Thrival from Ordinary to Extraordinary. Mark Mandela

Thrival from Ordinary to Extraordinary - Mark Mandela

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it until you receive it, but once you have experienced it and lived by using that residual income that has grown exponentially, you will never forget what residual income can do for your family, finances, and freedom, and you will always desire it. Just as show business is addictive, so is residual income! Do your due diligence, find a company and a seasoned network marketer who is doing well, and stay close. Success leaves clues, so follow the clues!

      Clue 1: See the Truth in Network Marketing

      If only Alice would have had someone there in Wonderland with her who knew the way, it would have been much easier for her to traverse. Her wonderland would have had a lot less tribulation. When we bring a new person into our wonderland of networking, our job is to help them travel through the wonderland of network marketing easier.

      Finding and seeing the invisible things will help minimize the hurt that comes along with our new business. Blindness is a serious disability both in life and in business. This is where a good leader takes over and guides a new marketer through the maze of this wonderland. A new marketer left alone will suffer many undue hardships. These hardships will invariably lead to many mistakes and much frustration that will severely hinder fast growth.

      Bringing a new person up to speed is essential in developing leadership that will replicate throughout your organization quickly! However, you must remember not to push too early and too much, or they will pull back and that will bring your development to a screeching halt. Take the time in the beginning to develop a friendship (people like doing business with friends) and in the long run, you both will go much further. Remember, new people are blind to this new business and it will take a little time for them to feel their way, so do not be too pushy; instead, mix business with pleasure!

      What you can see will amaze you as you look at network marketing. When you see it, you will believe it. That is how Missouri got its nickname, The Show-Me State. It is our job to show people our product and company. If we do not show them, how will they know? In the company that I am in, the product compels you to show. This is how my team has grown so fast. My team shares more than other teams, which has allowed my team to grow faster than most of the other teams within this company.

      Clue 2: See the Importance of Trust

      Trust is everything is this business. If you do not trust in God, your business partners, and your mate, you will fail miserably. If you do not trust, your faith will wane and you will give up on anything you attempt to do. This is very relevant in network marketing. Trust and follow a trustworthy leader and your path will be illuminated and your way will be easy.

      Trusting in the product and the company in network marketing is critical. If you do not trust the owner of the company to always produce a high-quality product, that relationship will end quickly. Trust builds your belief, confidence, and commitment to whatever you do. Without trust, you lose your enthusiasm, your spirit, and your ability to convince others that what you have is very special. If people do not trust the ones they work for to pay them on time, or to follow through on promises, that relationship is doomed for failure. If you trust and believe in the leadership that is before you, that relationship will go through “thick-n-thin” together. That is what long-term relationships are all about. In my opinion, trust and belief go together like peanut butter and jelly; they are just not the same by themselves.

      Clue 3: See the Power of Systems

      When building a large network, it is critical to have systems in place that people can use to increase their development. Not only does having and using systems quicken their development, but also it allows them to leverage themselves and their team. These systems allow the serious people to do their due diligence and develop on their own. It allows the new person to develop more quickly. Many people do not like to bother other people; instead, they prefer to do things themselves. Having systems provided by the company such as conference calls, training calls, meetings, automated calls, etc., in place allows people to learn at their own pace as well as plug their prospects into the systems at any time. This creates a more rapid success!

      Look at one of the most successful franchises, McDonalds. McDonalds requires their new owners go through intensive training in their systems. These tried-and-true systems allow them to produce the same level of success at all of their locations. Not only does it produce success, it also minimizes problems. Business is about minimizing problems and replicating success. Minimizing problems and applying systems that are more productive is very satisfying to the employees as well as to the owner. If your system has been tried and proven, everyone is happy. If you have a proven system to success, you are more likely to create a happier environment. It is a win-win situation!

      CLUE 4: If you help enough people achieve their dreams, your dream will come true.

      The hardest thing to do in today’s society is help people dream again. Most people have stopped dreaming so it is very difficult to help them find their dream. One of the most important things that I do is to get people dreaming again. When you can help them to become successful in network marketing, they start dreaming again. This transition now allows me to raise their belief and desire. Now I have a business associate with which to work. Once this person starts to achieve on a local level, they now can see themselves achieving at the national and global level. This must happen in order to help them achieve their dreams. Network marketing has given me my dreams back and has allowed me to get other people dreaming again. Without this amazing vehicle, people have no hope and they stop dreaming.

      CLUE 5: If you can dream, you can believe and if you believe, you will achieve.

      You can lead people to a hobby business or a global business. I do not want a mom-n-pop neighborhood business. I want to see the world. I have places to go and people to see. I want to enjoy this great country with my business friends who have become my family. They count on me to help them achieve their dreams and this is what I love to do. It is another win-win situation.

      Be yourself, enjoy what you do, and you will do it repeatedly. Make it a labor of love and you will love what you do. If you surround yourself with friends who really care about you, when you do make it to the top, they will be the main reasons for your success. When they make it to the top, your friends will surround you.

      How do you win friends on your way to the top? Find a coach-no, find a successful and inspiring mentor with which to connect. Once you have connected, you have someone with which to be accountable, someone who you do not want to disappoint. Accountability is an attribute lacking in many people’s lives.

      Every morning if you are taught by one who inspires you, one who makes you perspire, that is a perfect formula for success. If you desire to excel in life, you must know how to get to the super highway in life, get on it, and know how to get into the fast lane and stay there. You must also know how to maintain that speed. The autobahn highway in Germany does not have a speed limit and the MLM industry is the same.

      If you follow someone who is very experienced on these roads, you will find that the fastest way to learn is to stay close to that individual. It is just as easy to start your business quickly as it is to start it slowly.

      CLUE 6: Build with speed so you will never go slowly and speed will be a normal way of life.

      Run; do not walk into your new future. When you go sailing and the winds are blowing, you do not take your time setting your sail. If you do, you will miss some great opportunities to go further and faster if you capitalize on those winds. It takes the same amount of energy to build slowly as it does to build quickly.

      The angle from which you decide to launch your business makes all the difference in the ability to develop momentum in your business. Momentum is when an object goes into motion. It is when the wind gets under your wings and allows you to rise to higher levels more easily. The momentum must be used and not taken for granted. Use it or lose it is how that works. The ability to get your business into motion to create momentum is a key to success. The sooner you get your business able to overcome inertia, the less energy it takes to keep that business in motion. I know many people who have not achieved the level of success in three years of working their business that I have accomplished in one year of working

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