The 20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part One. Perry M.D. Ritthaler

The 20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part One - Perry M.D. Ritthaler

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This economic cycle creates lots of foreclosures on property because when the housing market bubble explodes so does the inflated value of the property. Combine the ideas of big banks to raise the bank interest rates and financially farm that person on payments with spending beyond their means, while they live paycheck to paycheck, dreaming of the great American USA dream of democracy.

      Canada has a different type of democracy that does not have as many lobbyists’ opportunities, or a Patriot Act that spies on the civilian population, or a private healthcare system so the people are not farmed into being obese and sick, to support corporate profits for stock investors, or are taken advantage of by big banks so easily.

      However in Canada we still have too many fast food companies making our population sick and too much sugar placed into our food supply. This challenge weighs heavy on the government costs of healthcare in Canada. This Corporate profiteering practice increases the taxes paid by the citizens to offset these increasing healthcare costs and as a result reduces the many government programs put in place to benefit the under privileged civilian.

      The inflation that drives up housing prices stimulated by big banks lowering interest rates, to help offset corporate created inflation, also keeps our society house poor. This housing inflation is partially controlled by real-estate corporations that have no limitations on what you could sell your house for in the economy, other than market place demand. Again they call this free enterprise and are a financial cornerstone within all democracy developed countries.

      The police programs in Canada are national and also provincial and these programs are backed by alternative police programs like CESIS and of course a military designed to protect the country, or launch war programs designed to protect the rights and freedoms of people wanting to implement democracy. Democracy is designed to increase the standard of living into that country.

      The dictator is a different program and may not have the corporations that have contributed to the growth of that countries tax income or modernization of that country. This happens usually because the freedoms of individuals are limited and the society is not as open to corporate expansion, however today may be subject to the digital communications invasion globally.

      In most dictatorships a house is still within reach of the average consumer and employment may be down and food prices up created by higher oil prices.

      Perhaps these are the effects of global inflation created by huge corporations and oil companies now focused on farming those civilians living under dictatorship rule. When oil prices go up globally so do the costs of food. When manufacturing is sent offshore to improve bottom lines and stock prices the jobs in that country are lost and sent offshore.

      This rise in oil prices also places a financial target on the heads of countries that have oil reserves. For example this is evident with Libya and Iraq compared to Syria. In these countries all of the dictators have killed there civilians however the United Nations controlled by the security council, controlled by governments, controlled by big banks and corporate lobbyists, choose to protect only some of the people. I guess it is a coincidence that they invade/protect countries with huge oil reserves.

      A dictator resorts to violence to control the people and limits the freedoms of speech that rise up because the momentum of the protest can take them out of power. Leaving the country they have nurtured and protected, prey to governments of democracies controlled by corporations.

      What would happen if dictatorship leaders started to sell the attributes of their country accomplishments of safe leadership for many years and the disadvantages of democracy, as well as the disadvantages of corporations that want democracy in that country. The principle reason for democracy led by corporations is to covertly invade and control the financial farming of those civilians?

      Perhaps the communication revolution and corporate revolution is what these great dictators should be embracing with better strategy.

      The primitive violence to force the civilian to adhere to that old outdated dictatorship leadership direction is what is ending many Kings lives in the Middle East.

      Email Letter Two

      Dear Mr. Prime Minister Steven Harper


      I poster this article on the Aljazeera blog on the web site today. The article is full of more psychology that may save soldiers or civilians from dying in the war zone.

      Learning From War Part 2… The Peace Bluff Opportunity

      Some countries like the USA need to create peace to repair the reputation of that country. After the slaughter of civilians in Iraq or Afghanistan they need to hide behind other countries war efforts to liberate countries like Libya.

      This image rebuilding and protection is very important to great leaders of the world. These giant countries regain more control and influence in the world programs like the Security Council or United Nations when they have a positive reputation.

      Programs like the world “Security Council” and the “United Nations” is where this reputation influence is required. Without the support of these great organizations the country that likes to make money on war, must go the cost of war alone.

      The hidden benefit to corporations that lobby Western democracies that control NATO; is if more countries are involved in the democracy wars, some corporations can expand profits by selling weapons to those countries also involved in creating democracy liberation war.

      Usually these democracy countries are also lobbied by war companies influenced by greedy stock holders and big banks that drive huge parts of that countries stock market invested heavy in war weapons companies or oil company stocks.

      When oil company stocks rise and war takes place these companies make huge profits and the government creates more profits in corporate taxes and taxes on gasoline paid by the civilian.

      When these weapons purchased by countries are implemented and the corporations can feed the government democracy countries they lobbied paying huge taxation profits to that government, while creating huge profit margins for big banks and stock shareholders.

      The Taliban and the leader of Libya are caught in this money making war machine that builds war. Unfortunately parts of the Taliban in Afghanistan are tied to Al-Qaida and these groups fight the domination of those Western countries spreading democracy through terrorism. The extremists are also influenced by the war companies that reside in that country, making money on the dead Arabs and Muslims or soldiers involved in the wars in Afghanistan or Iraq or Libya.

      The dead bodies on the battlefield, actually feed the momentum energy of the war like wood logs feed the fire energy created in a wood stove. Companies that make a profit on war or oil stocks benefit more, when more people die because this creates negative energy momentum to create more terrorism and war.

      This is the best way for war weapons companies with oil stocks to make money with no capital costs other lobby contributions to political parties.

      This can become a little more creative to accomplish and explain, however this analogy has been improved in countries like Libya. The old drawback to these corporate war operations have been the dead and crippled soldiers that return home in Western democracy countries. With the new Arab Spring movement this is more possible at no capital costs if the war company can convince the enemy to fund and kill their own people and then fewer Western soldiers die on the battlefields.

      This negative energy psychology strategy can be spread guilty by association to terrorism networks, hence the suicide bomber that kills their Muslims and Arabs.

      People who are starving in the region and need to make money to feed their families join to fight the democracy movement in Afghanistan or Iraq or Libya, and then go to work for that government or terrorism group to protect the rights and freedoms of those civilians.

      This reaction naturally fuels the war and the rise of oil prices that created more profits for the war companies. Through war a higher inflation in that

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