Thrival from Ordinary to Extraordinary. Mark Mandela

Thrival from Ordinary to Extraordinary - Mark Mandela

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for 25% of the new millionaires in the USA during the last 5 years and 33% worldwide, I was confident in succeeding in this market as long as I wisely chose which company with which to invest. If this information does not impress you yet, this should; the wellness industry is positioned to double over the next 3-5 years because of the perfect storm that is occurring with the Baby Boomers aging. This is predicted by Paul Zane Pilzer, who is one of the best business forecasters of our time. I believe that many Baby Boomers are growing the wellness industry through network marketing because of the economic downturn. Explosive growth is being created in the wellness industry as Baby Boomers enter this industry through network marketing. The Wellness Revolution: How to Make a Fortune in the Next Trillion Dollar Industry by Paul Zane Pilzer is a must-read book.

      Another reason I invested in network marketing is this industry is gearing up to become a trillion dollar industry in the next few years. When this industry does become a trillion dollar industry, you also should want to be part of the growth of this industry in order to capitalize on the profit as hundreds of new millionaires are formed. This business will go from a one-half trillion dollar industry to a trillion dollar industry in the next few years. Be positioned and be prepared like I am which means having a network marketing organization developed. This tsunami is coming and if you are not prepared it will go right over you and you will not benefit from the massive growth. Being prepared is the best way to take advantage of the next great industry that occurs. You can ride this wave to highest level imagined or you can watch it go right on by you. Some people will wonder what happened, some people will watch it happen, but the smart ones will make it happen!

      One of the things that I did to start learning about this world of network marketing is every morning before work, I contacted my upline to learn and to share my successes with the product. Each day I learned a little more about the product and the business. Before long, I was flying in leaders to do business presentations because there was a conflict with my profession. Being a nutritionist, I had to be careful to not give the wrong impression to my clients. I did not want to appear to be just promoting a product for financial gain. I had to balance my expertise with the business. I accomplished this objective by having other people present the business overview while I presented the product overview. Little did I realize that I was creating the first core-training city.

      After I started developing leaders within my core team in north Virginia, I was able to go to other cities and start other core training cities. Not only did these core cities have the fastest growth in the business, but also these cities were where leaders were developing the fastest. The key to growing a strong business is to develop leaders within these core cities.

      I continually repeated this objective as I traveled around the country building both friends and leaders simultaneously. I realized the more I traveled back to the same area the better the relationships evolved and the quicker my leaders were developing other leaders. My leaders were then able to send other leaders to new locations to develop other core cities. This is the most amazing concept that I have ever seen in network marketing.

      When you have other leaders who teach and support your style of leadership, those leaders will continue to develop where you leave off. This did not happen in my first company. The leaders used two different styles-leading with the business and leading with the product. Leading with the business includes asking business questions such as the following: “Are you opened to a business opportunity?” “Do you want to make extra money?” or “Have you ever considered having a home-based business?” Leading with the product includes asking health-related questions such as the following: “Do you supplement?” “How much do you spend on your supplements?” “Are you looking for a natural way?” “Do you need more energy?” and “Are you looking to lose weight?” Through the upper management, the company promoted the style of leading with the business. This style was aimed more at the people who led with their head and pocket instead of being aimed at the people that led with the product and with their heart. The people, who led with the product and with their hearts, used personal stories of people who overcame health challenges with the different products that the company distributed. People attract like-minded people. If you are a person who leads with the business, you attract others who will lead with the business. If you are a person who leads with the product, you will attract others who will lead with the product and become very passionate.

      The company leadership disapproved of leading with the product and they shunned and belittled people who led with the product. The leadership said that leading with the product could not be duplicated. Because of this, the leadership drove away most of the nutritionally-minded clinicians and health people. The meetings and trainings for the company were too heavy with the business aspect. Typically, there was not enough information about the product presented at meetings. This was the major complaint from my guests because they were nutritionally-minded. They desired more information about the product at the meetings instead of information about the business.

      Another reason that I entered network marketing is I loved helping other people excel. First and foremost, because I am a nutritionist, it was only natural for me to get involved with a product-based business. The problem with leading your business with the product is most companies teach people to lead with the business. Let me explain why this is a problem. Although the people that lead with the business aspect of their company have a great product, their owner and leadership team teaches to lead with the business. If they do not follow the methods of their leadership, they are treated like black sheep. They believe that product leading is not reproducible, that is nonsense! Despite their belief, I became a three-star diamond with this style of recruiting.

      While working this network marketing business, I built eight core training cities around product-based people. The leadership came behind me and divided the allegiance of my people. The leadership did this by telling my people that they could make more money leading with the business aspect of the company instead of the product. Making more money equaled a better way or the right way to work your business.

      Little by little, the leadership entered into the core training cities that I had built from the ground level, talked with everyone and tore those cities apart. After eight years with this company where I was constantly rebuilding what was being torn down, I lost my way and went into neutral. After coasting for a couple of years, my network fell apart. Over this two-year period, my income went from $5,500 a month to $1,500 a month, and I went further into debt. My wife had to go from working part-time to working full-time, and everything began collapsing. Once that started occurring, my income could no longer sustain my family and I went further into debt. This is when I started praying and looking for another opportunity. Within six months, I was introduced to a new company with an amazing product by placing a phone call to a long-time friend and patient.

      I was first introduced to my current company by my friend that could be classified as a MLM junkie. He had never seen a MLM that he did not like. He has been enrolled in more than 100 MLM companies. One day, when we were having a conversation by phone, he began talking to me about his health condition that I had tried unsuccessfully to treat for five to ten years. His health condition that I had not successfully treated was pre-cancerous skin tags on his face and scalp. As we talked, I was amaze to learn that those skin tags were gone! Not only were the skin tags gone, but the scabs that he picked at were also gone.

      After revealing that information to me, my friend began telling me about the product that he was taking when those skin tags disappeared. This product came from a tree and was available as a drink in a can. By drinking one can of this product a day, his skin tags were gone along with other health issues. Obviously, I wanted to know more. He shared with me that his product was organic, OK organic certified (the highest organic certification in the world), the only none-pasteurized drink available, and the most nutritious drink on the planet.

      I told my friend that I needed some product to try. After he told me that he would get me some product, he did the best thing possible by connecting me to his sponsor. Once my friend provided more information about the company, he disappeared. Since he would not even return my calls, I signed into the business on my own. This is where it all started with me. God used a broken man to show me the answer to my prayers and to start me on the next phase of my life.

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