Soul & Spirit. Edgar Cayce

Soul & Spirit - Edgar Cayce

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Reading 1671-2

      Hence these are from that premise that the mental and spiritual is that portion that must be the directing force, and that material successes—so called—will be the result of well-applied spiritual and mental purposes and desires by the entity.

      For without a knowledge of spiritual and mental things, little of growth or advancement may be made by an entity.

       Reading 1710-3

      These, to be sure, will be approached more from the spiritual aspects. For, know within self (and these are immutable laws), that which will be helpful, hopeful or eternal must be founded in spirituality, and not merely ideas for self-advancement, self-aggrandizement, or to make merely material gains. But the material gains should be the result of well chosen spiritual purposes and intents, and thus may it be said of thee, as in the days of yore, that the very stars fought for thee.

       Reading 1726-1

      First, in material conditions, we will find those of a secular life that has to do with wheels, or machinery, or things of motive force, will be of the greatest interest and of those elements through which—or in the sale, or representative, or agent, or such—may the entity gain of material conditions; but first must entity find self and set an ideal for self in spiritual matters, in mental attributes, in mental attainments; for remembering that Mind is the Builder, and that the spirit forces is that which is the active force from which, of which, man may use same for material gains or material detriments; for the spirit is willing, the flesh is often weak, and guided awry must bring for consternations—as they have in the past. Show self friendly, would self have friends. Seek through channels that there has been service rendered; not as an eyeservice, that one may become beholden to another; and do not pat another on the back simply to be patted; but speak gently, affectionately, one with another; with brotherly love preferring one another, and keep self unspotted from tainted things, questionable positions, questionable conditions. So act, as to look every man in the face and to be able to tell them that, that I have committed is an open book, and he who runs may read; that I have done may all do likewise. Act in that manner, and the sureness of self may be found in the material, in the mental things—for God is not a respecter of persons; neither is He short armed, either in giving that as will mete out for the keeping of the will one with another; neither is He short sighted in that as is committed in willful negligence, or willful disobedience, for he that abhorreth good loveth evil, and he that buildeth contention shall suddenly be destroyed—and that without mercy. Show mercy and loving kindness, then, would same be had.

       Reading 1743-2

      But know, that which is material must have first had its inception in the spiritual—and has grown according to mental application respecting same to constructive forces in the lives of individuals, things, conditions, or from whatever phase it may be judged.

      Hence in the application of self, forget not the sources of all power as may be manifested in the earth.

       Reading 1947-1

      For as He gave, “If I go not away the spirit of truth cometh not.” What meaneth this? Not merely the passing. For it was the moving of the spirit that brought materiality into existence as a thing, as a condition, for the souls and spirits and minds of men! And thus He is the way, as He is the mind, and without Him there is no other way.

       Reading 1992-4

       (Q) Regarding the publication advised in Nov. 1940, is it necessary to complete it by this fall?

      (A) It should be better understood by seekers of truth regarding time and space as related to conditions in individuals’ lives.

      As is at times conceived by the mental attitudes of individuals, that which is to come into materialization—as a book, a manuscript, or even a service as related to others must pass through its natural laws; or there are laws governing same that are ever uniform.

      An idea, an ideal, first has its spiritual inception, then its mental conceiving, and then the physical reactions that make or bring same into materialization.

      As to the time of this publication, then—there must be at least the mental concept fully analyzed, completed; for the spiritual concept is a part of the entity.

      Then, it may be a little later; but don’t delay too long.

       Reading 1998-1

      But know, all has its concept in spirit—then mind; and mind is the builder.

       Reading 1999-1

      For remember, mind is the builder between the things spiritual (from which all emanate) and that which is material (which is the manifestation that mind seeks to bring ever into the experience of all).

       Reading 2062-1

      Hence again the injunction—look upon all phases; for there is the mental, the material and the spiritual, and these are the phases of man’s reaction and man’s activity. Do not apply the law of the spiritual in material things, nor the material in spiritual things. Remember that mind is the builder, and the spirit giveth life. And as ye use and dwell upon such, be sure thy ideal is in Him.

       Reading 2247-1

      But keep the spiritual life first. The mental and material should be the outgrowth, the result of spiritual attainments.

       Reading 2281-1

      Depart not from the faith thou findest in Him, and may it be renewed as the spirit ever is within thee. For the spirit is the life. The life is the purpose, the desire. Make them sure in Him.

       Reading 2322-2

      Know that all must first be conceived from the spiritual, and then magnified or grown through the mental application as an experience coming into material application in the lives of others.

       (Q) Can suggestions be made as to how self mastery can be developed; that is, will power and initiative?

      (A) Study that from the spiritual angle, if there would be that power, that might to succeed. For, as has been given, all first finds concept in the spiritual. The mental is the builder. This is true in planning the life, the relationships, and every phase of man’s existence or experience.

       Reading 2328-1

      First, know thine own ideals—physical, mental, spiritual. Know that the spiritual and mental, and the material, must arise from that which is of spiritual concept; for only the spirit and mental are eternal, and only that of the mental that is spiritual in its concept—or creative in its relationships to things, conditions, experiences, places or individuals.

       Reading 2357-1

      Yes, we have the body and those conditions as surround same, [2357]. Now, we find there are those conditions as are abnormal for this body, and these may, in the correct application of those conditions and elements necessary, be brought to a much better and a nearer normal functioning of this body. While conditions

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