Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives. Archie Henderson
on radio and television programmes as a consultant and specialist on the security and intelligence services. A collection of documents relating to Stephen Dorril's research for his book Blackshirt: Sir Oswald Mosley and British Fascism, published in 2006. Materials by or about Abyssinia (Ethiopia), extracts from Action, W.E.D. Allen, Anti-Semitic Activities, anti-Semitism, Appeasement and peace with Nazi Germany, John Bean, extracts from Blackshirt, British Fascism, British Union of Fascists, John Buchan, Canadian fascists, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Neville Chamberlain, John Charnley, A. K. Chesterton, Peter Cheyney and his links to right wing groups and the British Intelligence, Randolph Churchill and his connections to far right politics, Winston Churchill, Galeazzo Ciano, the collaborationist Rexist movement in occupied Belgium, Combat 18, Kenneth de Courcy, Defence Regulation 18B, the development of fascism in areas of Scotland, Dienststelle Ribbentrop, Charles M. Dolan, Admiral Sir Barry Domvile, James Drennan, Photocopy of Duke of Bedford's speech to the House of Lords on Defence Regulation 18B (January 1944) [online at], Duke of Wellington, the Duke of Windsor, T.S. Eliot's anti-Semitic views, Extremism, Fascist ideas in Sweden, France and the World Anti-Communist League, Fascist Italy, the fascist movement in Ulster, Fascist Revolutionary, Fascists, FBI, Henry Ford, Dr. Robert Forgan, assassinated Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn, Kay Fredericks, French fascists, Maj Gen JFC Fuller, the genesis of fascist ideology and political anti-Semitism in Britain, Joseph Goebbels, Dino Grandi, Albert Frederic Armand Gregoire (Federal Bureau of Investigation Records), Guild Socialism, Jeffrey Hamm, Rudolf Hess, Fritz Hesse, Historical Review Press (far-right political group), Adolf Hitler, J.A. Hobson, the Holocaust, Herbert Hoover, T E Hulme, David Irving, Italian Fascism, C. E. M. Joad, William Joyce, Tyler Kent, League of St. George (far-right political group), James Lees-Milne, Arnold Leese, Percy Wyndham Lewis and his links to Nazi ideology and to fascist ideology and modernism, the links between the British Fascist movement and Fascist Italy, Captain H. W. Luttman-Johnson, Mein Kampf (Hitler), A. C. Miles, Nancy Mitford, Unity Mitford, Cynthia Mosley, Diana Mosley, Nicholas Mosley, Oswald Mosley (Federal Bureau of Investigation file), Mussolini, Nation Europa, Nazi, Nazi Germany, Nazi Propaganda, the New Britain Movement, the New Europe Group, John Philby, photocopy of report first issued by Natinform in Germany 28th January 1953 with later additions, accompanied by Yockey's open letter in reply to Wolfgang Sarg (Natinform), the political right-wing in Britain, Ezra Pound and Italian fascism, Alan Pryce-Jones, Baroness Ravensdale, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Right-Wing Extremism, J. Philippe Rushton, Fr. Brocard Sewell, the 62-group, Social Credit, Oswald Spengler, John Strachey, Francis Stuart, Major P G Taylor, A.P. Thirlwall, Eric Thomas and Bruce Wilson and their organisation the 'British National Socialists', Geoffrey Verdon-Roe, F.A. Voigt, Wagner and links with Nazism, 18B: In Search of Justice, by Henry St. George (London, 18B Publicity Council, 1942) [wartime pamphlet criticising excessive government powers during the Second World War], Nesta H. Webster, Henry Williamson, Anna Wolkoff, and Francis Parker Yockey (Federal Bureau of Investigation Records).
