The Lighter Side of Breast Cancer Recovery: Lessons Learned Along the Path to Healing. Tammy Inc. Miller
The Lighter Side of
Breast Cancer Recovery:
Lessons Learned
Along the Path to Healing
Tammy A. Miller
From professional clown to breast cancer survivor, this is the story of one woman’s journey while looking for the lighter side of breast cancer recovery.
“When your heart over-flows, so do your eyes. Whether it is happiness or sadness, they both work the same.”
Contributed by Humor Team member,
Christina Guyer
Dear Lord,
Please use me
this day
beyond my
wildest dreams
This book is dedicated to all the
special people who have
crossed my path and
touched my life.
The Lighter Side of
Breast Cancer
Lessons Learned Along the
Path to Healing
Tammy A. Miller
Electronic ISBN-13 978-0-9701379-9-9
Paperback ISBN-13 978-0-9884255-0-7
Lighthearted Press
Tammy Speaks, LLC
Copyright© Tammy A. Miller
2012, 2006, 2004
All rights reserved
This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without expressed written permission of the author
For information, please contact:
Tammy A. Miller
Web Site:
(814) 360-4031
Cover Photos by Tiffany Dawn Earnest©
Tiffany Dawn Designs
Published in eBook format by Lighthearted Press
Converted by
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The Lighter Side of Breast Cancer Recovery:
Lessons Learned Along the Path to Healing
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What people are saying about The Lighter Side of Breast Cancer Recovery and the Author…..
“My mom rocks!”
--Tiffany D. Earnest, Nashville, TN
“Yeah, that’s my Mom, the author, and I am very proud!!!”
-- Lacey Earnest, Altoona, PA
“When I need inspiration I call Tammy. She is truly the light of my life, and my favorite daughter – and her brothers know it! My favorite quote is, “Life is uncertain - eat dessert first”. In the pages of this book, Tammy exemplifies embracing each day, in fact, each moment and I am very proud to be her M.O.M.”
-- Mom On a Mission. -- Ruth G. Miller, MOM
“Tammy is one of the most caring people that I know. One of my favorite quotes is “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”. This quote is the very nature of Tammy - something you will readily see for yourself after reading this book. Even through her own personal journey with breast cancer, she was reaching out to others. This book is a tribute to how she opens her heart and is constantly giving to those around her. Walking down this path with Tammy, and watching how she handled the situation, has taught me more about caring for others. Through this journey, Tammy has helped me more than I could have possibly helped her - she is a very special person!”
-- Mary Rogers, aka the “Pinkie Swear” friend
“What a blessing The Lighter Side of Breast Cancer Recovery is to people dealing with life challenges. I have given several copies of her books to people in my life facing a variety of difficulties, and each has learned more about the value of humor in the healing process. You can’t help but be blessed by the book you now hold in your hands.”
-- Anita Thies
“Warm, inspiring, and informative. Tammy shares valuable lessons from her cancer recovery that will help anyone facing this difficult journey, or any other medical crisis or challenge.”
-- Bruce Einfalt
“Tammy Miller has the unique ability to find sunshine in a galaxy of black holes. Actually, Tammy IS the sunshine. With so much pain and anxiety in this world, how refreshing to know she has the allure to make us laugh (even guffaw) at life’s twists and turns. Tammy’s version of finding the lighter side of breast cancer proves that life is worth living, loving and laughing.”
-- Sharon A. Hill, President,
Sharon Hill International,
“THANK YOU for a great presentation. I thought it was a great day and was so glad to have finally met you!!!! I am laughing as I write this – thanks for the reminder.”
-- Pat McGettigan, MS, The Wellness Community
“I really feel that Tammy is a true Angel placed on earth for the purpose of helping people. One way Tammy shows this is in her book, which I recommend highly to anyone. In her book you will see the way Tammy looks at the world and her way of dealing with a difficult situation, that being with a smile on her face and the joy of laughter. She showed me that you can’t change what’s happening you can only change the way you handle the situation. She was there for me in every way from recommending her doctor (she even contacted him about me), answering any questions I had, supplying me with a clown noses for my visits, surprising me prior to my surgery with clown noses and kazoo’s in hand and the list goes on. Wonderful book, story and person!”
-- Linda Scerbo
“After reading Tammy’s book, I came away with a different view on going through breast cancer (I wish I could have read it before going through my breast cancer treatment). Tammy is a wonderful author, a hilarious clown, and a friend. She has inspired me in more ways than one.”
-- Phyllis Shehan
“This book is a “must have” for anyone who encounters any type of cancer (or other disease). It not only gives you a peek into the heart and mind of a patient, but it is also an awesome resource. It offers pertinent medical questions for you to use when your mind is too overloaded to even think past your diagnosis and it is like having your homework done for you.”
--Toni Parker, Radiation Therapist, CMD, Mount Nittany Medical
"I never tire of Tammy's unique perspective on