The 20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part One. Perry M.D. Ritthaler

The 20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part One - Perry M.D. Ritthaler

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and has spread considerably across the globe. The right to vote has been expanded in many jurisdictions over time from relatively narrow groups (such as wealthy men of a particular ethnic group), with New Zealand the first nation to grant universal suffrage for all its citizens in 1893.

      This concludes the article written on democracy.

      Information is power and your education in these issues of democracy may give you a better understanding of democracy and the economy and why inflation is so high.

      Are you or your family feeling the pinch of our economy and wonder why?

      If you take your valuable time to do some research to better understand the wars and unrest taking place around the world, and how this is affecting your life you will need to watch the following movies.

      Download these movies free out of bitorent computer networks like Demonoid or Pirate Bay.

      “The End Of America”

      “The Fall Of America”

      “The Bush Family Fortune...The Best Money Democracy Can Buy”

      The ultimate rich have made a few mistakes by thinking an American or a Middle East person is a fool.

      After you do your researches pass on this e-book to the people you think will need to understand why thousands die and the Middle East?

      Why is the Middle East losing control of the country’s and the leaders in that part of the world?

      Education and strategy are the keys to ultimate wealth.

      When mistakes happen and people become to over confident, the world changes too fast and the civilization melting pot changes.

      Ideas That Can Save Lives In The Middle East

      Rebuild the Middle East Empire faster by taking the risk out of making the decision by asking yourself these questions when you decide to pick peace or war.

      1) When you are making a decision design your plan with a backup plan.

      2) Can you live with the worst possible consequences of the decision you are making?

      3) What am I trying to avoid with my decision?

      4) What am I trying to preserve with my decision?

      5) What am I trying to achieve with my decision?

      6) What must I accomplish with my decision?

      7) What is the very minimum this decision must achieve?

      8) How will I measure the results?

      9) Is it possible to avoid making this decision and can I take more time to decide choices and delay important decisions when possible?

      10)Is it possible someone else can make a better decision?

      11)Can you afford to make this decision?

      Take a moment and assign a deadline for doing tasks and making decisions.

      Remember you can always use this list of suggestions to make the best decisions based on your informational facts and then plunge ahead.

      Remember To Define The Challenge You Face On Paper, And Reflect On These Ideas And Suggestions Listed below before you craft your final decisions.

      Expect to find a workable solution to your challenge.

      1) Identify all of the possible causes to your situation.

      2) When you speak about your challenge of peace try to only use positive words.

      3) Your motivation for activity will become self-evident when you write out in detail: What is in it for my people?

      On the inside of the mind, when you have fun in the task, you can do a better job accomplishing the challenge at hand.

      Implement the proper strategy and you will build peace faster than those that wish to create profit through killing civilians through creating war?

      Democracy Verses Dictatorship

      Democracy or a dictatorship is a powerful set of rules in any countries leadership however like many rules there are pros and cons.

      A democracy can give you freedom of speech and freedom for a corporation to grow independently prosperous; however in some democracy platforms you have what is called the lobbyist. The lobbyist is usually one person or a group of people that work for a corporation that contribute large amounts of money to that political party designed to influence the laws or policy of that government.

      Most times these laws and policy changes benefit the corporation and increased profits that are created for the bottom line of that corporation. If you look at fast food companies or oil companies or big sugar companies you see the effects on a society after the corporations are finished with that society.

      For example the fatter and lazier a society and the unhealthier, the more profits medical companies make by farming the sickness of that society. In the USA that democracy has this private healthcare issue.

      In Canada you have virtually no private healthcare and the government pays the bills of the health issues of civilians caused by corporations in the civilian society.

      In the USA you have the Patriot Act that limits your rights and freedoms and you are spied upon if deemed a potential terrorist, and that set of laws helps control and monitors the civilians. This type of Patriot Act democracy helps to prevent the people from protesting and rising up against the democracy in power and is in some ways similar to a dictatorship.

      In democracy the corporations influence the leadership of that government allowing the corporation to farm and take advantage of that citizen. In the end if left unchecked the corporation can become the covert dictator of a democracy country.

      The police programs in the USA are done state by state and they do not have a national police force. However they do have many alternate police programs that interconnect with countries security force, like the CIA or FBI or the NSA and other programs that help control society. Black Water Special Ops are of course a hidden military to protect that country and wage wars claiming to promote democracy and protect the freedoms and liberties of individuals around the world.

      Corporate controlled invasion policy, if proven in a court of law are the cause and effect for war crimes committed against a peaceful dictatorship like Iraq or Libya.

      This type of corporate controlled democracy allows corporations to sell jobs to offshore corporate programs in Asia or South America or any other part of the world with lower taxes on profits. The corporation can also take advantage of lower wages in poor populations in the world that live on the brink of starvation .Then the government and corporation can wave the flag and claim that democracy is helping those people climb out of poverty. Then corporation can sell products at reduced prices back to the people that live within that Western country like the Western Empire.

      However this type of corporate democracy leadership eventually allows some people to live the good life while others live with high unemployment and in poverty. Corporations control the media in these democracies so they expose programs that describe the rich more often than the poor. This helps hide the bad issues of democracy even better than dictators do and are also better at brainwashing the civilian population to live beyond their means.

      When corporations grow too large and remove too many manufacturing jobs in the economy through controlling democracy policy the government tax base declines dramatically and social programs are eliminated. Then big banks get involved to lend the civilians money on reverse mortgage programs to help drive the GDP of that country. The big banks also create low interest rates and reduce credit accountability for civilians required to borrow the money to purchase a home and this type of economics will create housing bubble that also help drive the economy. Then the housing bubble bursts and the big banks need to be bailed out by the government in loans to help cover the bad loans created by the big banks. The monies used by the government to bail out the big bank are usually borrowed from another country

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