and the Flag - publication of the Christian Nationalist Crusade, 1951-1952; Economic Council Letter, Economic Council Review of Books, 1952; Correspondence, reports, clipping - Henry Darlington and John Beaty book "The Iron Curtain over America," 1952; McCarthyism: The Fight for America, 1952; Women's Voice (anti-Semitic), November 27, 1952; Report - National Patrick Henry Organization, 1952; "action outline" for the Green Mountain Rifleman, 1954; Printed material, handbook - National Renaissance Party (anti-Semitic), ca. 1953; Report, program, guest list - Dr. J.B. Matthews Dinner, February 13, 1953; Newsletter - The Political Reporter (anti-Communist, anti-Semitic), November 1953; Newsletters - Elizabeth Dilling (anti-Communist, anti-Semitic), November-December 1953; Correspondence, printed materials - Christian Anti-Jewish Party, 1953; Newsletters of the Citizens' Protective Association - "The White Sentinel" and "The Kiss of Death," 1953; National Republic, March, April, September 1953; Independence Magazine - pro-McCarthy, February 1954; Report - "Patriots for McCarthy" rally, August 27, 1954; and Seating list - Roy M. Cohn Testimonial Dinner, July 28, 1954.
Finding aids:
[0314] Birmingham, Ala. Law Department, Civil Rights Files, 1941-1981 (bulk 1963-1972), AR987
Location: Department of Archives and Manuscripts, Central Library, Birmingham Public Library, 2100 Park Place, Birmingham, AL 35203-2794
Description: Office files and court papers relating to civil rights demonstrations, pornography, prostitution, voting rights and civil rights leader Rev. Fred L. Shuttlesworth. Some police reports detail surveillance of white supremacists.
Websites with information:
[0315] Birmingham, Ala. Police Department Surveillance Files, 1947-1980, AR1125 [microfilm]
Location: Department of Archives and Manuscripts, Central Library, Birmingham Public Library, 2100 Park Place, Birmingham, AL 35203-2794
Description: These files contain memoranda, correspondence, photographs, newspaper clippings, interviews, and other material relating to a variety of individuals, organizations, and events. Individuals and organizations represented in the files include civil rights activists, white supremacists, anti-war protestors, and individuals involved in criminal activities. Events represented in the files include Birmingham-area bombings targeting African Americans, 1950-1965, and civil rights protests. Police surveillance operations were directed at the National States Rights Party, the Ku Klux Klan, and the American Nazi Party.
Frank Donner, Protectors of Privilege: Red Squads and Police Repression in Urban America (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992), pp. 312-315; Susan Willoughby Anderson, "The Past on Trial: The Sixteenth Street Baptist Church Bombing, Civil Rights Memory and the Remaking of Birmingham" (Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008),; Susan Willoughby Anderson, "The Past on Trial: Birmingham, the Bombing, and Restorative Justice," 96 Cal. L. Rev. 471 (2008),; Susan Willoughby Anderson, "The Past on Trial: The Sixteenth Street Baptist Church Bombing and Civil Rights History" (2010),
Websites with information:
[0316] Birmingham Newspaper Clippings Collection, 1930-early 1980s [digital collection]
Location: Department of Archives and Manuscripts, Birmingham Public Library, 2100 Park Place, Birmingham, AL 35203-2794
Description: The clipping files, created by librarians and dating from 1930 to the early 1980s, cover various aspects of Birmingham society, culture, politics, and history-making events. Topics include Alabama State Sovereignty Commission, civil rights, Commission to Preserve the Peace, desegregation, Dixiecrats, integration, John Birch Society, Ku Klux Klan, National States Rights Party, Reverse Freedom Riders, segregation, states rights, J.B. Stoner, George C. Wallace, white citizens councils, and white supremacy.
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