The United Nations Conspiracy to Destroy America. Michael Benson

The United Nations Conspiracy to Destroy America - Michael Benson

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The United Nations CONSPIRACY to Destroy America

      The United Nations CONSPIRACY to Destroy America

      Michael Benson


      Kensington Publishing Corp.

      All copyrighted material within is Attributor Protected.

      To the memory of H. Paul Jeffers



      The Rose-Colored Glasses of Franklin Delano Roosevelt

      UNESCO: Pumping Up the Noise from the South

      Spies, Hypocrites, and Deadbeats

      International Baccalaureate Program

      UN Schemes to Tax Americans

      The Big Rip-off: Oil for Food

      Rape, Sex Slaves, and Pedophilia

      Nest of Thieves

      One-World Government

      Battles Lost

      Free Speech R.I.P.

      The Great Money Suck

      Bending the News

      The U.S. Ambassador the UN Hated

      Global Warming: The Big Lie

      Erasing the Holocaust

      The UN and War: Korea and Elsewhere

      The Obama Era


      About the Author

The United Nations CONSPIRACY to Destroy America


      The United Nations has got you fooled. No matter how smart you think you are, it’s got you hoodwinked. The UN is an organization existing on the down low, using the opiate of world peace as deep cover—exploiting media control to create a dreamy good-guy legend.

      It is, in actuality, an organization with a shocking agenda, more dangerous to the Free World than any terrorist group. This book tells you how and why the UN not only has failed to live up to its charter as a world peacekeeping organization and protector of human rights, but has become a breeding ground for conspiracies to undermine or destroy the United States. It also tells you how the UN has been infiltrated until dominated by representatives of enemy nations voting as a bloc in hopes that one day the Free World will crash and burn.

      It should change its name to the United Un-American Nations, so dedicated is it to slamming us and our way of life. Some would say the bottom line had a cynical tone, the United States was all out of friends.

      The United States may still have individual friends and admirers, but in a collective sense, we are friendless. Other nations are put off by U.S. domination. The United States is a rich and powerful nation, and the envious have turned bitter, causing America to be blamed for all the world’s problems.

      The UN was created to better humanity, and perhaps for a time it did. But those days, as this book proves point by point, are long gone. That idealistic notion has been downsized into blatant anti-Americanism, often originating from countries that owe their very existence to the United States.

      Take France, for example. Without the invasion at Normandy in 1944 and the subsequent liberation of France from Nazi rule, not just that country, but Europe and the world would be a much different—and worse—place.

      But only two generations later, when the United States calls for cooperation from France in matters of foreign policy, the French collectively make a sour face as if they’d just smelled something bad.

      The UN is now fully stocked with America’s sworn enemies who have used that forum to unite with anti-American fervor. On the floor of the UN, there are frequent mentions of “Yankee imperialism.”

      It’s an organization that has expelled the United States from its Human Rights Council while allowing Libya to maintain its membership. If it weren’t a situation bound to have tragic manifestations, it would play as a comedy.

      And the UN thrives, housed and sheltered securely on America’s hallowed soil. And that’s a sin. It was conceived as a neutral, global peacekeeping body. Now it overlooks the East River like America’s tombstone.

      The UN is corrupt. It’s been proven, as this book shows, again and again. Even before the current swell of anti-Americanism from the Third World, the real motives behind the UN and its dream of New World Order was hardly pristine. There is more interest in profit than ethics.

      Birth of the Monster

      It is about time that the truth be known! The UN betrayed the nation that empowered and protected it, allowing anti-American thieves and tyrants to corrupt its mandate and its operations.

      The international body that was formed with American leadership after World War II not only has failed to live up to its founding charter as a peacekeeping world organization and protector of human rights, but has become the breeding ground for conspiracies to undermine and destroy the U.S. economy in the interest of underdeveloped nations of the Third World, almost all of which are anti-American. You will discover that in the history of the UN corruption and intrigue are nothing new in those East Side halls.

      From the very beginning the UN was a home for dreamers and schemers.

      The UN was always supposed to be a spooky place, in the clandestine espionage sense—a shadowy world where many people, perhaps everyone, weren’t what they seemed. The powers that constructed it were old and heavily influenced by some of the world’s most powerful men and the near invisible world of secret societies. A checklist of UN behavior was frightening.

      The UN’s International Baccalaureate program teaches U.S. schoolchildren that they are citizens of the world and that love of country is evil. The UN is working to subject the U.S. Supreme Court to the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea would have limited the U.S. Navy’s freedom to roam the oceans to protect the United States and its allies, a treaty that was denounced in Congress as “an affront to American national sovereignty.” The UN is a body that has enabled bribery, embezzlement, and sex crimes under its banner. It has promoted socialism and globalization and provided a podium—a bloody soapbox—for such America haters as Cuba’s Fidel Castro, USSR’s Khrushchev, Middle East’s gun-toting Yasser Arafat, Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, and Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.


      America not only is harboring its own worst enemy, it is also financing it with taxpayer dollars. Our noses are rubbed in it as we bankroll our own downfall. Just as the peace love dove vacuole of the 1960s hippie movement birthed Charlie Manson and Helter Skelter, so the well-opiated UN birthed its own monster, its gift to the Free World, a demon of dogma slouching toward Bethlehem with the bloody wind of the Crusades at its back.

      The Rose-Colored Glasses of Franklin Delano Roosevelt

      A generation of Americans growing up during World War II often heard President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) on the radio. During those fireside chats he referred to the countries fighting the Germans and the Japanese not as “the Allies,” as newspaper and radio reporters did, but as the “United Nations.”

      Not long before he died in January 2010, World War II historian and superpatriot H. Paul Jeffers wrote of his impressionable boyhood during the postwar years. He recalled that when the UN was formally organized, he had a small blue-and-white United Nations flag tacked to his bedroom wall.


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