Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives. Archie Henderson

Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives - Archie Henderson

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Madison, WI 53706-1417

      Description: Anita McCormick Blaine (1866-1954) was a Chicago philanthropist and the daughter of industrialist Cyrus Hall McCormick and his wife Nettie. The correspondence and other papers consist of letters, telegrams, and summaries of telephone conversations; reports of committees, boards, and organizations; speeches, essays, and random notes; financial statements and ledgers; clippings; and photographs; concerning her interests in education, improvement in social and economic conditions, international understanding, and world peace, and her relations with members of the McCormick family and their friends. Series 1E consists of incoming letters, reports, pamphlets, and other items received by Mrs. Blaine (1828-1957). Files on Olivia Rossetti Agresti; Henry J. Allen; American Anti-War Crusade [Chicago branch of Keep America Out of War Congress]; American Association of Eugenics (George P. Roberts); American Committee on United Europe; American Birth Control League; American Committee for Non-Participation in Japanese Aggression; American Council For Non-Cooperation With Aggressor Nations; American Council Institute of Pacific Relations; American Economic Association; American Eugenics Society; American Federation for Sex Hygiene; American Flag Association; American Genetic Association; American Legion; American Social Hygiene Association; American Taxpayers League; Americans United for World Organization [information on the Dumbarton Oaks Conference]; America's Future Inc.; James R. Angell; Anti-Bolshevik League of America; Harry Elmer Barnes; Morris A. Bealle; Charles A. Beard; William Benton; William Edgar Borah; A. Edwin Burrows; Nicholas Murray Butler; Smedley D. Butler; James Francis Byrnes; Homer E. Capehart; Arthur Cherep-Spiridovich; Gilbert Keith Chesterton; Madame Kai-Shek (Mayling Soong) Chiang; Church League of America; Citizen's Committee for Capehart; Grenville Clark; Upton Close; Mrs. William Ellsworth (Margaret Sarver) Clow; William Ellsworth Clow, Jr. [including pamphlet, "A Business Man's Personal Views of the Roosevelt Administration"]; Kenneth Colegrove; Committee for Constitutional Government; Committee on the Federal Constitution; Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies; E.G. Conklin; Constitutional Defense League of Women; Flora J. Cooke [criticism of Max Eastman's article on John Dewey [Max Eastman, "John Dewey," The Atlantic Monthly, December 1941, pp. 671-684; letter from Senator Bilbo and letter to Senator Bilbo concerning African-American rights]; Calvin Coolidge; Correspondence School of Gospel and Scientific Eugenics; Council on African Affairs [clipping describing and condemning the riot at Peekskill, New York]; Daughters of the Confederacy; Kenneth De Courcy; Democrats for Willkie; Thomas E. Dewey; John Foster Dulles; Fellowship of Reconciliation; Fight for Freedom; Paul Kellogg, Survey Associates; Judge Julian W. Mack; Planned Parenthood Association; Margaret Sanger; United Daughters of the Confederacy; and William Allen White. Copies of the following items: "Why Lindbergh is Wrong," by Major Alexander P. de Seversky [The American Mercury, May 1941, pp. 519-532, online at]; transcript of a debate between Senator Smith W. Brookhart and Representative Hamilton Fish Jr.: "Will Recognition of Soviet Russia Help Restore World prosperity?"; Harold E. Stassen, "The United Nations as a Pattern for a Lasting Peace," address before the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, March 31, 1943; stenographic report of a mass meeting sponsored by the Chicago Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies (1940), featuring talks by Dorothy Thompson, Admiral William Harrison Standley, and others; Dorothy Thompson, Our Pending Revolution in Government (New York, New York, Constitutional Democracy Association, 1937) [concerning Roosevelt's Supreme Court proposal]; "If Hitler Wins": address by Colonel William J. Donovan before the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, Palmer House, April 11, 1941; and John Foster Dulles, "Thoughts on Soviet Foreign Policy—And What to Do About It," Reader's Digest (August 1946).

      Websites with information:

      Finding aid:

      [0322] Aldrich Blake & right wing materials

      Location: Rare Books and Manuscripts Library, The Ohio State University Libraries, 119 Thompson Memorial Library, 1858 Neil Avenue Mall, Columbus, Ohio 43210

      Description: Aldrich Blake (1886- ?) was president of America Plus, a movement which promoted a constitutional amendment in California to permit discrimination in places of public accommodation.

      Websites with information:

      [0322a] Eugene Carson Blake Papers, 1935-1966, RG 95

      Location: Presbyterian Historical Society, 425 Lombard Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147-1516

      Description: Eugene Carson Blake (1906-1985) was a Presbyterian minister and leader. He served as president of the National Council of Churches, 1954-57, and general secretary to the World Council of Churches, 1966-1972. The papers contain a file on Air Force and National Council of Churches--Air Force Manual, 1960.

      Finding aid:

      [0323] Paul Blanshard Papers, 1912-1979, 851649 Aa/2

      Location: Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan, 1150 Beal Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2113

      Description: Blanshard (1892-1980) was an author and social and religious commentator. Papers include correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, scrapbooks and drafts of articles and books, and other papers. Information on America First Committee, Ezra Taft Benson, William Henry Chamberlin, John Thomas Flynn, Keep America Out of War Congress, Rex Stout, and Right Wing (3 folders).

      Websites with information:

      Finding aids:;view=text;id=navbarbrowselink;cginame=findaid-idx;cc=b


      [0323a] Ray Blanton Congressional Papers, 1967-1972, Mf. 1726 [microfilm]

      Location: Tennessee State Library and Archives, 403 7th Avenue North, Nashville, TN 37243

      Description: Leonard Raymond Blanton (1930-1996) served as U.S. Representative representing Tennessee's Seventh Congressional District from his election in 1967 until his defeat in 1972. Reflecting the conservative views of his constituents, Blanton was strongly opposed to forced busing and criticized the anti-war movement. The collection contains correspondence, copies of Blanton's speeches, photographs, an audio tape, a small amount of campaign materials, voting records, and lists of campaign contributors. Subjects of correspondence include Abortion, Civil Rights, Gun Control, Obscenity and Pornography, Parochial Schools – Federal Funding, School Desegregation, School Bussing, School Prayer, Vietnam, and Voting Rights Bill. Subjects of legislation include Obscenity, Rhodesia, School Prayer, Subversive Activities Control Act, and School Bussing. Subject file on Anti-War Demonstrations.

      Websites with information:

      Finding aid:

      [0324] Herbert L. Block (Herblock) Collection, bulk 1946-2001 [cartoons; partly digital collection]

      Location: Prints & Photographs Division, Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave, SE, Madison Building, LM 337, Washington, DC 20540-4730

      Description: Herbert L. Block (1909-2001), known to the world as Herblock, was one of the most influential political commentators and editorial cartoonists in American history. The collection consists of 14,000 original ink and graphite drawings made for the Chicago Daily News, the Newspaper Enterprise Association, and the Washington Post. Subjects of the cartoons include Abortion, Accuracy in Academia, Dale Alford, J. Lindsay Almond, Anti-abortion lobby, Anti-Communism,

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