The Lighter Side of Breast Cancer Recovery: Lessons Learned Along the Path to Healing. Tammy Inc. Miller
Thank you for sharing your talents and helping us all how to lighten up a little (or a lot in some cases). I am so glad that I finally met you and I enjoyed every moment!”
-- Deb Ross
"Tammy Miller is blessed with many talents. When faced with adversity here motto is, "When life gives you pink clown noses, wear them proudly, because some people have no clown noses at all." She inspires masses with her wit.”
-- John Poorman, Author,
“Tammy knows how to live! She creates her own G force that blew me away. Fun, bubbly, exciting, charismatic, a real can do lady. Whatever it was that was needed Tammy accommodated and hey, she has leopard print seats in her sports car! Tammy you rock.
-- Olivia Schofield, Top Woman Speaker, World Championship of
Public Speaking 2011.
There are so many people who worked to make this book happen and it is a blessing that you now hold in your hand the third edition of this publication.
This book has my name on the front cover, but it is truly God’s project. Thank you Lord for the wonderful blessings that have accompanied this book, and the fantastic people I have met along the path. Always keep me mindful of Proverbs 3: 5-6 on this great adventure of life!
To my beautiful daughters, Lacey and Tiffany. You are two of the most incredible young women. Trust in the Lord and believe in yourself on your own great adventures! We have been through a lot together, but God has provided us with so many blessings, and always brings us through to the sunshine. I love you more than you could possibly know!
To my mother, Ruth, or should I say M.O.M. (Mom on a Mission). You are my biggest cheerleader and I love you! You are one fantastic woman - thank you!
To my father, Jim, my brothers, Jim and Mike, Angie, Art Wismer, and other family members who were there to support me along the way. There is really no way that words on a page could express how much gratitude I have for all of you for everything you have done for me. From love when I needed it most, to understanding and support on the great days, and less than great days, to your financial assistance to make this book happen. Each day I thank God for giving me your loving presence. You are the greatest - I thank you all and love you!
To my dear, “pinky swear” friend, Mary. Mary, we both know your Mom and God worked out quite a plan to bring us together in this crazy world of clowning! I thank God each day for you and the blessings you have brought to my life. You truly are an “Angel”. I love it when a plan comes together!
Each day I am thankful for all of my wonderful friends. You were there when I needed you most with support, love, food, and even snow shoveling when I was unable to do it! Thank you for looking for the brightest side of everything as we walked along the path together! To all of you - I thank you.
To Aaron Bleznak for saving my life. You went above and beyond “your job” to show compassion and concern for me as your patient, and now, my friend. In the words of one of your favorite philosophers, Peter Parker, “With power comes great responsibility”. I thank you for taking on the responsibility to help breast cancer patients, and for being there when I needed you the most along my path to healing.
To all the people who prayed for me as I traveled on this journey. Thank you for keeping me lifted in prayer through the big concerns as well as the “teeny-tiny” concerns! Our God truly is an AWESOME God – thank you for your love!
To all of the wonderful healthcare providers that God placed on my path. This may be your “job”, but the love and compassion that you showed went far beyond the job and was so greatly appreciated. Thank you for making this journey more bearable!
To Sandie Biddle (Flying Pig Creative Services) and Linda Young (EagleEye Editors) for their wonderful editing efforts. If there are any errors in this book, they are clearly from the sections I did – you two are awesome!!!
To Ryan and Bo and the great staff at EBookit !! These guys are GREAT! Check them out for printing, publishing, electronic formats, conversion, distribution, etc.
I felt honored when Tammy Miller asked me to compose a forward to the newest edition of her book, The Lighter Side of Breast Cancer Recovery. After all, I have recommended and loaned my copies to numerous patients, friends and relatives so I thought that this chore would be a breeze. How difficult can it be to advocate for a book in which one (except for the comment about being “a little uptight”-possibly a prerequisite for being a surgeon) is portrayed in such a flattering light. However, as I tossed out draft after draft, I came to the realization that this is not such an easy task after all.
I have decided to explain why I choose to recommend this “story” to my patients and friends who have been diagnosed with breast and other malignancies when there are a multitude of books, some written by or in conjunction with physicians or other care providers, which might cover the medical aspects of cancer more thoroughly and concisely. The Lighter Side of Breast Cancer Recovery is an unedited, unadulterated memoir of one woman’s experience with this common condition. I believe that the descriptions of the medical procedures, interventions, and decision-making are largely correct, but I have not suggested any significant revisions since that might destroy the character of the book, and that is what makes it a valuable resource. It is the voice of Tammy Miller that, in my opinion, most benefits the readers.
The medical “science” with which we diagnose and treat breast cancer constantly changes as new drugs and devices are invented, newer ways to image breast cancer are developed, and clinical trials come to fruition and lend their results to our armamentarium of treatment options. In the 11+ years since Tammy was diagnosed with breast cancer, we have added diagnostic tools such as digital mammography and breast MRI and treatment options such as Herceptin, aromatase inhibitors, and partial breast irradiation. We now have genetic tests that can be performed on tumors to better predict both prognosis and response to specific treatments. If Tammy was to be diagnosed with a second breast cancer tomorrow, her treatment would almost certainly be significantly different than the, at that time, “cutting edge” therapy we offered her in 2001.
But although the science evolves, the way that people can best respond to dealing with the adversity that is cancer is relatively constant. The medications and treatments may change, but the power of the mind and attitude in healing does not. The Lighter Side of Breast Cancer Recovery provides an excellent blueprint for women trying to cope with this diagnosis. Tammy’s story, chronicled within these pages, and her 20 lessons illustrate what I believe to be optimal combinations of optimism and realism, proactivism and cooperation, skepticism and trust, humor and gravity with which we can best fight serious health conditions such as breast cancer. In my career I have unfortunately witnessed both men and women unable to continue to “live their lives” while battling malignancies. They have succumbed to panic, refused to be educated or educate themselves, ignored their malignancies and allowed them to progress beyond what medical science can treat, or lost themselves in depressions to the extent that even an excellent medical outcome for the cancer failed to return them to the life they had prior to their diagnosis.
Fortunately, this is not the norm for my patients. But I truly believe that the ranks of those who cope well with the changes in their lives wrought by breast and other cancers are swelled by those who have been helped by Tammy’s book and her lectures. I strongly encourage you to add this book to your reading list as you educate yourself about breast cancer.
Aaron D. Bleznak, MD, FACS
Vice President & Senior Medical Director-Specialty Services
Sentara Healthcare/Sentara Medical Group
20 Lessons Learned Along the Path