The United Nations Conspiracy to Destroy America. Michael Benson

The United Nations Conspiracy to Destroy America - Michael Benson

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Illuminati war profiteers.

      What was the endgame? As some saw it, the UN had new and unexpected difficulties with the Third World, but its goals remained the same as ever, to control the world, with one, white man, a king, head of the United Nations and with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), supported by a few billionaires, economists, and scientists. Followers of the new regime would be like pod people, and they would be called liberals. Those who did not get with the program would be enslaved.

      As others saw it, the goal was to make a buck without the whole world blowing up. And as the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 demonstrated, the Illuminati organization was willing to allow the world to slide dangerously close to that line, the line between profit and doom.

      UN Goals

      Most of the UN’s power hunger seemed to be global in nature. But did the UN (via the Illuminati overseers) really want to destroy the United States? Did the powers that be have a vision of America that didn’t involve freedom and liberty and everything else Americans held dear.

      According to the Jeremiah Project, the proof was in the pudding. They published a list of perceived UN goals based on real policies. That is they read between the lines of the UN Charter, then liberally interpreted its message.

      These goals included the following:

       Control of all zoning matters in the United States and control of our national parks, rivers, and historical sites

       Control over whether women are allowed to have babies

       Control over the economic and judicial policies of all nations

       Power to raise taxes at will to pay for UN programs, no matter the size of the budget or the corruption in the system

       Power to force U.S. soldiers to pledge allegiance to the UN

      No Comfort

      But just as the Illuminati was undone by the Nazis, so it appears to have been blindsided by the new enemy, the terrorists of radical Islam.

      So this is not a book about how the Illuminati control the world, although there is comfort in the thought—as long as we believe the group to be benevolent.

      Even alternative histories are dependent on logic. And the logical interpretation here is that the Illuminati is losing its grip on the world, largely because of desperate Third World resistance.

      Not all the revolt against Illuminati interests consisted of roadside bombs and underpants explosives. The enemy attacked the secret society close to home, at the UN. The attack came like a virus, wriggling through the capillaries of the UN.

      The Illuminati’s biggest fear in the twenty-first century is that the Islamic bloc will destroy the UN just as fascism killed the League of Nations. The only hope is that the current cancer is not as clever as were the fascists.

      While Hitler’s plans for global domination remained hidden for years behind the cool lies of his immediate disciples, the current menace commits acts of terrorism, openly targeting innocent women and children and screaming impossible demands at otherwise civilized UN meetings.

      Knights of Malta

      The Illuminati was not the only secret society that was said to have influenced the UN’s sordid history. Another was the Knights of Malta, a group that developed out of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem (the Knights Hospitallers) after a Turkish raid forced the Hospitallers to move from Crete to Malta. When other groups such as the Cathars and the Knights Templar were being eradicated by the Roman Church, the Knights of Malta avoided this by aligning themselves with the Church.

      As recently as the twentieth century, the Knights of Malta have been caught attempting coups. Two Knights of Malta were United States Directors of Central Intelligence, John McCone and William Casey.

      In the 1980s, an Italian Masonic Lodge infiltrated by Knights of Malta and run by Licio Gelli became what was called by historian Jim Marrs a “worldwide fascist conspiracy.” Gelli, Marrs wrote, was in cahoots with the Mafia, the Vatican Bank, and the CIA and was conspiring the overthrow of the Italian government.

      In modern times the Knights of Malta have aligned themselves with the UN, perhaps because the Knights are a cover for actual members of the Illuminati. It is not hard to imagine the Illuminati infiltrating the Knights, just as they had the upper echelon of the Freemasons to better disappear from view.

      Council on Foreign Relations

      Another layer of camouflage between the Illuminati and the UN was the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), “a nonprofit and nonpartisan membership organization dedicated to improving the understanding of U.S. foreign policy and international affairs through the exchange of ideas.” Or so they say. Who belonged to the CFR was not a secret, but what they do certainly was. The CFR published a list of its membership, but those on the council were required to take a pledge of silence regarding all CFR activities.

      The CFR had a history that paralleled the Illuminati power play of the twentieth century. The CFR was born as an outgrowth of meetings conducted during the final months of, and just after, World War I. The nature of the postwar world was the subject of these meetings that were set up by President Woodrow Wilson’s adviser Colonel Edward Mandell House. Out of these meetings came Wilson’s “fourteen points.” The points called for free and open trade between nations.

      Institute of International Affairs

      When the war ended, Wilson, House, and other influential men, including bankers Bernard Baruch and Paul Warburg, attended the peace conference in Paris. At the Majestic Hotel in Paris on May 30, 1919, there was formed the first attempt at a supranational organization, the Institute of International Affairs. Seen as a first step toward one global government, it was divided into two branches: one was headquartered in England and known as the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and one was in New York and called the CFR.

      The CFR took the name of a preexisting but nonpowerful group that had been meeting at a New York dinner club since 1918. The first president was John W. Davis, who was J. P. Morgan’s lawyer. This new CFR was incorporated on July 21, 1921. The bylaws of the organization stated that any member who discussed the activities of the CFR would immediately be kicked out.

      Northeastern Power Elite

      From the end of World War II until the present, the CFR has maintained its headquarters in New York City’s Harold Pratt House, which was donated to the CFR by the Rockefeller family’s Standard Oil (now known as Exxon). David Rockefeller joined the CFR before World War II and was elected vice president of the council in 1950.

      Membership was by invitation only and consisted of what is often referred to as the “northeastern power elite.” In the original rules, the CFR was supposed to limit its membership to 1,600 members, but in 2010 it was estimated that it had more than twice that many members.

      During the 1970s the CFR stopped being an exclusively white male organization, allowing a smattering of women and African Americans to join. Members of the CFR have included several U.S. secretaries of state, including Elihu Root, John Foster Dulles, and Christian Herter. Another is Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the Federal Reserve. Journalists who are also members of the CFR include Robert MacNeil, Jim Lehrer, and Dan Rather. All three were in or near Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963, at the time of Kennedy’s assassination.

      The CFR was so powerful that it often dictated U.S. foreign policy. And to believe one whistle-blower, the fix was in when it came to our democratic process.

      After a round of public criticism from conservative writers, former chairman of the CFR, David Rockefeller, was instrumental in the formation of a new and similar organization known as the Trilateral Commission.

      Council of Foreign Relations at the UN

      Which brings us to the CFR-created UN. Author Ralph Epperson notes that the first U.S. delegation to the UN, when it was headquartered in San Francisco, included forty-seven members of the CFR.

      Today’s funding for the CFR is said

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