Special Counter Intelligence in WW2 Europe. Keith Ellison

Special Counter Intelligence in WW2 Europe - Keith Ellison

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      19000 Representative handling 19-Land Denmark

      21000 Representative handling 21-Land Finland

      22000 Atlantic Islands (including the UK)

      22116 Azores*

      22500 Czechoslovakia

      22600 Yugoslavia (old symbol as at late 1946)

      22500 England/GB Counter-Intelligence

      22850 MI6 Section IX Officer Harry Steptoe

      23000 Representative handling 23-Land Spain [or Toulouse*]

      23500 Madrid*

      24000 Representative handling 24-Land Portugal

      27000 Representative handling 27-Land France

      29000 Representative handling 29-Land Czechoslovakia

      31000 Latvia*

      32000 Representative handling 32-Land Italy

      32700/V Captain Dawson, Vatican

      33000 Representative handling 33-Land Holland

      35000 Representative handling 35-Land Jugoslavia/Yugoslavia

      36000 Representative handling 36-Land Sweden

      37000 Representative handling 37-Land Japan

      38000 Representative handling 38-Land Poland

      41000 Representative handling 41-Land Greece

      42000 Representative handling 42-Land Switzerland

      43000 Estonia

      44000 Representative handling 44-Land Austria

      45000 Representative handling 45-Land France

      48000 Representative handling 48-Land USA

      49000 Representative handling 49-Land Malta

      51000 Representative handling 51-Land Morocco and Tangier

      from Gibraltar

      52000 North Africa

      53000 Abyssinia

      56000 Representative handling 56-Land North Africa/Tangier

      57000 Lubigo (Angola)

      58000 East Africa

      58300 (PEA) [58-Land Portuguese East Africa/Kenya]

      59000 West Africa

      75000 Representative handling 75-Land South America

      82000 Iraq

      83000 Iran

      86000 Middle East (HQ)

      87000 Lebanon

      88000 Representative handling 88-Land Palestine &


      89000 Representative handling 89-Land League of Nations

      subsequently ME/Middle East

      89000 may also be Alexander [cryptonym] otherwise Lt Col

      J P O Shelley SOE

      89700 symbol for Lt Col Rodney O Dennys as at July 1945, based

      Cairo, then Germany

      92000 Italy (new symbol as at late 1946)

      93000 Norway*

      95000 Representative handling 95-Land Russia/USSR

      99000 Wartime MI6 agents in Norway, Denmark, Holland,

      Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal

      34800 - shown as Allied Agent reports in summary listing of

      CX/letter/letter bigram/digraph indicators used to identify

      sigint product from GC & CS. Indicators originally

      introduced to simulate SIS agent/source reporting and

      disguise fact that source was cryptographic. The CX/MSS

      classification on any series of reports denotes intelligence

      derived from decrypts of German Army and Air Force

      high-grade machine traffic (Enigma).)

      * Indicates Station code numbers reported in an SIS Station Code Book reproduced in “The Secret Wireless War”, by Geoffrey Pidgeon, p 359, UPSO, 2003. The last entry was made in July 1940.

      Most other entries in the above list come from the UK’s National Archives website http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/ and is Crown copyright, reproduced in accordance with the Open Government Licence for Public Sector Information see http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3/.

      Specialist Terms, Codenames And Abbreviations

       A Force. British military organization responsible for planning

      and implementing deception in the Mediterranean theatre.

      AAI. Allied Armies in Italy - The Allied army group in Italy from

      March to December 1944.

      Abt I/II/III Abteilung. Each a section of the Abwehr

      responsible for espionage (I), sabotage (II), and counter-

      espionage (III), respectively.

      Abwehr. Amt Ausland/Abwehr im Oberkommando

      der Wehrmacht - The espionage service of the Oberkommando

      der Wehrmacht (OKW).

      Abwehrleitstelle. Alst - Main branch office administering more

      than one Ast.

      Abwehrnebenstelle. NEST - Subsidiary branch of Abwehr.

      Abwehrstelle. Ast - A main Abwehr station, in home or occupied

      Territory, in Army Command area.

      AFHQ. Allied Force Headquarters - Allied command covering the

      central and western Mediterranean.

      AK. Abwehrkommando - Mobile Abwehr field units attached to

      army groups or armies. (See FAK)

      Alst. See Abwehrleitstelle.

      Amt VI. Foreign intelligence office of the RSHA.

      AMZON. American zone of Germany.

      ANCXF. Allied Naval Command, “X” Force - Intelligence/

      deception body for Allied Naval Command.

      Ast. See Abwehrstelle.

      AZUSA. OSS/SSU designation of atomic energy information

      (OSS also used codeword RAMONA).

      B Branch/B Division. The counter-intelligence section of MI5.

      B1a. Double agent section of MI5 B Division.

      B1b. ISOS analysis section of MI5 B Division.

      B Section. Counter-intelligence section of ISLD.

      BCRA. Bureau Centrale de Renseignement et d’Action, French

      Gaullist intelligence and operational services to 1944.

      Bletchley Park. SIGINT organization (see GC&CS) controlled

      by MI6.


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