Thrival from Ordinary to Extraordinary. Mark Mandela

Thrival from Ordinary to Extraordinary - Mark Mandela

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is a key to my success. One way to develop that momentum in your business is to take the following concept and replicate it throughout your organization.


      One of the fastest ways to create success within your organization is to schedule a very small party that can be scheduled without much thought. I call this the 3-4-15 party process. The 3 is for inviting 3 friends (can be 3-6 people but no more) to your house. This three friends should be people whom you can see doing the business with you. Once you have them there, you will show them 4 products and let them sample at least one of them. This process should take around 15 minutes (3, 4, 15—3 people, 4 products, and a 15 minute presentation). If you cannot see yourself doing this small gathering, do not worry, your sponsor will be there to help you. After you have finished showing these products it is a perfect time to share some stories about people who have had wonderful results with the product and/or business. After the presentation is over, you can ask if anyone is interested in learn more about the business. If someone says yes, your leader who helped you with the party will take those interested into another room while you continue socializing. At the end you can have another leader close out the meeting over the phone. This should not take more than 5 minutes.

      It is very important to book a meeting from this meeting. This is how Tupperware, Mary Kay and Avon grew in their beginning. Make sure you give something to your guests and a special gift for the one giving the party. Make sure the people at the party see you give the host or hostess their gift, this is very important! Remember the Four Fs-FREE, FUN, FRIENDS, and FELLOWSHIP is the way to get them to come!

      Clue 7: Everyone needs a sparring partner or accountability partner.

      Each day it is important to be close to someone that is better than you are. In addition, you need to be training someone who has less knowledge and skills than you do. When you are able to teach someone who is not as skilled as you are, you also will grow. As the Operator (one of my nicknames for Tamara) told me, “You will know that I understand it when I can teach it to someone else.” The problem she had was she was a fourth grade teacher so she could teach fourth graders but she asked me how she would be able to teach adults. I told her I teach on a fourth grade level and she does not have to change her style, just her topic.

      Remember two things-learn from someone who is already teaching your new subject, someone who is more knowledgeable and skilled than you, and you need to turn around and do the same thing with someone less knowledgeable and skilled than you.

      CLUE 8: When you teach someone with less knowledge and skill than you have, you will grow, too!

      CLUE 9: High expectations with little work are false expectations.

      Many people have false expectations when they enter into a network marketing company. This is because they have heard so many stories about people who became so successful very quickly. However, this is not normal. Instead, it takes most people twelve to twenty-four months before they can be successful. This success comes after much hard work. If you are willing to invest the time and energy over a short period of time, then you, too, can be one of these rapid success stories. But, just like in anything else, time plus energy equals success. Time and energy combined over a short period of time equals rapid success.

      CLUE 10: Network marketing is not a “get rich quick” scheme. It takes time and energy to obtain success.

      Expectation in MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) is an interesting proposition. Many people who join a networking company have high expectations. This would not be bad except that most people believe that this is a “get rich quick” business. This could not be further from the truth. Like a farmer working his farm with his blood, sweat, and tears, this business is built the same way with blood, sweat and tears.

      CLUE 11: Follow wise counsel to increase your success.

      Just as in any business, you need proper instruction in order to make your business more successful. Listening to good counsel makes all the difference in the world when you embark on your new business. False hope will create a lot of disappointment; but if you are properly trained, your disappointment is much less because you understand that timing is everything. A favorite saying of mine that helps to eliminate disappointment is, “You can join me now, or you can join me later, but you will join me.” I believe so much in what I have that I believe that one day someone you know will need what I have.

      Being prudent with my business allows me to apply my learning within my group and teach it to others. Each day is a new day and realizing the possibilities is endless. Today is the day that I will meet someone like myself who will change my business forever. It is this belief that gives hope to so many people within this industry.

      CLUE 12: Talk more!

      There are so many people who do not talk to enough people about their business. If a farmer does not till the land and scatter enough seed, than his expectations are small. Why is it the opposite in network marketing? So many people do very little preparing and propagating yet they still have such great expectations. Those that scatter much will have great gain; those that withhold their seed (business) will live in poverty.

      CLUE 13: Guard your thoughts.

      Today, there are so many broke, busted and disgusted people that this is the normal mentality. If you try to build a business with this negative mentality, you will never succeed. Being around positive people who are working toward a successful business is critical. Our minds are filled with stinkin’ thinkin’ that must be replaced if we are going to succeed.

      CLUE 14: Share.

      As we learn and share this learning with others, we grow and our business grows; this is the beginning of a successful networker. As we progress in our understanding of what makes a good leader, we begin to evolve. This process takes time and only comes through experience. This experience cannot be bypassed. This experience is invaluable.

      CLUE 15: Together we do it better.

      As you lock hands with your team, you realize that you can achieve more than you ever dreamed possible. Things that you had difficulty achieving before become much easier. Discretion becomes a part of who you are. Things that you used to think about become a natural reflex as you lead your team. You have become a confident, courageous leader who is willing to sacrifice self so others might excel. This is the sign of a true leader. This is the type of a person who develops great loyalty within their team. If you lead in truth and your motives are pure, your team will be inspired to go anywhere with you. I cannot explain what this feels like all I can say is there is nothing like it, WOW!!

      Hear what I have to say, follow the instruction of a wise and successful person (mentor) and you, too, will become as them. There is safety in the multitude of wise counsel. Find it and follow it and it will bring success to you!

      Once you understand the secrets and clues of network marketing, the following song by Don Black will resonate with you.

      Born Free

      Andy Williams

      Words by Don Black and Music by John Barry

      Born free, as free as the wind blows

      As free as the grass grows

      Born free to follow your heart

      Live free and beauty surrounds you

      The world still astounds you

      Each time you look at a star

      Stay free, where no walls divide you

      You're free as the roaring tide

      So there's no need to hide

      Born free, and life is worth living

      But only worth living

      'cause you're born free

      (Stay free, where no walls divide you)

      You're free as the roaring tide


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