Websites with information:
Finding aids:!/file/Blackshirt.pdf
[0320] Blackshirts in Kingston Project, 1932-2003 (mainly 1932-1941), MS 180
Location: Special Collections, The University Library, The University of Sheffield, Western Bank, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK
Description: Documentation recording the activities of the Kingston-upon-Thames Branch of the British Union of Fascists from 1932 to 1941. Contains texts, photographs, newspaper articles, audio recordings, and a map. Includes a short biography of Oswald Mosley and his part in the British Union of Fascists movement.
Websites with information:
Finding aids:!/file/BlackshirtsinKingstonProject.pdf
[0321] Morton C. Blackwell Files, 1981-1984
Location: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, National Archives and Records Administration, The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum, 40 Presidential Drive, Simi Valley, California 93065
Description: Morton Blackwell (1939- ) worked for the Viguerie Company and served as editor of The New Right Report from 1973 to 1979, and contributing editor to Conservative Digest from 1974 to 1981. Blackwell joined the Office of Public Liaison as Special Assistant to the President, 1981-1984, where he was responsible for veterans, fraternal organizations, Native Americans, religious affairs, and limited government organizations. He is currently president of the Leadership Institute, an organization he founded in 1979 to train conservatives for positions in politics, the government and news media. Series I: Subject File, 1981-1984, contains files on conservative advocacy groups such as Ad Hoc Committee in Defense of Life, American Citizens Concerned for Life, American Conservative Union, American Legislative Exchange Council, American Life Lobby, American Security Council and Coalition for Peace through Strength, American Legal Foundation, American Way, American Council for Free Asia, Americans in Support of Democracy in Latin America, Americans for a Sound Foreign Policy, Americans for the Reagan Agenda, Americans for the Voter Initiative, Balanced Budget Amendment, CATO, CAUSA (Confederation for the Association and the Unity of the Societies of the Americas), Center for International Relations, Center for National Labor Policy, Century III Foundation, Christian Anti-Communism Crusade, Citizens for America, Citizens for the Republic, Citizens for a New Beginning, Citizens for Decency through Law, Coalition for Freedom, Coalition for Peace through Security, Coalitions for America, College Republican National Committee, Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles, Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress, Connecticut Mutual Life Report on American Values, Conservative Caucus, Conservative Digest, Conservative Groups, Conservative Political Action Conference, Conservative PACs (Political Action Committees), Conservatives Against Liberal Legislation, Constitutional Liberties Rally, Council for National Policy, Council for American Private Education, Council for Inter-American Security, Daughters of the American Revolution, Equal Rights Amendment, Family Defense Coalition, Family Protection Act, Federalist Society of Delaware Law School, Flat Rate Tax, Freedom Council, Newt Gingrich, Heritage Foundation, Homosexuals, Human-Life Amendment, Institute on Religion and Democracy, March for Life, Moral Majority, Moral Rearmament, Morality in Media, Inc., National Center for Pan-American Studies, National Day of Prayer, National Pro-Life Action Committee, National Right to Life Committee, National Pro-Life Action Committee: POTUS Pro-Life Coalition Cabinet Room, National Association of Neighborhood Schools, Inc., National Pro-Life Political Action Committee, National Conservative Foundation, NCPAC [National Conservative Political Action Committee], New World Dynamics, New Directions Advisory Committee, Panama Canal Treaty, Prayer in Schools, Pro-Life, Right to Life, Rockford Institute, Rutherford Institute, Tradition, Family, and Property, United States Defense Committee, Young Americans for Freedom, and Young Conservative Alliance. Series III: Religion Liaison, contains files on Campus Crusade for Christ, Catholic Traditionalist Movement, Cults [and Miscellaneous Groups], Billy James Hargis Ministries, Bob Jones University, Oral Roberts University, Dr. Francis Schaeffer, and Jimmy Swaggart Ministries.
Finding aids:
[0321a] Anita McCormick Blaine Correspondence and Papers, 1828-1958, McCormick Mss 1E; McCormick Mss 2E
Location: Wisconsin Historical Society, Library-Archives Division, 816 State