The 20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part One. Perry M.D. Ritthaler

The 20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part One - Perry M.D. Ritthaler

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freedom and happiness opportunities that expand after war. When the employment creation process in the region is converted to peace and tourism and investment the strategy empowerment managed safely creates true power for the people.

      Eventually the money used to destroy the countries can be shifted into ways to expand those countries employment and prosperity opportunities, by rebuilding that countries buildings and infrastructure and tourism potentials.

      Take a moment to imagine one security force protecting the country from invasion. On the battlefield you can fight your enemy or you can infiltrate and influence the changes you desire within your enemies ranks.

      One way with violence takes a few minutes and is a gamble and sometimes the negative energy in the violence destroys the people and country.

      The other way is to take 1 to 5 years to achieve a safer goal and still end up influencing to control a region. With this type of safer battlefield planning positive change is on your side because you are stopping the killing machine and starting a covert machine that can bring positive changes to the region.

      You can protect the next generation of children that will not have to die because the improved battlefield strategy and planning prevents them from being sacrificed, while still empowering the region and the people.

      When peace and prosperity in a region are created the planning must safely account for all of the human resources on the battlefields.

      Thank you for your important time required to read this article.

      Email Letter Seven

      Dear Mr. Prime Minister Steven Harper


      Planning how a soldier may not die in a war zone.

      Fresh ideas and peaceful planning may empower the mission of the soldiers stationed in Afghanistan or Iraq or in parts of the Middle East or Africa.

      I posted this article on Aljazeera tonight.

      I have many readers in the world and perhaps these words of wisdom will help to empower them safely.

      Learning From War Part 7… Never Waste the Invested Energy Created By Momentum

      In the Middle East and Africa you have built a powerful underground culture and many dollars and many hours have gone into figuring out how to kill your enemy on the battlefield. Hours of planning that cost many great warriors their lives on the battlefields in the Middle East and Africa. This war and battlefield energy spent created momentum and jelled many vicious organizations into a fine-tuned killing machine.

      It would be a shame to see all of this planning and energy spent going to waste.

      As times change so do objectives in battlefield, and also war expectations that can create fresh operations. The people in charge of these underground organizations are genius and are used to wielding decisions full of power and force. Decisions that change the environment and life or death and living conditions of many Arabs and Muslims and Jews and soldiers.

      This war energy and momentum can be harnessed as you evolve into a more powerful region in the Middle East or Africa. The energy today in war operations is based on negative energy that breeds negative circumstance guilty by association. Emotions created naturally like pain and anger and revenge fill the lives of many people as this negative energy takes root in people’s heart. As this energy moves from the heart to the brain so do the negative actions created by the hands controlled by the emotions flowing through the heart. Sooner than later a blown up country full of poverty and death emerges.

      The nice part about this psychology analogy is this human nature psychology is a system that you can transform to benefit you, as easily as it can hurt you.

      The energy in your heart can become positive rather than negative and be filled with love and hope and goals that rebuild a nation and fill many people’s lives with happiness and prosperity.

      The best way to explain this in real life is for you to try an experiment for one year, which involves creating vast amounts of positive energy in the environment. Positive psychology ideas that create positive energy which can benefit the people. In the experiment guilty by association the same way war and negative energy has killed you can positive energy and create life.

      Both psychology driven systems create power.

      Rather than plan to kill, plan to extend life span.

      Rather than plan to inflict pain, plan to create vast amounts of pleasure and happiness.

      Rather than plan to build revenge, plan to practice forgiveness.

      Rather than plan goals that will destroy a building with a bomb, plan to build and create a new building.

      Rather than planning ways to limit the culture of your people, plan ways to enhance the education of your people.

      Rather than create a world of fear afraid to go into a market or a street, plan ways to empower your people with security to walk anyplace safely in your society.

      Rather than use religion to create war and limit freedom to choose or build fear, use religion to create personal empowerment, strength and peace that can control a society with love seamlessly.

      Rather than pay a family if a loved one commits to being a suicide bomber, plan to pay that same family if they create a way to empower your people safely using wisdom and creativity and positive goals that empower your culture and people safely.

      These are just seed ideas that many people if guided safely will expand upon and make greater within any culture. You have the organization and skills to build anything you dream of and all you need is positive energy flowing through your heart and mind creating your ideas and decisions.

      May your faith guide you through this treacherous time and naturally create empowerment for the next generation of children born into your culture.

      Email Letter Eight

      Dear Mr. Prime Minister Steven Harper


      My goal is to help the terrorism enemy or generals on the battlefield create the peace and safe environment the civilians and soldier’s desire.

      Rome was not built in a day.

      Two steps ahead to build a safe peaceful region and one step back.

      Appears many people may be suffering from mental illness wounds created in the war and I believe these roots into mental illness may be creating the suicide bombings and corporate greed.

      I created this article and posted the information on Aljazeera in Palestine to help weed out the sick people working in the region, and give them a way online to see if they need medical attention.

      This tool may help the people on the battlefield round up those making negative violent choices rather than positive sound logical choices.

      Like an egg with a yolk they need to separate the yellows in the negative energy, idea creation and decision making process on the battlefield.

      If peace prevails, the soldiers and security forces in the region can safely train the recruits in Iraq or Afghanistan. I hope the enemy clean their own kitchen of human resources and will yield better peace empowerment results on the battlefield.

      Learning From War Part 8… Mentally Wounded Can Lead To Becoming Physically Wounded

      War is a bloody brutal occupation and most people when exposed to violent actions daily become sick over time. Every person is different and has a different threshold of what they can take before that person becomes ill. The challenges in mental wounds in people who become sick are hard to diagnose because the people whom get mentally sick do not believe they are ill. When a mentally wounded

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