The 20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part One. Perry M.D. Ritthaler

The 20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part One - Perry M.D. Ritthaler

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a way of acting so I let my ideas cool off before I launch them safely. When I engage my mind in positive educational growth patterns that I enjoy, I have the pleasure of watching myself and my grandchildren grow.

      What will the leaders of Palestine and Israel or Iraq or Afghanistan or Libya learn when they listen or read this journalism article?

      How will these ideas influence the happiness and prosperity of the civilians living within their regions?

      Thank you for your important time to read this article.

      Email Letter Four

      Dear Mr. Prime Minister Steven Harper


      Ideas to create employment… I posted this article on Aljazeera tonight.

      The articles I write are designed to create positive momentum and eventually stimulate employment opportunities in the world. The big banks control the Presidents moves more and more in the USA. Perhaps the government leaders need to reinvest in financial opportunities they invent to create new employment to replace war stocks or oil stocks futures. This strategy can create fresh momentum that can be encouraged if enough people work together ending terrorism in the Middle East and Africa.

      People make money on the death of people or the opportunity of people depending upon the influence in the commodities they are thriving in today. Perhaps over time the information I write and share with others online will wag the dog and not the tail.

      Learning From War Part 4…The Backlash of Terrorism Or An Invisible Weapon…Both Are Momentum

      What would it cost in political popularity if Western countries continued war without terrorism?

      If terrorism ended for 1 year and then peace lasted for an additional 5 years; could the Western world continue the war against terrorism without an enemy?

      How many dead civilians in the Middle East or Africa would need to die in unprovoked terrorism war to create a Western war crimes tribunal?

      What happens if these countries being targeted use human rights and the Security Council and United Nations and the media and the internet as a peace psychology weapons?

      The large banks have invested in war company stocks and oil futures, because they control the wars in the Middle East and the more Arabs and Muslims and soldiers that die, the more profit they make.

      What would happen to the economy of the Western world if the big banks were forced to create money without war or higher oil prices?

      When the President of the USA or a King or a leader in the Middle East or Africa is controlled by big banks; why is it his or her job to create the employment for the economy?

      How much more powerful would Africa and the Middle East become if their countries were not destroyed by war?

      Could these countries lower food inflation without war and if they did could would they stimulate tourism, investment and manufacturing to stimulate the entire economy.

      Is it possible to replace the war with peace and prosperity for all of the people?

      Rather than the government and a select few rich at the top making money off war or higher oil prices.

      What would you invest in today if you knew terrorism was ending tomorrow?

      How many Muslim and Arab people and soldiers has the terrorism war killed in the last the years in Palestine or Israel or Iraq or Afghanistan before September 11 2001?

      Was this terrorism war created because there were too many Muslims and Arabs in the Middle East or Africa?

      Did the people in charge of the Middle East decided many must die to overt starvation or higher unemployment numbers that fuel cost expenses to support them?

      Who made all of the money on the backs of dead Muslims and Arabs and soldiers?

      Who is really the enemy in charge of all of the death of these beautiful people and their families?

      How important is it to encourage these people in charge of making money on death, to find other ways to turn huge profits in the economy, and if they are encouraged could they create employment for the poor and still make huge profits?

      The people who are in charge have created crimes against humanity through creating the war on terrorism and then stimulating the growth of terrorism through encouraging more killing through illegal invasions.

      They say vision created through hindsight is very powerful if you ask the right questions and can see the bigger picture.

      As a people we all control our own destiny and this destiny can become wonderful if all terrorism and war invasion ended for 1 to 5 years. And if the fresh economic operations were made profitable perhaps terrorism and war will end for 20 years.

      How can you play a role in ending terrorism or war in the world today?

      You control your destiny not some rich banker or weapons manufacturer or oil tycoon.

      Thank you for your important time to read this article.


      Email Letter Five

      Dear Mr. Prime Minister Steven Harper


      Every organization needs goals to manage their time.

      I am trying to build momentum to end terrorism in the Middle East so I posted this article on the Aljazeera web site blog today.

      My goal is to help empower the people that read these articles with fresh ideas and motivation to succeed.

      One never knows who reads my articles or what they may do with the ideas I mentioned. Perhaps the ideas I created will act as seeds to protect the civilians and soldiers we have still in the war zone.

      Learning From War Part 5… The Covert Psychology Attack

      What you believe you conceive.

      When you work focused your goals soon become your reality.

      If you tell anyone in the world today that you think the Middle East or Africa is a safe place to invest their money they may think you are crazy.

      The negative stigma created by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan or Libya or Palestine or Lebanon or Israel are quite large and this negative psychology stigma prevents investment from entering the region and slows the flow of tourism dollars into the regions.

      The combination of these two issues, tourism and investment are crippled by war and make creating employment or tourism and investment in the Middle East or Africa very challenging for any King or democracy. Complicated by the high cost of oil driving up food prices, expanded by the bio fuel movement in the USA to grow corn for the replacement of gas rather than food, can also affect the food supply costs and stability of the region.

      Today the parts of the Middle East and Africa regions have evolved into a predictable cycle of growth. If you kill thousands of Arabs or Muslims in the region you can make a corporate profit and slow the starvation of the people left in the region.

      This will naturally continue the economic cycle of higher oil prices and wars that breed more terrorism that kill a few solders that self-fuel more wars and kill more people. In doing so the unemployment numbers look better for the dictators and governments invading employing soldiers and freedom fighters and there is less starvation because the body bag count is higher.

      Reversing this economic cycle created by the big banks and Security Council and United Nations and corporations will involve the peaceful cooperation of many people in the Middle East and

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