Special Counter Intelligence in WW2 Europe. Keith Ellison

Special Counter Intelligence in WW2 Europe - Keith Ellison

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A CEA used either for tactical or strategic


      BMA. Bureau des Menées Anti-Nationales, Vichy Military CI.

      BRASS. 2nd British Army.

      Broadway. British Intelligence (MI6 Headquarters).

      BRONZE. 102 SCIU with 1st Canadian Army.

      BSM. Bureau de Sécurité Militaire, French Military Security.

      BULLION. 21 AG in Belgium.

      C. The head of MI6, also CSS.

      CEA. Controlled Enemy Agent.

      Centrale. Enemy radio base station which corresponds with

      a CEA.

      Chicken Feed. True information passed to the enemy in an

      effort to build up the credibility of a double agent.

      CIB. SHAEF Counter-Intelligence Branch, part of G-2.

      CIC. Counter Intelligence Corps (US) .

      CICI. Combined Intelligence Centre Iraq.

      Cinquième Bureau. 5th Bureau, created in wartime, combined

      all French military intelligence agencies.

      CRUSADE. Codename for MI6(V) at Ryder St, London.

      CSDIC. Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Centre.

      D Measure. Order to execute someone immediately

      (French usage).

      DESPOT. The term for a CEA used for penetration but not

      for tactical or strategic deception. An earlier definition was “Any

      agent controlled by [ the Allies] whose function is to deceive

      the enemy. This will cover agents planted by [the Allies] on

      the enemy as well as enemy agents [they] turn around, and

      will be used irrespective of the means employed (e.g. W/T

      or direct contacts)”.

      Deuxième Bureau. 2nd Bureau, Overall French Military

      Intelligence Directorate, G-2 equivalent.

      D/F’ing. Radio Direction Finding (used to track illicit


      DGER. Direction Générale des Études et Recherches, French

      Intelligence Directorate.

      DGSS. Direction Générale des Services Spéciaux, 1944 merged

      BCRA and French traditional service.

      DIVER. Codename for a DA, an Allied agent who penetrated

      enemy Intelligence Services by physical contact.

      DMI. Director of Military Intelligence.

      DMO. Director of Military Operations.

      DSM. Direction de Sécurité Militaire, French Military Security

      Directorate formed 1943 by Gen Giraud in North Africa.

      DSO. Defence Security Office / Officer, representatives of

      MI5 in British overseas possessions, and some neutral


      DST. Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire, replaced

      French ST in 1944.

      ETO. European Theater of Operations.

       ETOUSA. European Theater of Operations US Army.

      FAK. Frontaufklärungskommando. Mobile Abwehr field units

      attached to army groups or armies. (See AK)

      FAT. Frontaufklärungstrupp. Mobile Abwehr field units which

      are subordinate to a FAK. Formerly Abwehrtruppen.

      FFI. Forces Franҫaises de l'Intérieur (Free French Military


      FHO. Fremde Heere Ost (Foreign Armies East). Intelligence

      analysis section of the General Staff of the German Army, with

      responsibility for the Eastern Front.

      FHW. Fremde Heere West (Foreign Armies West). Intelligence

      analysis section of the General Staff of the German Army, with

      responsibility for all European fronts other than the Eastern


      Foodstuff. See Chicken Feed.

      Forty Committees. See Thirty Committees.

      FSP/FSS. Field Security Police/Section, Counter-Intelligence

      and security force of Intelligence Corps personnel; CIC

      equivalent in British Army.

      FUSAG. First US Army Group, later known as 12 AG.

      G-2/GSO(I). Military Intelligence staff (US/British).

      G-5. Civil Affairs, U.S. Army

      GALVESTON. Codename for Dudley Clarke, head of ‘A' Force;

      sometimes used to denote the organization as a whole.

      GC&CS. Government Code and Cypher School, aka Bletchley


      GHQ. General Headquarters. Middle East. Based in Cairo.

      GIS. German Intelligence Service.

      I(b). British Military Staff for CI matters.

      Ic. German staff officer responsible for operational intelligence.

      I/H – I/L – I/M. Sections of Abwehr Abteilung I responsible for

      army (I/H), Air force (I/L), and naval intelligence (I/M),


      ISBA. “Intelligence Service, British Agents”; name for sub-series

      of ISOS whose distribution was restricted by Lt Col Cowgill,


      ISLD. Inter-Services Liaison Department. The local guise of MI6

      in the Mediterranean and Middle East.

      ISSB. Inter-Services Security Board.

      ISK. Intelligence Service Knox. Named after Dillwyn Knox, the

      intelligence product from breaking Abwehr machine ciphers.

      ISOS. Intelligence Service Oliver Strachey. Intelligence product

      derived from breaking Abwehr hand ciphers.

      JE-Land. X-2 codename for USSR.

      JIC. Joint Intelligence Committee. British cabinet sub-


      JPS. Joint Planning Staff.


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