Soul & Spirit. Edgar Cayce

Soul & Spirit - Edgar Cayce

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of material application.

       Reading 2776-1

      Find thy ideal, spiritually, mentally and materially. Know that all force has its expression first in spirit. True, mind is the control—through that activity comes the material expression of same.

       Reading 2786-1

      These may become stumblingblocks in the entity’s experience even in the present. Look to that which is an ideal, and be sure it is founded in that of spiritual import. For, every fact has its inception in spirit; mind is the builder, the material expression is the outcome of one of these upon the other. The spirit is of creation, or God; the mind is as of an individual taking hold upon both materiality and spirituality. The choice is in the hands of the individual. Use thy talents well.

       Reading 2787-1

      We find in Jupiter the universal consciousness. Notice its position, though, in thy awareness. Move it toward the front, rather than toward the end. For, first in spirit, then in mind, then is the materialization. For, mind is the builder; even as ye find thy body, thy mind, thy soul the three-dimensional experience of an individual that become comparable with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Son is the Mind. He is the way. So the mind of self is the way.

       Reading 2788-1

      The entity seeks to know first causes. Remember, these arise from spiritual concepts. For, it is first in spirit, then in mind, then the material manifestation; whether this is association with individuals or things, or whether it has to do with universal activity as in the nature of things. For, it is the purpose with which individual man makes application to the things about him, that brings about the physical or material result. “With what spirit, with what purpose, do ye these things?”

       Reading 2801-1

      Now, in the physical, mental and spiritual forces in this body, which complete the entity at this time, we have a good manifestation of the entity in a psychological understanding and manifestation of the psychology of an entity, for we find the mental rules in this entity, as it should in the earth plane, and the physical is under subjugation of the mental proclivities of the entity. That is, we have in this entity one well rounded to a completion of the forces in the earth plane, for there is much spiritual understanding with the mental forces, and the entity needs only to keep all the forces well rounded in that straight and narrow way that leads to the perfect understanding.

      As to the physical conditions, we find in the present forces these are very good in many respects. There are some conditions that the body needs from the physical, from the mental, from the spiritual aspect, to be wary of, for the soul, spirit and the physical must ever remember the physical body, the material body, is but the temple through which the mental forces, with the will, builds to that I AM that must ever live, and without the perfect balanced forces the best cannot be given or manifested through the present entity’s forces.

       Reading 2813-1

      First, know thy ideals—physical, mental and spiritual. And know the physical result is first conceived in spirit, acted upon by mind, and then manifested in the material—with what spirit ye entertain.

       Reading 2900-2

      Know thy ideal spiritually, the application of same mentally, and ye will find the material things will come in their own way and time.

       Reading 2938-1

      For, in the material world the spiritual concept is the basis of the trend, or of the mind; and from same arises the material results. When such relationship, or when any relationship is altered otherwise, it may become a stumblingstone rather than a steppingstone for unfoldment.

       Reading 2995-3

      Know, then, that these also apply to the entity concerning same: The body, mind and soul of the entity are one. They are represented here as a physical body—very good in many respects. A very analytical mind, but as indicated, one who tends to draw judgments rather severely. Know that there are laws pertaining to such in mind as well as in spiritual and in material. For whatever there may be is first conceived in spirit. It is acted upon by mind. Dependent, then, upon what the mind of the entity holds as its ideal, or as to what form or manner it would give . . . by and through what spirit it would build in its mental self.

       Reading 3053-3

      Many stress spirituality when the mind is used as the measuring stick. Many stress physical manifestation when mind is used as the measuring stick. Many interpret spiritual things and attempt to use physical activity as the measuring stick. Many attempt to interpret spiritual things, using the mind as the measuring stick. But each phase of thine own experience should be interpreted in its proper sphere of activity, so that when ye interpret thy music, thy love, thy friendships, thy associations, thy activities with others, it will be in the proper sphere according to thy whole purpose in the earth—to glorify thy Maker; if there would be the full interpretation of “The Lord thy God is one” and “Thou shalt love thy brother as thyself.” O that men would find, there is nothing mentioned here about the physical or the mind, but the spiritual attitude one takes in self respecting such!

       Reading 3064-1

      When the Appliance is used, do use the period for meditation upon spiritual things; knowing that all healing, all correcting of the spiritual and of the mental life must come from the divine within, and the results in the physical being will be in keeping with that which is developed in the spiritual self.

       Reading 3083-1

      Yet, learn the lesson: that physical must be met in the physical, that mental must be met in the mental, and that spiritual is the directing force—but mind is the builder.

       Reading 3132-1

      The material is of the earth-earthy. The spiritual is of the heavenly or the motivative forces. The mental is ever the builder.

      That as would be manifested must first be in spirit, then in mind, then in material activity. For, this is the evolution of the earth, the evolution of things, the evolution of ideas and of ideals. For, He came into the earth that through Him man might have access again to the grace and mercy of those spiritual forces that are the directing ideals of each soul-entity.

       Reading 3184-1

      Then, these are the things the entity should analyze the more in self—as will be seen from the periods of expression in the earth—as to what are the promptings of the individual’s urges. For each individual finds the motivative influence of its life within its own self, and that is correct—as was stated of old by the lawgiver; Think not as to who will descend from heaven to give a message or who would come from over the sea that ye might learn and understand. For lo it is within thine own heart, thine own mind. Thy body is indeed the temple of the living God. He has promised to meet thee and, know that all in the mental, all in the material, has its inception, it conception, in spirit, in purpose, in hope, in desire. Know thy relationship, then, first, with that ye hope for. For life (or God), immortality of the soul, is real; as may be seen from thine own urges—if ye analyze them correctly.


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